6.5 Uninstall Customization to HP Service Manager for Support Ticket Inbound Operations

This section provides the steps required to remove the changes made to HP Service Manager to allow for ticket inbound operations.

6.5.1 Remove Calls to the Notification Script

Follow the steps below to remove calls to the notification script:

  1. Log in to the HP Service Manager client with an account that has Administrative permissions.
  2. Expand Menu Navigation, then Tailoring in the System Navigator pane.
  3. Double-click on Script Library.
  4. Click Search to view all Scripts in the Script Library.
  5. Find and select OracleServices, then click Delete, and Yes to confirm.
  6. Double-click on Scripts in the System Navigator panel.
  7. Click Search to view all Scripts available.
  8. Find and select OracleScript, click Delete, then Yes to confirm.
  9. Double-click on Format Control in the System Navigator panel.
  10. Enter probsummary in the Name field and click Search.
  11. Click on the line where the Name is probsummary.
  12. Click Subroutines to open the Subroutines tab.
  13. Click Delete, then Yes to confirm.

6.5.2 Remove Custom Field Added for Script Operation

Follow the steps below to remove custom field added for script operation:

  1. Log in to the HP Service Manager client using an account that has Administrative permissions.
  2. Expand Menu Navigation, then Tailoring in the System Navigator pane.
  3. Double-click on Database Dictionary.

    The Database Dictionary panel appears.

  4. Enter a File Name of probsummary and click Search.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the list of fields and click on the row with the name of oracle.connector.id.
  6. Click Delete Dbdict Record, and select Yes to confirm.
  7. Expand Menu Navigation, then Tailoring, then Web Services in the System Navigator pane.
  8. Double-click WSDL Configuration.
  9. Enter probsummary in the Name field and click Search.
  10. Click the Fields tab and scroll to the bottom of the list of fields.
  11. Click the Field column of the first empty row and remove oracle.connector.id.
  12. Click the Caption column on the same row and remove OracleConnectorId, then click OK.