14 Setting Options

This chapter explains how to specify default options used by Oracle Load Testing.

You can set Oracle Load Testing options for custom browsers, repositories, scenario defaults, session start and stop, session profile, and reporting options using Options from the User menu. Selecting this option opens the Options dialog box.

14.1 Setting General Options

The General options let you specify the default settings for validation and timeouts.

Validate hostname automatically when adding/editing a system - checks to see if the Oracle Load Testing server can connect to the specified system. If it cannot, Oracle Load Testing displays a dialog box asking you if you want to proceed anyway.

Validate monitor automatically when creating a monitor - checks to see if the monitor can be applied to the target system when you create a monitor.

Databank Setup Timeout - specifies the time, in seconds, to wait for databanking operations before timing out.

14.2 Setting System Options

The System options let you add, edit, and delete systems, system groups and data collectors used to run Virtual users. See Chapter 4, "Managing Systems" for additional information.

14.3 Setting Manage Options

The Manage options let you perform add, edit, delete, and import/export tasks for Repositories, Sessions, Scenarios, Graphs, Scripts, Data Banks, and Data Files in the Manage group of the user options.

14.3.1 Repository Options

Repositories give you the ability to share files. Any shared network directory can be used as a repository. Since the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service runs as the local SYSTEM user, there may be a policy restricting access to your network share. You can fix this by doing one of the following:

  • Ensure that both sharing permissions and security permission on the remote network directory allows for other SYSTEM users to gain access. The least restrictive setting is to allow the windows user "Everyone" to be given permission.

  • Configure the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service to run under a specific user account rather than the local System user account.

New - adds a new entry to the table.

Delete - deletes the selected repository.

Repository Name - enter the name of the repository.

Path - enter the path of the repository. If the path you specify is a shared network drive, the Oracle Load Testing Server must have access to that drive. By default, the Oracle Load Testing Server runs under the "Local System" account. You may need to change this to a user account in the Services panel.

To add a repository:

  1. Select Options from the User menu.

  2. Expand Manage and click Repositories.

  3. Click New. A new entry is made in the table.

  4. Enter the name of the repository.


    If you plan to use OpenScript scripts with Oracle Load Testing, the repository names you specify should match the repository name specified in OpenScript (including case).
  5. Enter the location of the repository.

14.3.2 Session Options

The Session options let you rename sessions, delete sessions, purge VU logs, and import/export session data. See Chapter 12, "Working With Sessions" for additional information.

14.3.3 Scenario Options

The Scenario options lets you edit, delete import and export scenarios. See Chapter 9, "Running and Saving Scenarios" for additional information.

14.3.4 Graph Options

The Graph options lets you edit and delete saved graph queries. See Chapter 11, "Using Graphs and Reports" for additional information.

14.3.5 Scripts Options

The Script options let you import and export scripts that have been exported from OpenScript as .zip files. See Chapter 5, "Creating Scenario Profiles" for additional information.

14.3.6 Data Bank Options

The Data Bank options let you import and export Data Bank files (.csv) to and from the Oracle Load Testing server and the local machine. See Section 13.2, "Importing and Exporting Data Bank Files" for additional information.

14.3.7 Data File Options

The Data File options let you import and export Download Manager data files (.dat) to and from the Oracle Load Testing server and the local machine. See Section 13.3, "Importing and Exporting Data Files" for additional information.

14.4 Setting Profiles Options

You can set Oracle Load Testing Profile options for custom browsers, scenario default properties, and ramp options in the Profiles group of the user options.

14.4.1 Setting Browser Emulation Options

The Browser Emulation options let you add, edit, and delete custom browser emulator options. The following custom browser options are available:

New - displays a new line in the table.

Delete - deletes the selected browser.

Browser - any name for the customized browser emulator. This name will appear in the Browser Emulation list in the Edit Scenario Details dialog box.

Agent String - specifies the string to send to the server as the User Agent header string for the customized browser emulator.

