7.2 Troubleshooting Web Service Startup Errors

To identify the cause of a startup failure, navigate to the adapters/log directory in the OMU Web Service installation directory and open the framework.log file in a text editor. Search for Exception to find any errors in the file. If the file does not exist, it indicates that there is a problem locating or executing the JVM. See JVM Errors for information about resolving JVM issues.

Listed below are some possible Exceptions, an explanation of the root cause, and a description of the solution.

java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind

This error indicates that the web service could not start because of a port conflict. There are two possible causes for this error:

  1. Another application is using a port that the Web service is configured to use. If the web service is configured to use SSL, the port number is 8443. If it is not configured to use SSL, the port number is 8080.

    There are two possible solutions to this. You can change the other application to use a different port or you can change the OMU Web Service to use a different port. To change the OMU Web Service to use a different port, see Changing Default Port Numbers.

  2. An instance of the Web service is already running. If this is the case, no change is required. You should only run one instance of the Web service at a time.

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanInitializationException: Could not load properties; nested exception is java.io.FileNotFoundException: … framework.properties (Permission denied)

This error indicates that the web service could not start because the permissions on the framework.properties file in the conf directory were not set correctly.

To solve the problem, change the permissions to give the account or group under which the OMU Web Service runs read and execute permissions.

For any other startup errors, consult with Oracle Support.