Oracle Financial Services Behavior Detection Application Pack v8.



OFS BD Application Pack v8. Minor Release #1 (ID 33981210)

This release of OFS BD Application Pack is cumulative of all enhancements and bug fixes done since the v8. release.


Refer to the below pre-requisites:

          Before applying OFSBD, it is required to install OFSBD For detailed instructions on installing this OFS BD Release, see OFS BD Application Pack Installation and Configuration Guide

          Bug 33865657 - OFSAAI AAI ML RELEASE #2 (


            How to Apply This Patch?

For detailed instructions on installing this OFS BD release, see OFS Behavior Detection Installation Guide


           About This Release

            This section describes the new features, bugs addressed, and known issues in this release of OFS Behavior Detection.       


·         New Features

·         Bugs Addressed

·         Known Issues


For detailed information on how to use this release, see the various OFS BD Application Pack User Guides.

For detailed information on how to install, configure, and use this release, see Oracle Financial Services Behavior Detection Applications Pack Installation Guide from the OHC Documentation Library.

For more information on the OFS AAI requirements, see OFS Advanced Analytical Applications Infrastructure Application Pack in the OHC Documentation Library.

             New Features

The release provides the following new features and enhancements:

·         Extended detection coverage: The following new scenarios were introduced.

o    High Risk Transactions: High Risk Geography - Customer focus

o    CIB - Significant Change from Previous Average Activity - Customer focus

o    CIB - Significant Change from Previous peak Activity - Customer focus

For more details refer to the OFSBD Technical Scenario Description Guides.

·         Behavior Detection Trusted Pair API: Supports feeding trusted pair information defined and managed by AML Case Analysts in Oracle Enterprise Case Management. For more details on integration with Oracle ECM refer to the OFSBD API Service Guide.

·         Behavior Detection Alert Suppression API: Helps automatically suppress a newly generated alert for an entity based on criteria such as scenario-entity combination. At present, API supports alert suppression information fed only from Oracle Enterprise Case Management. For more details on integration with Oracle ECM refer to the OFSBD API Service Guide.

·         The Know Your Customer Onboarding and Batch Administrator UI (User Interface) screens have been refreshed to deliver an improved User experience.

·         The Next review date column has been included in the Know Your Customer Assessments grid for users to see when the next review is scheduled for a customer.

·         The length of a customer’s relationship with the bank is now added as a field in Know Your Customer onboarding

·         JIT (Just in Time) Implementation:  JIT provisioning helps the users in automating user account creation. when a new user tries to log in to the application for the first time, JIT ensures the required information is populated in the backend to proceed with login. For details on configuring JIT, please refer to the OFSBD Administration Guide.

·         In the Currency Transaction Reporting application, users can search by threshold set and see the threshold set name in the results.  This helps when the customer has multiple threshold sets enabled for the CTR scenario.

·         In the Currency Transaction Reporting application, on the Transactions and Persons Involved tabs the Teller ID is now displayed

·         In the Currency Transaction Reporting and Know Your Customer data models, the CUST.TITL_NM field length has been increased from 5 to 30 and the CUST.FULL_NM has been increased to 800.  This is to help customers capture complete user name details.

Bugs Fixed in This Release

The following bugs have been fixed in OFS Behavior Detection Release

Table 1: List of Resolved Issues




Bug ID



User Interface


No data available under the Backoffice Transaction grid from the Investment advisor focus alerts details tab. A patch has been provided to address the issue in the release.

Admin Tools


Suppression event code in the REST URL was not matched with the Alert generated review id. The bug has been fixed with inclusion of a Java changes to look into to the KDD_REVIEW table for availability of review_id in match with the REST URL.

User Interface


UMM log printing error msg in WebSphere deployment. The bug was fixed by using ManagedScheduledExecutorService for webshpere connection from  ProcessCronJob.



Duplicated log path being created for database utilities while installing BD8121 patch. The issue has been addressed with an instruction to replace the database path in the ReadMe.



CSSMS_PACK_TABLE_ENTRIES_JIT.sql file modified to fix Unique Constraint Error as the record in the table already has a presence.

Admin Tools


ReadMe instruction to replace the parameter @ORION_DB_DBTOOLS_PATH@ to address the issue of utility not generating logs.

Admin Tools


8121 updated with wallet based code for AAI 8121 patch to work in a Pack on Pack setup.

User Interface


Threshold analyzer has been renamed as Scenario Tuning.

User Interface


The Alert viewer Menu was not visible in behavior detection. The issue has been resolved.

Data Model


BDF updated as TITL_NM has been increased to 30 characters.

Data Ingestion


Script PR_8. failure during BD812 install. This has been resolved in ML.

Data Model


HDC script failure observed for ORA exception. This issue has been resolved.