14.4.2 Setting Scenario Default Properties

You can change the default settings for profiles using the Default Properties in the Profiles section of the Options dialog box. Changes made are applied to profiles as they are added to the scenario. Note that changes are not applied to profiles that are already in the scenario. To apply changes to profiles already in the scenario, remove them from the scenario on the Composer tab, then add them back.

The Default Properties has two columns:

Default Value - shows the value to which the option is set when a new script is added to a scenario.

Table View - when checked, this field is displayed on the Composer tab.

General - the main settings are as follows:

  • Max. # VUs - specifies the number of virtual users to run for the selected profile. For each virtual user, Oracle Load Testing runs a separate instance of the script(s) specified in the virtual user profile.

  • Agent System - specifies the machine on which the virtual users will run. When running virtual users across systems on a LAN/WAN, enter the machine name of a system running either Oracle Load Testing or Oracle Load Testing Agent. Systems are defined using the Systems Manager. Initially, you must define the machine names or IP addresses of the system(s) in the Systems Manager. Once the name(s) or IP addresses have been specified, you can select the system name from the drop-down list for future load tests.

    When determining the number of virtual users to run per process or system, you need to include the Client overhead in the resource allocation. Each VU in Thin or Java Client requires approximately 350 KB-500 KB of memory to run. When calculating the available memory to run VUs on an agent system, you must account for a 20-30% client system overhead. Therefore, you only have 70-80% of the physical memory (RAM) available to run VUs.

  • Iteration Delay - specifies the amount of time (in seconds) to wait between iterations of virtual user runs. You specify the number of iterations using the Profile Properties.

  • VU Pacing (Think Time) - specifies the script playback delay for each virtual user. There are four options:

    • Recorded - uses the delay times that were recorded in the Oracle OpenScript script. You can set minimum and maximum delay times (in seconds) that override the script delay times in the Minimum and Maximum edit boxes.

    • Recorded/Random - uses random delay times based upon the recorded user delay. Oracle Load Testing sets the low end of the random range as the actual user delay minus the Lower percentage setting. Oracle Load Testing sets the high end of the random range as the actual user delay plus the Upper percentage setting. For example, if the actual recorded delay time was 100 seconds and the Lower and Upper settings are 10% and 25% respectively, Oracle Load Testing uses random delay times between 90 and 125 seconds.

    • Random - uses random times for Virtual User pacing. You can set minimum and maximum delay times for random delay in the Minimum and Maximum edit boxes.

    • No Delay - plays back the scripts at the fastest possible speed.


    For OpenScript scripts, the VU Pacing overrides the times specified in think() and beginStep() methods.

Data Bank - the Data Bank load testing playback settings are as follows:

  • Use Data Bank - when true, scripts that have Oracle OpenScript Data Banks will use the Data Banks as part of the virtual user playback. When false, scripts playback using the recorded data rather than the Data Bank.

  • Setup Timeout: Specifies how much time to spend preparing a databank for use before timing out. The value is in seconds. This setting includes the total time to do all of the following activities:

    If using a Database-backed databank:

    • Connect to the database

    • Query

    • Read records, write into the file

    • Create the index simultaneously

    • Disconnect

    If using a CSV-backed databank:

    • Time required to parse the CSV file and create the index

    If using Random Unique:

    • Time to shuffle the index

  • Read Timeout - specifies the amount of time to wait for a databank read or get operation for a script at run-time before timing out.

See Section 5.1.5, "Using the Data Bank Control" for additional information.

Sync Points Settings- the Sync Point settings are as follows:

  • Name - specifies the name of the Synchronization point. This is the same name as specified for the sync point in the OpenScript script.

  • Group type - specifies how to determine when to release virtual users based on the following options:

    • All users in scenario - calculates when to release virtual users based on all virtual users whether or not they are running.

    • Running users - calculates when to release virtual users based on the number of running users only.

  • Release trigger - specifies the percentage of virtual users that must be waiting before they are released. For example, if ten virtual users are running and the release trigger is set to fifty percent, then the waiting virtual users are released when five of them are waiting. Setting the value greater than one hundred percent causes the virtual users to wait until they are manually released.

