1.23 Database Job

The metrics in this category return information about jobs that are used by the SQLServerAgent service to perform automated activities in Microsoft SQL Server.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 hours

Table 1-28 Database Job Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Computer Used to Send Network Messages

Name of the user or computer used when sending network messages.

Computer Used to Send Pages

Name of the user or computer used when sending a page.

Current Execution Status

  • 0 — Returns only jobs that are not idle or suspended

  • 1 — Executing

  • 2 — Waiting for thread

  • 3 — Between retries

  • 4 — Idle

  • 5 — Suspended

  • 7 — Performing completion actions

Current Execution Steps in the Job

Current job execution step.

Current Retry Attempt

If the job is running and the step has been retried, this is the current retry attempt.

Delete Job Event

Bitmask indicating under what circumstances the job should be deleted when a job completes. Possible values are the same as for notify_level_eventlog.


Description for the job.

Email of Operator

Email name of the operator to notify.


Indicates whether the job is enabled to be executed.

ID of Next Run Schedule

Identification number of the next run schedule.

Job Category

The category to which the job belongs.

Job Creation Date

Date the job was created.

Job ID (key column)

Job identification number.

Job Modification Date

Date the job was last modified.

Job Owner

The owner of the job.

Job Type

  • 1 — Local job

  • 2 — Multiserver job

  • 0 — Job has no target servers

Job Version Number

Version of the job, which is automatically updated each time the job is modified.

Last Run Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Date the job last started executing.

Last Run Outcome

Outcome of the job the last time it ran:

  • 0 — Failed

  • 1 — Succeeded

  • 3 — Canceled

  • 5 — Unknown

Last Run Time (hh:mm:ss)

Time the job last started executing.


Name of the job.

Next Run Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Date the job is next scheduled to run.

Next Run Time (hh:mm:ss)

Time the job is next scheduled to run.

Notify Level Email

Bitmask indicating under what circumstances a notification email should be sent when a job completes. Possible values are the same as for notify_level_eventlog.

Notify Level Event Log

Bitmask indicating under what circumstances a notification event should be logged to the Microsoft Windows NT application log. Possible values:

  • 0 — Never

  • 1 — When a job succeeds

  • 2 — When the job fails

  • 3 — Whenever the job completes (regardless of the job outcome)

Notify Level Net Send

Bitmask indicating under what circumstances a network message should be sent when a job completes. Possible values are the same as for notify_level_eventlog.

Notify Level Page

Bitmask indicating under what circumstances a page should be sent when a job completes. Possible values are the same as for notify_level_eventlog.

Number of Job Schedules

Number of job schedules the job has.

Number of Job Steps

Number of job steps the job has.

Number of Target Servers

Number of target servers the job has.

Originating Server

Name of the server from which the job originated.

Start Step ID

ID of the step in the job where execution should begin.