
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  


  • /etc/hosts file 1
  • (agentDeploy.bat script 1
  • -invPtrLoc parameter 1


  • accessibility
    • accessibility mode 1
    • configuring web.xml file 1
    • enabling accessibility mode 1
    • screen reader support 1
    • uix-config.xml 1
    • web.xml File 1
  • add host log files 1
  • Add Host Status page 1
  • Add Host Targets Wizard
    • best practice 1
  • Add Host Target Wizard
    • overview 1
  • additional OMS
    • installation 1
  • Additional Standby OMS, removing 1
  • Add Management Service deployment procedure 1
  • ADP Manager 1
  • agent base directory
    • requirements 1 , 2
  • script 1
  • script
    • limitation 1
    • location 1
    • purpose 1
    • software-only install 1
  • script supported options 1
  • agent installation logs 1
  • agent instance directory 1
  • agent instance home
    • permissions 1
    • requirements 1
  • script
    • purpose 1
    • response file 1
  • agent plug-in home 1
  • script
    • response file 1
  • script supported options 1
  • alerts 1 , 2
  • script 1
  • Application Performance Management 1
  • application prerequisite logs 1
  • Application Service Level Management 1
  • assistive technologies 1
  • asynchronous I/O 1


  • background services 1 , 2
  • baselines 1
  • beacon
    • configuring 1
  • beacons 1
  • BI Publisher
    • Administration 1
    • Allowing Access 1
    • Repository Access 1
    • Troubleshooting 1
  • BI Publisher, debugging 1
  • BI Publisher, SSL 1
  • BI Publisher Installation 1
  • BI Publisher Security Model 1
  • BI Publisher server, adding 1
  • BI Publisher Server, configuring secondary 1
  • BI Publisher server, details 1
  • bottlenecks
    • eliminating 1 , 2
    • tuning 1
  • buffer cache 1
  • buffer cache sizing 1


  • capacity
    • predicting 1
  • central inventory 1 , 2
  • cksum command 1
  • Cloud Control
    • deployment 1
    • evaluating 1 , 2
    • sizing 1
    • sizing methodology 1
    • starting platform 1
    • vital signs 1 , 2
  • Cold Failover Cluster, HA 1
  • Cold Failover Cluster configuration 1
  • commands
    • deleting data files 1
    • verifying file size 1
  • configuration assistants
    • for additional OMS upgrade 1
    • for fresh installation 1
    • for upgrade 1
    • overview 1
    • resolving failures 1
    • run by default 1
    • running
      • for new Enterprise Manager install 1
  • configuration data tablespace 1
  • configuration information 1
  • configuration logs
    • general 1
    • repository 1
    • sysman schema operation logs 1
  • console-only mode 1 , 2
  • console port 1
  • console services 1 , 2
  • CPU
    • utilization 1
    • utilization analysis 1
  • CPU threshold 1


  • database
    • modifying parameters 1
  • Database Locks 1
  • databases
    • connecting to a preconfigured database 1
    • data files for Enterprise Manager 1
    • entering connection details 1
  • database templates
    • handling errors 1 , 2
    • providing details 1
    • providing details in installer 1
    • providing details in response file 1
    • resetting user account passwords 1 , 3 , 4 , 6
  • data files
    • deleting 1
    • for Oracle Management Repository 1
    • overview 1
  • deinstallation
    • deinstalling in GUI mode
      • deinstalling management agent 1
      • deinstalling management agent installed with RPM file 1
      • deinstalling OMS 1
    • deinstalling in silent mode
      • deinstalling management agent using script 1
      • deinstalling management agent using RPM file 1
      • deinstalling shared agent 1
      • deinstalling shared agents 1
    • deleting OMS entries from the repository 1
    • undeploying plug-ins from Oracle Management Agents 1
    • undeploying plug-ins from the OMS 1
  • Deinstalling JVMD
    • agents 1
  • deployment procedure 1 , 3
  • deployment size
    • changing deployment size 1
    • handling errors 1
    • running prerequisite checks 1
    • selecting different size 1
    • selecting in installer 1
    • small, medium, large 1 , 2
    • target count, agent count, session count 1 , 2
  • deployment sizes
    • large 1
    • medium 1
    • overview 1
    • selecting 1
    • setting 1
    • size mismatch 1
    • small 1
    • SQL scripts 1
    • target count, agent count, concurrent user session count 1
    • target count, agent count, session count 1
  • DHCP 1
  • disabled communities 1
  • Disaster Recover 1
  • dontProxyFor property 1