  • Open gate time - specifies the amount of time to keep the release open after it has been triggered.

  • Maximum Wait - specifies, per individual virtual user, the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the synchronization point will wait before releasing the virtual user.

Browser Settings - the browser settings are as follows:

  • Browser Emulation - specifies the type of browser to emulate. Default is the browser used to record the script.

  • Browser Type - specifies the type of browser to use for functional test scripts: Internet Explorer or Firefox. The default is Internet Explorer on Windows. The default is Firefox on Linux.

  • Browser Path Override - specifies tan alternative path to use when launching the specified browser type. Explorer and Firefox browser processes physically exist in the file system. In case the path to one of these browsers is incorrect, specify an alternative path to use when launching the specified browser type. This setting is not intended to be used to specify the path to an unsupported browser.

  • Browser Additional Arguments - specifies any additional startup arguments that should be used when launching the browser process on playback. The default is no additional arguments other than what may be required internally.

  • Connection Speed Emulation - specifies the line speed to simulate for the virtual user's Internet connection. Set the speed to a specific number if you want the virtual user to simulate a dial-up connection using a modem, DSL, or other speed. Set the speed to True Line Speed if you want the virtual user to run using the actual connection speed.

  • Resolution Size - specifies the screen resolution of the playback agent machine. Functional test scripts with mouse-click actions and screenshot capturing are dependent upon this setting.

  • Dismiss Alert Dialogs - specifies if JavaScript alert dialog boxes are automatically dismissed if they appear during playback. The default is false; do not automatically dismiss alert dialogs.

  • Cache Download Pages - when true, downloaded pages are stored in a local cache and caching options are enabled. Caching places less of a load on the server as only newer pages are requested and brought down from the Web server. When false, caching is not used. No caching places more of a load on the Web server because pages and images are brought down from the Web server for every request.

    • Clear Cache After Iteration - when true, the cache is cleared after each iteration of the script.

    • When Page Out of Date - when true, the cache is cleared automatically when the page is out of date.

    • Every Visit - when true, the cache is cleared on every visit to the page.

    • Max. Cache Size (MB) - specifies the maximum cache size.

  • Use IP Spoofing - when true, Oracle Load Testing uses different IP addresses for Virtual User agents. Each virtual user must get a defined IP address. You must define the IP addresses available for use by Oracle Load Testing Agents in the TCP/IP network protocols of the system. All IP addresses must be added to each Agent system. See Section 5.1.7, "Using IP Spoofing" for additional information.

  • Enable Cookies - when true, the virtual user profiles will use cookies. Use this setting if your Web application uses cookies to manage session and other context information.

Extensibility - the extensibility settings are as follows:

  • Execute User Defined Tests - when true, Oracle Load Testing runs Oracle OpenScript Text Matching and Server Response tests.

Virtual User Logs - the VU Logs settings are as follows:

  • Enable Logging - turns VU logging on and off. The default is on. When On, the Message Delivery and Logged Messages settings are also enabled.

  • Message Delivery - specifies when messages are delivered to the Virtual User log, as follows:

    On Error - enables delivery of messages only when an error occurs. Using this a user can debug what happened on a particular step or transaction when an error occurred. All messages, as specified by the Logged Messages settings, for steps or transactions are cached an error occurs.

    Always - all messages generated by Virtual Users will be logged.

  • Logged Messages - specifies the type of logged messages, as follows:

    Standard - The standard messages consist of basic level messages which provide an overview of the chronological flow of a Virtual User. The types of messages included in this are as follows:

    • BeginPage -Logs the step-group (page) name, when VU starts a page.

    • FoundResource - Logs the resources' urls when download manager is turned on and discovers resources from pages.

    • ScriptError [Without stack trace] - Logs the script exception type and messages, when an OATS defined exception happens. It does not matter if the 'Error Recovery' settings handles it as 'warn' or 'ignore'. The name of the exception class is appended to "ScriptError" as a whole message type, for example, ScriptError<SolveException>

    • CachedData - Logs the cached resources' urls, when a VU requests on a cached resource (304 NOT MODIFIED or Found In Cache).

