2. Exception and Investigation Queues

Exception queues are a logical stage of the payment processing where the payments are made available for further investigation or exception processing. If any exception is encountered during processing, payment transactions are moved to a queue specific to the type of exception. Actions that can be performed on a payment that is pending in a queue are predefined. Transactions with exceptions, pertaining to your logged in Host only are listed in the Queues.

Below mentioned exception and investigation queues are supported in Oracle Banking Payments

S.No Payments Queue Queue Code
1 Authorization Limit 1 Queue AL
2 Authorization Limit 2 Queue   AL
3 Repair Queue TR
4 Business Override Queue BO
5 Processing Exception Queue PE
6 Processing Cutoff Queue PC
7 Sanction Check Queue SC
8 Exchange Rate Queue ER
9 ECA Queue EC
10 External Exchange Rate Queue EE
11 Network Cutoff Queue NC
12 EAC Queue EA
13 External Pricing Queue EP
14 Accounting Queue AC
15 Warehouse Queue FV
16 Sanction Review Queue SI
17 Network Resolution Queue NW
18 Clearing Return Queue CR
19 Settlement Review Queue SI


2.1 Payment Queues

2.1.1 Repair Queue

Usage of Repair Queues

A transaction is moved to Repair Queue if the exception is a modifiable error. Incoming transactions failed in processing for which return has to be processed are also logged in Repair Queue.

You can invoke “Repair Queue” screen by typing ‘PQSREPQU’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in Repair queue

Actions Functions
Repair This action enables you to modify the payment details and submit for re-processing. On completion of repair action, transaction is re-processed, starting from initial validations. Note: You are allowed to modify predefined list of fields each payment type.
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of payments. On cancel- lation, payment will be released from the queue. Authorization is supported. Cancellation is not supported for incoming pay­ments.
Return This action will help operators to return a domestic low value (ACH) incoming payment and Direct debit incoming payment which has incorrect references to the beneficiary customer, beneficiary bank or has got invalid customer/account status.
Authorize Cancel/Release/Carry Forward operation initiated by a user can be authorized by another user.
View Queue Actions Displays all queue activities performed for the selected trans­action.
View Trans- action You can view the selected transaction details.
Suppress This will be applicable for incoming payments only. When a transaction is suppressed, transaction status is updated as ‘Suppressed’ without passing any accounting entries. No fur­ther action is possible for suppressed transactions. Suppress is not applicable for Direct debits.
Delete Allows the user who initiated the action, to delete the action before authorization. Repair Fields

You can invoke “Repairable Fields” screen by typing ‘PQDREFLD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

Specify the following fields:


Specify any remarks, if any against the field that is likely to be repaired.

Repaired Value

Specify the value that was repaired. Repair Queue Action

You can invoke “Repair Queue Action” screen by typing ‘PQDVWQAC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar. Repair Queue Cancel

You can invoke “Repair Queue Cancel” screen by typing ‘PQDREPCN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

Specify the following fields:


Specify any remarks if required, prior to the cancellation of the record. Repair Queue Return

You can invoke “Repair Queue Return” screen by typing ‘PQDREPRT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

Specify the following fields:


Specify any remarks prior to the return of the record.

2.1.2 Business Override Queue

Payment transactions are logged in Business Override Queue if the exception encountered can be accepted or rejected by you based on a valid business reason.

You can invoke the ‘Business Override Queue’ screen by typing ‘PQSOVRQU’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria:

The following actions can be performed for transactions in Business Override queue

Actions Functions
Approve Approve a payment with overrides. The payment is released for further processing.
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of transaction. On can­cellation, transaction is cancelled and released from the queue. Authorization is supported.
Authorize Approve/Cancel operation initiated by a user can be author­ized by another user.
Carry For­ward User can manually move the transaction for processing on next working day.
Delete Allows the user who initiated the action, to delete the action before authorization.
View Queue Actions Displays all queue activities performed for the selected trans­action.
View Trans- action You can view the selected transaction details.


2.1.3 Authorization Limit 1 Queue

Highlights of Authorization Limit Queues


When Transfer Amount exceeds the authorization limit 1 amount configured in network currency preferences, an outgoing payment is moved to the Authorization Limit Level 1 Queue.