  • E2E monitoring 1
  • EMBIP* Roles
    • folder/catalog object access 1
  • EMBIPAdministrator 1
  • EMBIPAuthor 1
  • EMBIPScheduler 1
  • EMBIPViewer 1
  • EMCLI 1 , 2 , 3
  • end-to-end monitoring 1
  • Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
    • basic concepts 1
    • configuration assistants 1
    • deinstallation
      • overview 1
    • deleting data files 1
    • globalization support 1
    • installation
      • advanced 1
      • advanced configuration 1
      • deploying plug-ins 1
      • deployment sizes 1
      • overview 1
      • prerequisite checks 1
      • selecting installation types 1
      • software-only installation 1 , 2
    • installation modes 1
    • installation types 1
    • installation wizard 1
    • ports
      • console port 1
      • customizing ports 1 , 2
      • default ports 1
      • HTTP port 1
      • HTTPS port 1
      • overview 1
      • upload port 1
    • prerequisite checks 1
    • procuring from OTN
      • verifying file size 1
    • releases 1
    • silent installation
      • advanced installer options 1
      • postinstall steps 1
      • prerequisites 1
    • software
      • download 1
    • software-only installation
      • configuration phase 1
      • facts 1
      • graphical mode 1
      • installation phase 1
      • overview 1
      • prerequisites 1
      • silent mode 1
    • upgrade
      • overview 1
  • Enterprise Manager Components, recovering 1
  • Enterprise Manager Framework Security
    • in a firewall environment 1
  • Enterprise Manager Prerequisite Kit 1


  • failover 1
  • Failover, active/passive environment 1
  • Failover, Enterprise Manager 1
  • Failover, relocate_targets verb 1
  • firewall configuration
    • allowing ICMP and UDP traffic 1
    • between browser and Cloud Control console 1
    • between Cloud Control and a managed database target 1
    • between the OMS and the repository 1
    • enabling ICMP echo requests 1
    • port requirements 1
  • firewalls
    • between browser and Cloud Control 1
    • between Cloud Control and a managed database target 1
    • between Management Service and Management Repository 1
    • configuration considerations 1
    • configurations for Enterprise Manager components 1
    • configuring for ICMP traffic 1
    • configuring for UDP traffic 1
    • configuring the OMS on a host protected by a firewall 1
    • enabling ICMP echo requests 1
    • for multiple Management Services 1
    • for multiple OMS instances 1
  • First Standby OMS, removing 1
  • Fusion Middleware
    • discovery 1
    • monitoring 1


  • globalization support 1
  • graphical mode 1


  • hardware requirements 1
  • heap size
    • changing 1
  • high availability 1
  • High Availability, agent 1
  • high availability, BI Publisher 1
  • high availability, levels 1
  • High Availability, OMS 1
  • High Availability, repository 1
  • Highly Available systems 1
  • host list file 1
  • HTTP port 1
  • HTTPS port 1
  • Hyper-Threading 1


  • I/O Channels
    • monitoring 1
  • I/O throughput
    • monitoring 1
  • ICMP 1
  • initialization logs 1
  • installation
    • advanced 1
    • deploying plug-ins 1
    • deployment sizes 1
    • installing in silent mode
      • additional OMS installation 1
      • editing the response file 1
      • installing multi-OMS 1 , 2
      • installing single OMS 1 , 2 , 3
    • Management Agents 1
    • production sites 1
    • selecting installation types 1
    • software-only installation 1
  • installation base directory
    • permission 1
  • installation modes 1
  • installation types 1
  • installation wizard 1
  • installation wizards
    • invoking
      • one Microsoft Windows 1
      • one Unix 1
  • installer 1
  • installing JVMD 1
  • install logs
    • install 1
  • instance directory
    • permission 1
    • requirements 1
  • Internet Control Message Protocol 1


  • Java Development Kit
    • supported version 1
  • jobs
    • backlog 1
  • JVM Agents
    • post install tasks 1
  • JVMD 1
  • JVMD Agents
    • installing for high availability 1
    • installing manually 1
    • installing manually using scripts 1
    • installing on a standalone JVM 1
    • installing on GlassFish 1 , 2
    • installing on JBoss 1
    • installing on OC4J 1
    • installing on Tomcat 1
    • installing on WebLogic Server 1 , 2
    • installing on Websphere 1
    • install prerequisites 1
    • overview 1
    • removing 1
    • things to know before installing 1
  • JVMD architecture 1
  • JVM Diagnostics
    • architecture 1
    • installing JVMD Agents manually 1
    • installing JVMD Agents manually using scripts 1
    • install prerequisites 1
    • JVMD Agents overview 1
    • post install tasks 1
    • removing JVMD Agents 1
    • things to know before installing 1
  • JVM diagnostics data tablespace 1


