Oracle Financial Services Behavior Detection Application Pack v8.


Oracle Financial Services (OFS) Behavior Detection Application Pack is a separately licensed product.


OFS BD Application Pack v8. Minor Release #7 (ID 35958115).

This OFS BD Application Pack release is cumulative of all enhancements and bug fixes since the v8. release.


Refer to the below pre-requisites:

         Before applying OFS BD, it is required to install OFSBD For detailed instructions on installing this OFS BD Release, see OFS BD Application Pack Installation Guide

         Apply patch for Bug 35681234 - OFSAA AAI ML RELEASE #4 (

         Apply patch for Enh 35829211 - Avoid Creating AAI and Some Other Related Tables While Creating Infodom through Rest-API ( This step is applicable only if Know Your Customer is used with Simulation).


            How to Apply This Patch?

For detailed instructions on installing this OFS BD release, see OFS Behavior Detection Installation Guide

            About This Release

            This section describes the new features, bugs addressed, and known issues in this release of OFS Behavior Detection.        


·         New Features

·         Bugs Addressed

·         Known Issues



·         Scenario Wizard is decommissioned with the release. In the Scenario Wizard folder of the 8127 Installer Package, the associated configuration files are deleted. Due to deletion constraints, the Scenario Wizard folder can still be seen at path <$FIC_HOME/ficweb>. This will be removed in next major installer release.

·         As of now, Behavior Detection supports HTTPS 1.1 and does not support HTTPS 2.0.


            New Features

The following is the list of new features included in this release:



The following are the AML-related new features/enhancements for OFS Behavior Detection Release

1.        The following scenarios were redesigned from Sequence Algorithms to Rule Algorithms for better performance:

Structuring: Potential Structuring in Cash and Equivalent – Customer Focus

Table 1: Sequence Algorithms to Rule Algorithms

Old Scenario

New Scenario

ML-PotStructuringCashAndEquiv.118725006.xml - CU

ML-PotStructuringCashAndEquiv.118860031.xml - CU

Note: The old scenario file has been replaced by the new one listed above, for scenario technical performance purposes. There is no change in the alert generation, filters, data streams of interest, parameters, scenario configuration, building blocks, highlights, frequency, and lookup period.




The TBAML features/capabilities are now available in Behavior Detection with the release.



§  Used for monitoring suspicious Trade-based money laundering activities

§  Stores trade finance transactional data during the life of a contract

§  TBAML offers unique tables to store trade finance-related data. Details of these tables can be found in the TBAML Data Model guide

§  Supports various Date and Time Attributes for Trade Finance Contract and Documentary Collection Contract

§  Supports processing of Canceled Records

§  Different measures available to assess risk:

·         Type of Contract

·         Customer (Name and Address)

·         Involved Parties (Name and Address)

·         Goods or Service

·         Transaction channel

·         Geography

§  Configurable threshold sets for different scenarios

§  GDPR compliant

§  Generates events on the transaction data based on the scenarios. These events undergo correlation rules to create cases in the Case Management application, which will be used for further investigations.

TBAML Scenarios:

·         Customer Involved with Parties in High Risk Geography

·         Significant Number of Amendments

·         Deviation from Peer Group - Commodity Price Change

·         Inconsistent Shipping

·         Change in Behavior: Significant Change in Commodity Price

·         Change in Behavior: Commodity Shift

·         Change in Behavior: High Risk Country Shift

·         Change in Behavior: Region Shift

·         Change in Behavior: Anticipatory Profile – Expected Goods/Services

For more information on TBAML scenarios, see the TBAML TSD Guide on MOS.



The following are the KYC-related new features/enhancements for OFS Behavior Detection Release

1.        KYC Simulation Capability - Enhancements: KYC Simulation capability (released in V8.1.2.6) allows the user to run & test effectiveness of KYC risk assessment model(s) in a sandbox environment. User can tune the configurations (i.e. threshold weights and scores for risk parameters) for respective jurisdictions, analyze the results of each simulation run including comparison against production data and decide on the right champion model to be deployed back to production.

This feature is available via integration with OFS Compliance Studio Application.

2.       Other Key Enhancements:

a.       Addition of new IPE widget as part of the simulation model pipeline.

b.       Aggregate Comparison Reports: These UI based reports provide the aggregate comparison of risk assessments between production and respective simulation run.

c.       Detailed Comparison Report: This report provides comparison of risk assessments between production and respective simulation run at individual customer level. This can be exported as an excel report.

Bugs Addressed

The following bugs have been fixed in OFS Behavior Detection Release

Table 2: List of Resolved Issues


Bug ID




Manage Common Webservice and Common Parameters UI issue.

Note: Parameter and Attribute issue is fixed.



Consolidated issues under Exemptions and Doep.

Note: All the issues under this are fixed.


            Known Issues

              There are no known issues/limitations in OFS Behavior Detection Release


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