You can invoke the Authorization Limit Level 1 Queue Screen by typing ‘PQSAU1QU’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in Authorization Limit Level 1 queue

Actions Functions
Approve This option will enable the further processing of the transaction even if the amount exceeds authorization limit level 1. On the click of Approve button, you will be re-directed to a screen to enter necessary remarks. The transaction is released for fur­ther processing after you enter the required remarks and click the OK button.
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of payment. On cancella­tion, payment will be released from the queue.
Carry For­ward User can manually move the transaction for processing on next working day.
View Queue Displays all queue activities performed for the selected trans­action.
View Trans­action You can view the selected transaction details.


Actions from Authorization Limit 1 queue are authorized automatically.

2.1.4 Authorization Limit 2 Queue

Highlights of Authorization Limit Queues


You can invoke the Authorization Limit Level 2 Queue Screen by typing ‘PQSAU2QU’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in Authorization Limit Level 2 queue

Actions Functions
Approve This option will enable the further processing of the transaction even if the amount exceeds authorization limit level 2. On the click of Approve button, you will be re-directed to a screen to enter necessary remarks. The transaction is released from the queue for further processing after you enter the required remarks and click the OK button.
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of payment. On cancella­tion, payment will be released from the queue.
Carry For­ward User can manually move the transaction for processing on next working day.
View Queue Displays all queue activities performed for a transaction.
View Trans­action You can view the selected transaction details.


Actions from Authorization Limit 2 queue are authorized automatically.

2.1.5 Processing Cutoff Queue

Cut off time check is done if the payment value date is less than or equal to current date based on Process Cutoff Time maintained if the cutoff time has passed, then payment is moved to Processing cutoff queue.

You can invoke “Processing Cutoff Queue” screen by typing ‘PQSPRCUQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions are allowed in the Processing Cutoff Queue:

Actions Functions
Release Although transaction cut off is over, payment will be released for current day processing. Payment value date will remain as current date. Authorization will be supported for this action. Payments released from Post Cutoff queue will not undergo transaction cut-off time checks again
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of payments. On cancel­lation, payment will be released from the queue. Authorization will be supported.
Carry For­ward You can manually move the transaction for processing on next working day. Value date will be moved to next working day. Existing value date will be stored in ‘Original Value Date’ field. Debit entries will be posted on same day or on new value date based on the ‘Deferred Debit’ flag unchecked or checked at processing cutoff preference. Authorization is supported for this action.
Authorize Cancel/Release/Carry Forward operation initiated by a user can be authorized by another user.  
View Queue Displays all queue activities performed for a transaction.
Delete Allows the user who initiated the action, to delete the action before authorization.
View Trans­action You can view the selected transaction details.

2.1.6 Sanctions Queue

You can invoke “Sanction Queue” screen by typing ‘PQSSNCKQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Execute Query’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

Payment transaction can have the following sanction check status based on the response from Sanction check system:

All payment transactions with the status ‘R’,’O’,’T’ will be listed in Sanction check queue. If the response is received as rejected-’R’, then system will cancel the transaction automatically if the external system status code is marked for auto cancellation.

The following actions will be allowed for the Sanction Check Queue

Actions Functions
Approve User can approve the payments. Authorization is supported for this action. Sanction check will be excluded while doing transaction processing.
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of payments. On cancel­lation, payment will be released from the queue. Authorization will be supported
Resend This option will allow the submission of transaction for repro­cessing. Bulk resend will not be allowed. Resend Action will not support authorization
Authorize Cancel/ Approve initiated by a user can be authorized by another user.
Delete Allows the user who initiated the action, to delete the action before authorization.
View Displays all queue activities performed for a transaction.
View Trans­action You can view the selected transaction details.

2.1.7 Exchange Rate Queue

The transactions are moved to exchange rate queue for the following reasons:

You can invoke “Exchange Rate Queue” screen by typing ‘PQSEXCRQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Execute Query’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in Exchange Rate queue.

Actions Functions
Rate Input This option will allow the user to input the exchange rate man­ually. This action requires authorization.
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of payment. On cancella­tion, payment will be released from the queue. Authorization will be supported
Authorizer Cancel/ Rate Input actions initiated by a user can be author­ized by another user.
Delete Allows the user who initiated the action, to delete the action before authorization.
View Queue Displays all queue activities performed for a transaction.
View Trans­action You can view the selected transaction details.

2.1.8 External Exchange Rate Queue

The payment transactions are moved to external exchange rate queue for the following reasons:

You can invoke “External Exchange Rate Queue” screen by typing ‘PQSEXEXQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

Single payments and batch entries are logged in this queue.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in Exchange Rate queue.

