5.2 Formatted Enterprise Manager Event Contents

The format the templates use for the Description fields is shown below. Text delimited by angle brackets (< and >) designates an Enterprise Manager Event field name that will be replaced by the actual field contents. Lines marked with double-asterisks indicate they will only be present if the designated event field contains data. The Notes section below the format contains information about some of the fields.

Received event reported by Oracle Enterprise Manager:
Occurred Date: <OccurredDate>
ReportedDate: <ReportedDate>
Event Class: <EventClass>
Event Name: <EventName>
Target Type: <SourceInfo/TargetInfo/TargetTypeLabel>
Target Name: <SourceInfo/TargetInfo/TargetName>
Severity: <Severity>
Message: <Message>
URL: <EventURL>
Target Properties:**
    <TargetProperty/Name>: <TargetProperty/Value>**
Event Context:**
    <EventContextAttributes/StringAttribute/Name>: < EventContextAttributes/StringAttribute /Value>**


  • The Target Properties section is only present if the event contains target property values. Listed below are a couple of sample target property name/value pairs:

    Line of business: Finance
    Owner: Finance-DB Team
  • The Event Context section is only present if the event contains event context attribute values. There can be StringAttribute or NumberAttribute values that contain a name/value pair.

  • URL is set to the URL of the Event Details page in Enterprise Manager. The URL is set up as a link that you can click directly to view the event in Enterprise Manager.