    • ThinkTime - Logs a message with the think time in seconds when a VU is in iteration delay, step delay, or manual delay.

    • SyncPoint - Logs whether a VU is suspended by a Sync Point or continues from a Sync Point.

    • Action - Logs the details of an action when a VU is navigating to a page (http), or executing a sql statement (util).

    Extended - The extended messages consist of all the message types included in Standard plus selective inclusion of extended message types, which can have a substantial overhead. Selecting this option enables the selection of the previously excluded message types. All these message types or their groups are turned off by default. The extended message types or their groups are as follows:

    • Server Communication Content - Enables logging of all contents that are communicated with the server. For example, for an HTTP script it will consist of RequestHeader, ResponseHeader and ResponseContent.

    • Parameter Substitution - Enables logging of the variables name/value being substituted when parameters are transformed (messages of type ParameterSubstitution).

    • Error Stack Trace -Enables logging of messages of type ScriptError to be reported with the stack trace in the content.

    • Verification Notifications - Enables logging of the test type, test name, and test result of all types of verifications/tests (messages of type Verification).

    • User Defined Messages - Enables logging of the messages if API 'info()', 'warn()', 'fail()', 'reportFailure()' methods are used (messages of type CustomizedLog).

  • Table Test - turns Table Test logging on and off. The default is off.

  • Object Test - turns Object Test logging on and off. The default is off.

  • Screenshot - turns Screenshot logging on and off. The default is off.

  • XML Test - turns XML Test logging on and off. The default is off.

Reporting - the Reporting settings are as follows:

  • Generate Timers For Step Groups - when true, Oracle Load Testing automatically adds timers for each OpenScript Step Group for reporting. The timers are used in Oracle Load Testing to provide performance monitoring and timing information for each Step Group the script(s) played back by a scenario.

  • Generate Timers For Pages - when true, Oracle Load Testing automatically adds timers for each OpenScript script page for reporting. The timers are used in Oracle Load Testing to provide performance monitoring and timing information for each page of the script(s) played back by a scenario.

  • Generate Timers For Resources - when true, Oracle Load Testing automatically adds timers for all resources for monitoring and reporting purposes. Resources include images and other objects downloaded from the server as specified by the OpenScript Download Manager section of the Scenario Defaults.

Error Handling - the Error Handling settings are as follows:

  • Fail on Object Download Errors - when true, a Web page object download error is considered a fatal error that ends the current iteration.

  • Fail on Missing Frames - when true, a Web page object download error is considered a fatal error that ends the current iteration.

  • On Error Stop Virtual User - when true, all virtual users are stopped if an error is encountered.

  • Stop Remaining Iterations on Failure - when true, all remaining iterations for a virtual user are stopped if an error is encountered.

  • Socket Timeout - specifies the maximum amount of time a virtual user waits for a socket connection before timing out.

  • Request Timeout - specifies the maximum amount of time a virtual user waits to access a page before timing out.

  • Connection Idle Timeout - specifies the socket 'idle timeout' and uses a new connection when reusing an idle-timeout socket. This is used to specify the timeout for a socket that gets closed by the server side after a long idle period.

Advanced - the Advanced settings are as follows:

  • Max Users Per Process - sets the maximum number of virtual users per single agent process. When running virtual users as threads in a single process, Max Users Per Process sets the maximum number of virtual user threads in a single process. Oracle Load Testing spawns new processes if the number of virtual users exceeds the maximum number in any single process and runs the additional virtual uses as threads in the new process.

    The default setting is unlimited virtual users per agent process.

  • Object Timeout - specifies the maximum time to wait for an object to download before timing out.

  • Max HTTP Connections Per User - specifies the maximum number of server connections per process per server. Each VU makes multiple connections to request additional resources for images and additional frames for example. Setting this option specifies a limit on the total number of connections that the VU s can make to the server. The default setting is "Default," which means use the default connection limits as configured on the agent machine. (See Microsoft KBase article Q183110 for more information.)