Actions Functions
Rate Input This option will allow the user to input the exchange rate man­ually. This action requires authorization.
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of payment. On cancella­tion, payment will be released from the queue. Authorization will be supported
Resend This option will allow the submission of transaction for external system. This option will be applicable for transaction that was moved to exceptions while awaiting response from external system or for the transaction request that was timed out. Bulk resend will not be allowed. Resend Action will not support authorization.
Authorize Cancel/ Rate Input actions initiated by a user can be author­ized by another user.
Delete Allows the user who initiated the action, to delete the action before authorization.
View Displays all queue activities performed for a transaction.
View Trans­action You can view the selected transaction details.

2.1.9 External Account Check Queue

The External Account Check (EAC) request sent from Payment system for credit entries of an account. This request includes information about account number, account currency, CIF ID and branch code. The external DDA system has to perform the below validations:

You can invoke “EAC Queue” screen by typing ‘PQSEACQU’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in this queue

Actions Functions
Approve User can approve the payment. Transaction will be repro­cessed.
Resend This option will allow the submission of transaction for ECA again if the transaction is in 'O' or 'T' status. New reference number will be created. Bulk resend will not be allowed. Res­end Action will not support authorization.s
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of payment. On cancella­tion, payment will be released from the queue. Authorization will be supported
Authorize Cancel/ Approve initiated by a user can be authorized by another user
Delete Allows the user who initiated the action, to delete the action before authorization.
View Queue Action Displays all queue activities performed for a transaction.
View Trans­action You can view the selected transaction details.
Delink This action is applicable to batch transactions. You can delink a few transactions from a batch and submit the batch for EAC again. Queue Details

The Queue Details Screen is used to approve, resend, cancel, authorize, delete or delink a queue action.

You can invoke “Queue Details” screen by typing ‘PQDACQAU’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can also invoke this screen from the EAC Queue Screen after selecting a record and clicking on any of the following buttons:

Click OK button to initiate the required queue action. Queue Action Log Details

The Queue Details Screen is used to view the log details of a transaction You can invoke “Queue Action Log Details” screen by typing ‘PQDCANQR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can also invoke this screen from the EAC Queue Screen after selecting a record and then clicking on View Queue Action button.

2.1.10 External Credit Approval Queue

Payment transactions which fail/pending Credit approval check for debit entries for credit entries with DDA system are moved to ECA queue.

ECA information sent from Payments system includes account number, account currency, CIF ID, branch code, transaction amount and value date of the transaction. The DDA system has to perform the below validations based on the received information based on the following parameters the received information:

You can invoke “External Credit Approval Queue” screen by typing ‘PQSECAQU’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

Payment transactions will be moved to external credit approval queue for the following responses:

If a response is received as rejected, then the system will cancel the transaction automatically. Only View Exception option will be applicable to such transactions.

Single payment and as well as batch entries will be logged into this queue

If transaction is in ‘O’ or ‘T’ status for ECA, then the following actions will be allowed in addition to view exceptions:

Actions Functions
Approve User can approve the payment. Transaction will be repro­cessed.
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of payment. On cancella­tion, payment will be released from the queue. Authorization will be supported.
Resend This option will allow the submission of transaction for ECA again if the transaction is in 'O' or 'T' status. New reference number will be created. Bulk resend will not be allowed. Res­end Action will not support authorization.
Authorize Cancel/ Approve initiated by a user can be authorized by another user.
Delete Allows the user who initiated the action, to delete the action before authorization.
View Queue Displays all queue activities performed for a transaction.
View Trans­action You can view the selected transaction details.
Delink This action is applicable only to batch transactions. You can delink a few transactions from a batch and submit the batch for ECA again.

2.1.11 Network Cutoff Queue

You can invoke “Network Cutoff Queue” screen by typing ‘PQSNETCQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

Payments processed after network cutoff time will be resolved as Network Post cutoff Payment Transactions. Single payment and batch entries are logged into this queue.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in Network Cutoff queue

Actions Functions
Force Release Although transaction cut off is over, payment can be released for current day processing. Payment value date will remain as current date. Payments released from Network Cutoff queue will not undergo network cut-off time checks again. Authoriza­tion is not required for this action. You can select multiple records from the queue and perform this action. Payments of different payment types can be selected together.
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of payment. On cancella­tion, payment will be released from the queue. Authorization will be supported.
Carry For­ward User can manually move the transaction for processing on next working day. Value date will be moved to next working day. Existing value date will be stored in ‘Original Value Date’ field.
Authorize Cancel/Force Release/Carry Forward operation initiated by a user can be authorized by another user.
Delete Allows the user who initiated the action, to delete the action before authorization.
View Queue Displays all queue activities performed for a transaction.
View Trans­action You can view the selected transaction details.

