
List of Examples

List of Figures

List of Tables

Title and Copyright Information


1 Getting Started with Plug-in Development

2 Defining the Plug-in

3 Creating Target Metadata Files

4 Plug-in Builder

5 Adding Information Publisher Reports

6 Developing BI Publisher Reports

7 Collecting Target Configuration Data

8 Adding Job Types

9 Defining a Management User Interface

10 Customizing Incident Manager

11 Using Derived Associations

12 Defining Target Discovery

13 Adding Compliance Standards

14 Validating, Packaging, and Deploying the Plug-in

15 Defining Software Library Metadata

16 Defining Credentials

17 Defining a Chargeback Entity Type

18 Monitoring Using Web Services and JMX

19 Using Receivelets

20 Using Fetchlets

21 Enterprise Manager DTD

A Out-of-Box Associations

B Plug-in Technical Checklist