Data Ingestion


Forward ports OFSBD Alert Purge utilities to



Performance issue with ML-STRUCTURINGAVOIDREPORTTHRESHOLD-FCU scenario resolved.



Mismatch is transaction count between highlights and matches when a customer has done both credit and debit transactions in the look back period, but only one side (credit or debit) has breached the threshold.



Inter monthly evaluation to detect early payoff or paydown of a credit product Scenario provided.



Threshold 118861869 deactivated and removed from the scenario XML to eliminate duplicate thresholds.



Base currency in CIB PAA and CIB PPA scenarios (In the AM UI under Account tab > Anticipatory Profile Average transaction amount and Total amount) now captured in USD.



Average and Standard Deviation calculation updated to work with summarized monthly customer amounts, when Customer has Multiple accounts.

Data Ingestion


DB builder utility SQL throwing a warning that object already exists as the View name and the Table name are the same. The issue has been resolved.

User Interface


Unrelated data observed in Customer Tab - > Customer details. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


Alert search list not displayed when opening the alert investigation screen due to ORA 01489. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


Error message displayed when clicking on Administration Tab has been resolved.

User Interface


DOEP e-file not getting download if User mapped to DOEPEFLGRP only. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


Help file for creating exemption is not loading. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


Blank page observed during CTR search for different User roles. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


Unable to view reports section for viewer role. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


Sorting not working in Person Involved Change History. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


CTR TIN Type Values Duplicated. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


CTR Type Search using Threshold Set Name instead of Threshold Set ID. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


Page not loading after selecting Country Search. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


Error ensures that IMG elements have alternate text or a role of None or Presentation. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


OATB error ensures that headings have discernible text. This issue has been resolved.

User Interface


CTR requiring a Conductor not validating correctly. This issue has been resolved.



KYC assessment manually promoted to case coming with same customer name even for a joint/related customer. This issue has been resolved.


            List of Known Issues

              The known issues/limitations in OFS Behavior Detection Release are as follows.

Table 2: List of Known Issues




Bug ID





The following attributes of the Admin Tools Parameters fail to load automatically during installation and must be manually updated:

·    Attribute 4 Value

·    Attribute 5 Value

·    Attribute 8 Value

To update these parameters in the Manage Common Parameters page, select the Used for Design parameter category and the Admin Tools parameter name.



The following items are not supported in this release:

·    Hive Installation and Hive to Table (H2T) Ingestion

·    Table to Table (T2T) validation. If T2T validation is required, please contact Support.

·    Running ingestion from an AAI batch

User Interface


When accessing the FCCM Analytics 'Reports' menu item, there are random times when users will be prompt to provide their user ID and password. However, if the user closes the window and accesses the 'Reports' link a second time, they will not be prompted to log in, and they will be logged in as expected.

User Interface


Unable to revoke an exemption.

User Interface


Unable to export e-file when User selects option from Views drop down post the take ‘Export to Excel’ action.

User Interface



Login to the KYC application with Kycadmn role. Navigate to the Manage KYC OB Configuration> Rule-based risk assessment>Search records. Observe without selecting any records if we click on the View Rule value list and add rule value buttons. Nothing happening. Ideally, it should throw an error message stating "a record must be selected"

User Interface


The service name drop-down is appearing blank in the Commongateway Service parameters page.



After editing the record for Accelerated Re-review, the change logs filed in the History page is getting updated with the latest value for all the Records.



Previously, the Threshold Editor (Admin Tools UI) could not run the Sequence Matcher scenario with custom threshold for TEST run. This issue has been fixed. Now, users can run the Sequence Matcher scenario with custom threshold for TEST run. Existing issues are as follows:

          The fix does not work for an existing custom threshold set of Sequence Matcher scenarios. In this case, the user would have to create new set of custom thresholds post patch application.

          Pattern name for Sequence Matcher scenario appears as 'null' in 'Scenario Test Execution' window.

          Pattern name appears as '-' in ‘Review Test Scenario Results’ window for Sequence Matcher scenarios.



Existing issues in Review Test Scenario Result Screen (Admin Tools UI) are as follows:

          Match information icon (downloadable Excel) should be in grey color and disabled till the job is in ‘Running’ Batch status. However, this icon is enabled irrespective of Batch status. Do not download an excel report for jobs having Batch status other than ‘Finished’.

          The Threshold values pop-up window for job entries in ‘Running’ Batch Status is blank.

          The Review Test Scenario Result page may incorrectly display for some scenarios when multiple jobs are assigned to a single template ID. One job will be completed with 'Finished' status and will display the count of matches. Other jobs will be in 'Running' Status and the count displayed will be '0'. When executed with a single job mapped with the template group ID, the result will display correctly.



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