2.1.12 Queue Status Summary

In the ‘Queue Status Summary’, you can view the pending queue transactions in the following stages:

You can invoke “Queue Status Summary” screen by typing ‘PMSQUEST’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Execute Query’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria for the following

2.1.13 Process Exception Queue

In case of runtime errors or missing maintenance errors, Payment Transactions are moved to Process Exception Queue.

You can invoke the Process Exception Queues Screen by typing ‘PQSPRQUE’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in this queue

Actions Functions
Retry Retry a record. The record is released for further processing.
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of transaction. On can­cellation, transaction is cancelled and is released from the queue. Authorization is supported.
Authorize Cancel operation initiated by a user can be authorized by another user.
Delete Allows the user who initiated the action, to delete the action before authorization.
View Action Queue Allows the user to view the action.
View Trans­action Allows you to view the transaction of the record.
Carry For­ward User can manually move the transaction for processing on next working day.

2.1.14 External Pricing Queue

Transaction are moved to External Pricing Exception Queue on the below scenarios:

You can invoke the External Pricing Queue Screen by typing ‘PQSEXPRQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in this queue:

Actions Functions
Approve User can approve the settlement. Transaction will be repro­cessed.
Cancel This option will allow the cancellation of settlement. On cancel­lation, settlement will be released from the queue. Authoriza­tion will be supported.
Repair This option allows you to repair a transaction.
Authorize Cancel/ Approve initiated by a user can be authorized by another user.
Delete Allows the user who initiated the action, to delete the action before authorization.
View Queue Action Displays all queue activities performed for a transaction.
View Trans­action You can view the selected transaction details.

2.1.15 Settlement Review Queue

If the source preference is ‘Default and Verify’, then payments with default SSI label picked up by system are moved to Settlement Review Queue.

If any SSI label provided in the payment fails the validation, then too the payments are moved to this queue.

You can invoke the Settlement Review Queue by typing ‘PQSSSIQU’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in this queue

Actions Functions
Approve You can view the settlement details as populated in the trans­action and approve the same. This does not require authoriza­tion by another user. The SSI details screen is opened in view mode on initiating Approve action. Click OK button and com­plete the action.
Repair SSI label update is allowed for all Payment types. The list of values will fetch the SSI labels applicable for the customer net­work and transfer currency.

2.1.16 Warehouse Queue

A new queue called “Warehouse Queue” is developed that contains all Future valued payments, or basically payments whose Activation date is not the current date, of all Payment types.

This Warehouse Queue displays both Outgoing and Incoming payments of all Payment types.

Support for Cancellation of payment from the Warehouse queue is provided.

You can invoke the Warehouse Queue Screen by typing ‘PQSFUVAQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the application toolbar.


You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in this queue

Actions Functions
View Trans­action You can select a particular transaction in this queue and click this action button. The screen display the transaction details in the View screen of the applicable payment type.
Cancel You can select a particular transaction in this queue and then click this action button to enable the cancellation of the trans­action. The transaction is not processed on the Activation/Value date.
Change Value Date You can click this action button for the selected payment. The system enables you to move the transaction Activation date (and also the Value date) further ahead in the future or move back the date through to the current day (if required).
Authorize Click this button to authorize action for selected transactions. Cancel and Value Date Change actions require authorization by another user unless the maker has auto-authorization rights.
View Queue Action You can select a transaction and click this action button to show the actions taken by system or users and the associated audit trail.
Delete You can delete the action taken on a particular transaction before authorization by clicking this button. Operations supported in the Warehouse Queue

This Warehouse Queue screen has the following Search functions:

2.1.17 Accounting Queue

You can invoke the Accounting Queue Screen by typing ‘PQSACCQU’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.


You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in this queue

Actions Functions
Resend You can select a particular transaction in this queue and click this action button.
View Trans­actions You can select a particular transaction in this queue and then click this action button to view the transaction.
View Queue Action You can select a transaction and click this action button to show the actions taken by system or users and the associated audit trail.

