Oracle Financial Services Behavior Detection Application Pack v8.


Oracle Financial Services (OFS) Behavior Detection Application Pack is a separately licensed product.


OFS BD Application Pack v8. Minor Release #4 (ID 34913083).

This release of OFS BD Application Pack is cumulative of all enhancements and bug fixes since v8. release.


Refer to the below pre-requisites

         Before applying OFS BD, it is required to install OFSBD For detailed instructions on installing this OFS BD Release, see OFS BD Application Pack Installation Guide 

         Apply patch for Bug 34572960. This is the OFSAAI RELEASE #2 (

         Apply patch for Bug 34943394. This is the patch with consolidated fixes for issues in OJET and QTNR on OFSAAI RELEASE #2 (

         For additional prerequisites, refer OFS BD Application Pack Installation Guide 


            How to Apply This Patch?

For detailed instructions on installing this OFS BD release, see OFS Behavior Detection Installation Guide

            About This Release

            This section describes the new features, bugs addressed, and known issues in this release of OFS Behavior Detection.        


·         New Features

·         Bugs Addressed

·         Known Issues

            New Features

The following is the list of new features included in this release:

         The scenarios listed below have been modified to support Functional Currency

o    Deviation from Peer Group – Total Activity – Correspondent Banking Focus

o    Change In Behavior: Significant Change from Previous Average Activity – Correspondent Banking Focus

         The following scenarios were redesigned from Sequence algorithms to Rule algorithms for better performance:

o    Deposits/Withdrawals in Same or Similar Amounts (AC and EN focus)

Table 1: Sequence Algorithms to Rule Algorithms

Old Scenario

New Scenario

ML-DepWDSameAmts.115000003.xml– AC focus

ML-DepWDSameAmts.118860013.xml– AC focus

ML-DepWDSameAmts.115000007.xml– EN focus

ML-DepWDSameAmts.118860020.xml– EN focus

o    Structuring: Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds (AC and CU focus)

Table 2: Sequence Algorithms to Rule Algorithms

Old Scenario

New Scenario

ML-StructuringAvoidReportThreshold.116000046.xml- CU focus

ML-StructuringAvoidReportThreshold.118860028.xml- CU focus

ML-StructuringAvoidReportThreshold.116000063.xml- AC focus

ML-StructuringAvoidReportThreshold.118860029.xml- AC focus

Note: The old scenario file has been replaced by the new one listed above, for scenario technical performance optimization purposes. There is no change in alert generation, filters, data streams of interest, parameters, scenario configuration, building blocks, highlights, Frequency, and lookback period.

         To allow banks to ingest multiple relations between 2 parties through CSA, STG_PARTY_PARTY_RELATIONSHIP table in CSA is modified to include V_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_CODE as new primary key. The default value for this field is MSG.

         The following forms can now be accessed directly from the AML Hamburger Menu

o    Security Management System (Behavior Detection → Administration → User Administration)

o    Security Attribute Administration (Behavior Detection → Administration → User Administration)

o    Manage Common Parameters (Behavior Detection → Administration)

o    Alert Management Configuration (Behavior Detection → Administration)

o    Manage Watch Lists (Behavior Detection → Watch List Management)

o    Manage Watch List Members (Behavior Detection → Watch List Management)

         Risk Inheritance Capability for KYC batch - As part of Risk Inheritance, both primary customer and interested parties are risk assessed. The Primary customer will inherit the risk posed by any of the interested parties. Interested party will now go either through "Full KYC" or "Name and Address Screening" assessment, based on their relationship type with the primary customer.

         KYC Onboarding API User Authorization - Only users who are mapped to specific role privileges will be able to invoke KYC Real-time API for onboarding risk assessment.

         Accelerated Re-review trigger evidence in KYC Batch Risk Assessment UI - Evidence details related to accelerated re-review based KYC batch trigger (For example: Change log based trigger) is now displayed under KYC Batch risk assessment UI.

         Overridden Review Date displayed in KYC Risk Assessment dashboard main page

o    If next review date is overridden, the same is displayed under field “Next Review Date” in KYC risk assessment dashboard page.

o    If risk score is overridden, the same is displayed under field “Risk Score” in KYC risk assessment dashboard page. Next review date & Risk Score can be overridden by KYC investigator as part of KYC batch case investigation in ECM application.

         Configuration of “Case Priority” logic for KYC Onboarding case supported.

         Restrict old Risk Assessment promotion to case - When there is more than one risk assessment for a customer, the application allows only the most recent risk assessment to be manually promoted to a case.

         Excel Upload option provided for below history tables








         ECM integration for wire and card transactions has been added for OFS Real Time Fraud.  This update allows level 2 analysts to complete holistic customer reviews within ECM after a transaction has been blocked.

         OFS Real Time Fraud UI for wire transactions has been enhanced to allow additional data to be viewed in a more intuitive way. This includes facilitating improved decision making by allowing analysts to see other recent wires from the customer.

         To improve process flexibility, new options have been added for the assignment of wire transaction alerts in OFS Real Time Fraud, This includes manual assignment, 'get next', and assignment from alert search list.

         In OFS Real Time Fraud, permissions for card and wire transactions have been split, allowing each to be set differently.

         In OFS Real Time Fraud, updated data model including SWIFT MX support has been added for wire transaction, allowing rich structured data to be used in scenario design and UI visibility.


Bugs Addressed

The following bugs have been fixed in OFS Behavior Detection Release

Table 3: List of Resolved Issues


Bug Number




RTF Wire attachments have been added in the comment section.



Functional currency added in scenarios.



Transactions with block/release status are displayed on the UI.



Converting scenario ML-STRUCTURINGAVOIDTHRESHOLD- CU from SEQ pattern to RULE pattern.



Converting scenario ML-STRUCTURINGAVOIDTHRESHOLD- AC from SEQ pattern to RULE pattern.



TC and BC sections removed from the threshold analyzer/Scenario Tuning (OBIEE Report)


            Known Issues

              The known issues/limitations in OFS Behavior Detection Release are as follows.

Table 4: List of Known Issues


Bug Number




Issue in loading KYC UI menus.



This Maintenance Release will not work for existing custom threshold set for a scenario. The User must re-create a new set of custom thresholds post patch application.



Pattern name for sequence matcher scenario appears as 'null' in 'Scenario test Execution' pop-up window. It also appears as '-' in Review Test Scenario Results window for sequence matcher scenarios.



Test threshold functionality for scenarios with multiple jobs & patterns tied to a single threshold set will not work.



Existing issues in Review Test Scenario Result Screen are as follows:

·         Match information icon (downloadable Excel) should be in grey color and disabled till the job is in ‘Running’ Batch status. However, this icon is enabled irrespective of Batch status. Do not download an excel report for jobs having Batch status other than ‘Finished’.

·         The Threshold values pop-up window for job entries in ‘Running’ Batch Status is blank.

·         The Review Test Scenario Result page may incorrectly display for some scenarios when there are multiple jobs assigned to a single template ID. One job will be completed with 'Finished' status and will display the count of matches, and other jobs will be in 'Running' Status and the count will be displayed '0'. When executed with a single job mapped with the template group ID, the result will display correctly.


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