  • licenses 1
  • Load Balancers 1
  • loader 1
  • loader threads
    • default value 1
  • locked user account 1
  • logs
    • add host logs 1
    • additional OMS installation logs 1
    • agent gold image log files 1
    • agent installation logs 1
    • application prerequisite logs 1
    • cfgfw/*.log 1
    • configuration logs 1 , 2
    • EMPrereqKit logs 1
    • general configuration logs 1
    • initialization logs 1
    • installation logs 1
    • manual agent installation logs 1
    • MDS schema operation logs 1
    • nfs_install.log/.err 1
    • Oracle Management Service log files 1
    • Oracle Management Service logs 1
    • repository configuration logs 1
    • secure logs 1
    • sysman schema operation logs 1
    • system prerequisite logs 1
    • ui.log 1
  • longPoolSize
    • changing 1
  • longSystemPoolSize
    • changing 1


  • management agent
    • deinstallation in GUI mode
      • overview 1
      • postdeinstall tasks 1
    • installation
      • verifying 1 , 2
    • installation using response file
      • creating response file 1 , 2 , 3
      • prerequisites 1
  • Management Agent
    • configuring on a host protected by a firewall 1
    • configuring to use a proxy server 1
  • Management Agent Backup 1
  • Management Agent patching
    • saving patches 1
    • verifying patch application 1
  • Management Repository 1 , 3
  • Management Repository Backup 1
  • Management Service 1
  • Management Services, additional 1
  • management tablespaces 1
  • master agents 1 , 2
  • maxConnForJobWorkers
    • changing 1
  • MDS schema 1
  • MDS schema creation log 1
  • MDS schema drop logs 1
  • mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf data file 1
  • middleware homes 1
  • My Oracle Support
    • enaling Oracle Configuration Manager 1
    • entering credentials 1


  • Named Credentials 1
  • network
    • latencies 1
    • topology considerations 1
  • new_install.rsp response file 1
  • node manager 1
  • Node Manager 1
  • node manager credentials 1
  • notifications 1


  • OMS, behind a load balancer 1
  • OMS backup 1
  • OMS instance base location 1
  • OMS plug-in home 1
  • OMS properties
    • changing 1
  • OMS servers
    • middle tier 1
    • optimum number 1
  • OpenSSH 1 , 2
  • operating system groups 1 , 2 , 3
  • operating system requirements 1
  • operating systems supported 1
  • operating system users 1 , 2 , 3
  • Oracle Advanced Security 1
  • Oracle Business Intelligence 1
  • Oracle Configuration Manager
    • overview 1
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager
    • rollup process 1
  • Oracle Enterprise Manger
    • tuning 1
  • Oracle home 1
  • Oracle Inventory 1
  • Oracle Inventory Directory 1
  • Oracle Management Agent
    • cloning
      • facts 1
      • in graphical mode 1
      • in silent mode 1
      • overview 1
      • postclone steps 1
      • prerequisites 1
      • supported additional parameters 1 , 2
    • deinstallation
      • overview 1
    • installation
      • cloning 1
      • fresh installation 1
      • NFS installation 1
      • packages 1
      • silent 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
    • installing shared agents
      • facts 1
      • in graphical mode 1
      • in silent mode 1
      • postinstall steps 1
      • prerequisites 1
    • ports 1
    • software 1
    • software-only installation
      • configuring 1
      • facts 1
      • installing 1
      • overview 1
      • postinstall steps 1
      • prerequisites 1
  • Oracle Management Repository Database 1
  • Oracle Management Service
    • configuring for use with a proxy server 1
    • configuring when protected by a firewall 1
    • console-only mode 1 , 2
    • enabling My Oracle Support access 1
  • Oracle Middleware home 1
  • Oracle Net firewall proxy access 1
  • Oracle RAC SCAN 1
  • Oracle WebLogic Server
    • admin server
      • admin server port 1
      • starting admin server 1
      • verifying admin server 1
    • credentials 1
    • node manager 1
  • oraInst.loc file 1
  • script 1
  • oraInventory 1
  • other installation logs 1