  • Ignore HTTP Proxy Settings - specifies whether to ignore the agent machine's default proxy setting as defined in Internet Explorer.

  • Debug Users - specifies whether to enable debug features.

Agent Client Preferences - When a setting is set to the default value, this means that the value that will be used is what is set in the OracleATS\OFT\jagent\ JavaAgent.properties file, unless a value is not set in the JavaAgent.properties file. In this case, the Java Agent uses the internal default value.

  • Persist Raw Data - when true, Oracle Load Testing saves every single measured data point in to the database.

    See Section 11.10, "Using Raw Data" for additional information about how to use the raw data.

  • Report Counters - when true, Oracle Load Testing counters are reported.

  • Report Sender Interval - when you select other, enter the time in milliseconds for how frequently the agent reports its status and accrued counters. The default in the JavaAgent.properties file is 5000.

  • Maximum JVM Heap Size (MB) - specifies the maximum size of the JVM heap. The default is 256MB. This value cannot be more than 90% of the total memory size.

  • Proxy Host - select other to enter the proxy host and override the system-specified proxy host.

  • Proxy Port - select other to enter the proxy port and override the system-specified proxy port.

  • Non Proxy Hosts - select other to enter non-proxy hosts. Delimit multiple hosts with a bar (|).

  • Enable GZIP - when true, support for gzip compression is enabled. The browser Request includes the Accept-Encoding: gzip header indicating a gzip compressed page response will be accepted. If the server uses gzip compression, the response includes the Content-Encoding: gzip header indicating the returned page is in gzip compressed format. The browser unzips the compressed file before rendering the HTML page. Gzip compression is typically used to provide faster transfer of large HTML pages between the browser and the server.

  • Enable Deflate - when true, support for deflate compression is enabled. The browser Request includes the Accept-Encoding: deflate header indicating a deflate compressed page response will be accepted. If the server uses deflate compression, the response includes the Content-Encoding: deflate header indicating the returned page is in deflate compressed format. The browser inflates the compressed file before rendering the HTML page. Deflate compression is typically used to provide faster transfer of large HTML pages between the browser and the server.

  • Language - specifies which language to use for script playback. When you select Other, enter the language to override the Accept-Language header. The default is the locale assigned by the JVM.

  • HTTP Version - select the HTTP protocol version to specify in the GET or POST request/response between client and server. The HTTP/1.0 protocol is an early implementation of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP/1.1 is a standards-based enhancement to the HTTP/1.0 protocol. See the Key Differences between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 at http://www8.org/w8-papers/5c-protocols/key/key.html

  • Accept String - this setting specifies what the Accept: HTTP header value looks like. When you select other, enter the string. The default in the JavaAgent.properties file is: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, */*. If you modify a navigation in a script by adding a custom Accept: header, the custom header value from the script is used instead.

  • Enable Keep Alive - when true, the Connection: Keep-Alive header is set to indicate requests should use a persistent connection. The "Keep-Alive" keyword indicates that the request should keep the connection open for multiple requests. For HTTP/1.0, the socket connection is kept open until either the client or the server drops the connection. For HTTP/1.1 all connections are kept alive unless a Connection: close header is specified.

  • Preserve Connections Between Iterations - used to preserve connections between Virtual User agents and the browser between successive iterations of the script. Set to True if the browser should attempt to reuse any open browser connections if possible between iterations. Each virtual user maintains its own set of connections that it never shares with other virtual users. The default value is True, preserve connections between iterations.

  • Preserve Variables Between Iterations - used to preserve or automatically clear variables added in the Run section of OpenScript scripts between successive iterations of the Run section.

  • Preserve Cookies Between Iterations - used to preserve or automatically clear cookies added in the Run section of OpenScript scripts between successive iterations of the Run section.

  • Max Keep-Alive Requests - select other to specify the maximum number of requests to make on a keep alive connection before closing it.