2.1.18 Network Resolution Queue

You can invoke the Network Resolution Queue by typing ‘PQSNWRQU’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.


You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in this queue

Actions Functions
Select Net­work You can select a particular network in this queue and click this action button.
View Net­work You can select a particular network in this queue and then click this action button to view the network.
Authorize You can select a particular network in this queue and then click this action button to authorize the network.
View Queue Action You can select a network and click this action button to show the actions taken by system or users and the associated audit trail.

2.1.19 R Processing Queue

You can invoke the R Processing Queue by typing ‘PMSRMSQU’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.


You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in this queue.

Actions Functions
Match Trans­action This action allows the user to manually match an R-message which is in unmatched status.You can select one of the exist­ing transaction (ACH or direct debit transaction) depending on payment type.
Suppress Action This action allows the user to suppress an unmatched R-mes­sage. This can be done when the original match is not found.
Generate camt.029 This action will be applicable for unmatched camt.056 mes­sages received for a payment transaction (SCT). If no original transaction is found, the receiving bank can send back the camt.029 message.
Authorize You can select a particular record from the queue and then click this action button to authorize the record.
Delete You can select a particular record from the queue and then click this action button to delete the record.
View Queue Action You can select a record and click this action button to show the actions taken by system or users and the associated audit trail.


All actions, Match Transaction, Suppress and Generate camt.029 require authorization.

2.1.20 Dispatch File Queue

You can invoke the Dispatch File Queue by typing ‘PMSDSPBR’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.


You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions in this queue.

Actions Functions
Generate File If the Dispatch file generation status is unprocessed or excep­tion, then it is possible to invoke the file generation manually. Generate file support authorize & delete actions. Queue access rights are provided for the users accordingly.
Regenerate File It is possible to regenerate a fully rejected file. Regenerate action is allowed if the Network Status of the dispatch file is ‘Rejected’. Regenerate file’ support authorize & delete actions.
View File It is possible to view the dispatch file generated using this option.
View Accounting The file level accounting can be viewed from the Accounting Entries screen opened on invoking this action.

2.2 Exception Queue Access Rights

Access rights can be provided for queue action at user level or at user role level. Access rights maintained is validated when a user tries to do any action on the payment available in the queues.

2.2.1 Role Queue Access Rights

You can invoke the ‘Role Queue Access Rights’ screen by typing ‘PMDROLQA’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can specify the following details

Role ID

Select the Role Identification from the LOV.


The system displays the description of the role based on the value selected.

Queue Function IDs

Queue Function ID

Specify the Queue Function ID. Alternatively, you can select the Queue Function ID from the option list. The list displays all valid Queue Function IDs maintained in the system.


Select the value provided from the drop down. The options are Allowed and Disallowed. This field is set to denote whether the allowed or disallowed listed of actions are maintained

Queue Name

The system displays the name of the queue based on the value selected.

Queue Code

The system displays the code of the queue based on the value selected.

Queue Actions

Queue Action

Select the Queue Action from the LOV. For a Queue function ID selected, you can maintain the Queue Actions in the multi-block section. The queue actions applicable for the function ID selected only are listed. Role Queue Access Rights Summary

You can invoke “Role Queue Access Rights Summary ” screen by typing ‘PMSROLQA’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.


2.2.2 User Queue Access Rights Screen

You can invoke the ‘Role Queue Access Rights’ screen by typing ‘PMDUSRQA’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can specify the following details

User Identification

Select the user Identification from the LOV.

Queue Function IDs

Host Code

Select the host code of the logged in user from the LOV.

Queue Function ID

Specify the Queue Function ID. Alternatively, you can select the Queue Function ID from the option list. The list displays all valid Queue Function IDs maintained in the system.


Select the value provided from the drop down. The options are Allowed and Disallowed. This field is set to denote whether the allowed or disallowed listed of actions are maintained

Queue Name

The system displays the name of the queue based on the value selected.

Queue Code

The system displays the code of the queue based on the value selected.

Queue Actions

Queue Action

Select the Queue Action from the LOV. For a Queue function ID selected, you can maintain the Queue Actions in the multi-block section. The queue actions applicable for the function ID selected only are listed. User Queue Access Rights Summary

You can invoke “User Queue Access Rights Summary” screen by typing ‘PMSUSRQA’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

Note: User queue access rights, if available take precedence over Role access Rights maintained.