  • packages 1 , 2
  • page performance 1
  • patching Management Agents
    • saving patches 1
    • verifying patch application 1
  • permissions 1
  • Planning Host Names 1
  • plug-ins
    • downloading plug-ins 1 , 2 , 3
    • identify plug-ins on the source OMS 1
    • install additional plug-ins on the source OMS 1
    • selecting plug-ins 1 , 2 , 3
    • verifying installation 1
  • plugins.txt file 1
  • ports
    • admin server port 1
    • Admin Server port 1 , 2
    • console ports 1
    • custom EM ports 1
    • customizing 1
    • customizing ports 1
    • customizing ports after installation 1
    • default ports 1
    • HTTP port 1
    • HTTPS port 1
    • managed server port 1
    • node manager port 1
    • Oracle BI Publisher 1
    • upload ports 1
    • verifying free ports 1
  • postinstallation scripts 1 , 2
  • Postinstalltion Task to Configure TLS 1
  • preconfigured repository
    • overview 1
    • providing details 1
  • preinstallation scripts 1 , 2
  • prerequisite checks
    • default checks 1
    • entering details 1
    • overview 1
    • run by default 1
    • run in standalone mode 1
    • running in standalone mode 1
    • status 1
  • privileged delegation setting 1 , 2 , 4 , 5
  • production sites 1
  • properties
    • setting 1
  • proxy server
    • configuring Management Agent for 1
    • configuring the Management Service for 1
    • defining exceptions 1


  • quiesce mode 1


  • recovery, Enterprise Manager 1
  • redirecting Management Agents
    • prerequisites 1
    • procedure 1
  • registration passwords 1
  • releases 1
  • RepManager
    • overview 1
    • supported actions and commands 1
  • RepManager utility 1
  • RepManager Utility
    • supported actions
      • drop 1
      • pluginpurge 1
      • preupgrade 1
      • resume 1
      • transX 1
      • upgrade 1
  • repository
    • side availability 1
  • Repository High Availability, best practices 1
  • response file 1
  • reusing Management Agent binaries
    • prerequisites 1
    • procedure 1
  • rollup process 1 , 2
  • rollup statistics 1


  • safeguards
    • improving performance 1
  • screen readers 1
  • scripts 1
  • Secure Socket Layer, BI Publisher 1
  • Segment Advisor 1
  • segments
    • maintaining health 1
  • self update console 1
  • shared agents
    • auto-discovery of targets 1
    • configuring instance directory 1
    • overview 1
  • shared oracle home 1
  • shared storage, BI Publisher 1
  • shortPoolSize
    • changing 1
  • silent mode 1
  • sizing
    • benefits 1
    • extrapolating forward 1
    • guidelines 1 , 2
    • hardware information 1
    • repository tablespace 1 , 2
    • requirements 1 , 2
    • software configurations 1
    • specifications 1
    • upgraded installations 1
  • software
    • downloading Enterprise Manager software 1
    • downloading from OTN 1
    • DVD 1 , 2
    • Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 1
    • Oracle Management Agent 1
    • setting mount points 1
  • software configurations
    • eval 1
    • large 1
    • medium 1
    • small 1
  • Software Library Backup 1
  • software-only installation
    • overview 1
  • software updates
    • applying after installation or upgrade 1
    • download automatically 1
    • download by user 1
    • downloading 1
    • identifying applied patches 1
    • installing from local directory 1
    • installing from My Oracle Support 1
    • offline 1
    • offline mode 1
    • online 1
    • online mode 1
    • overview 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
    • types 1
  • sotware
    • verifying file size 1
  • SSH 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
  • SSH1 1 , 2
  • SSH2 1 , 2
  • SSH public key Authentication 1 , 2
  • standby site, sync 1
  • startup scripts
    • overview 1
  • staticports.ini file 1 , 4
  • SUDO 1 , 3
  • switchover 1
  • SYSMAN_APM 1 , 2
  • SYSMAN_MDS 1 , 2
  • SYSMAN_OPSS 1 , 2
  • SYSMAN passwords 1
  • SYSMAN schema 1
  • systemPoolSize
    • changing 1
  • system prerequisite logs 1


  • Target Relocation,active/passive 1
  • temporary directory
    • permissions 1
    • space 1 , 2 , 3
  • thresholds 1
  • translated languages 1


  • UDP 1
  • uix-config.xml Flag 1
  • unlicensed components 1
  • upload port 1
  • User Datagram Protocol 1
  • user interface
    • performance 1
  • users
    • concurrent 1


  • vital signs
    • I/O 1