  • Download Local Files - when true, the Java Agent retrieves the requested local file contents.

  • Max Content Download Size - specifies the maximum size for downloads. You can specify Unlimited or Other. If you select Other, specify the maximum size in kilobytes.

  • Secure Protocol - select the Secure Socket Layer version to use for the proxy server. When recording a secure site in the browser, the user only sees the Proxy Recorder's certificate not the secure web site's certificate. The Browser, Proxy Recorder, and Secure Server each have their own private and public keys which are used to encrypt/decrypt data.

    • SSL: Use Secure Socket Layer protocol with the proxy server. OpenScript supports SSLv1.0, SSLv2.0, SSLv3.0 and TLSv1.0.

    • TLSv1.2: Use Secure Socket Layer Transport Layer Security version 1.2.

  • Do Not Request URLS ending in - ignores requests in the script that end with the extensions specified in this field. Specify the file extensions, separated by commas, that should not be requested. For example, .png,.ico,.gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.css,.js. This setting only applies to only to OpenScript load test scripts.

  • Ignored URLs that Match Regex - specify the Regular Expression that specifies URLs that should not be requested.

  • Global Headers - specifies any custom "Global Headers" string to use in the Request header for script playback. The format is in the form: name1:value1;name2:value2;name3:value3. For example: x-oracle-slm-message-id: bcn=<beacon_name>; svc=<service_name>.

  • Replace URLs - specifies the URL replacement string in the form: originalURL1=replacementURL1,originalURL2=replacementURL2,[...]. During playback, anytime the agent makes a request to a URL starting with a segment, originalURL, the agent replaces the original URL segment with replacementURL. This feature is only supported for Load Test scripts.

    • originalURL - Specify the starting segment of the URL:port that appears in the script that should be replaced. This value is case-sensitive.

    • replacementURL - Specify the new starting segment URL:port that the agent requests instead of originalURL.

    For both parameters, if the protocol is omitted, HTTP protocol is assumed. If no port is specified after the host, port 80 is assumed for HTTP protocol, and port 443 is assumed for HTTPS protocol. URLs are replaced after all correlations are applied. One or more URL replacement pairs may be specified, separating each replacement pair with a comma. The following examples show the format of Replace URLs strings:

  • Additional Arguments - specifies custom OpenScript script.java code arguments. You can create your own settings in OpenScript scripts. For example, you can create custom settings in OpenScript script.java code, as follows:

    if (getSettings().get("MyCustomSetting").equals("abc")) {
      info("We're running in ABC mode.");

    You can then set the additional arguments in the Additional Arguments field as follows:

    -MyCustomSetting abc

Error Recovery - General - the General Error Recovery settings are as follows:

  • File Not Found - specifies the error recovery action if a file is not found.

  • Segment Parser Error - specifies the error recovery action if the XPath Segment Parser cannot verify the correctness of an XPath.

  • Create Variable Fail - specifies the error recovery action if a script fails to create a variable.

  • Encryption Service not Initialized - specifies the error recovery action when the password encryption service was not initialized.

  • Binary Decoding Error - specifies the error recovery action if a binary post data parameter error occurs.

  • Variable Not Found - specifies the error recovery action if a variable cannot be found when parsing transformed strings.

  • Unexpected Script Error - specifies the error recovery action if any unexpected script error occurs.

  • Child Script Failed - specifies the error recovery action if an error occurs in a script that is a child of another script.

  • Call Function Failed - specifies the error recovery action if an error occurs in a script that calls a function of another script.

  • Encrypting/Decrypting Failed - specifies the error recovery action if an error occurs encrypting or decrypting a script.

Error Recovery - HTTP - the HTTP Module Error Recovery settings are as follows:

  • HTML Parsing Error - specifies the error recovery action if an HTML parsing error occurs.

  • Text Match Fail - specifies the error recovery action if a text matching test fails.

  • Solve Variable Fail - specifies the error recovery action if the value of any variable cannot be solved.

  • Response Time Error - specifies the error recovery action if a Server Response Time test fails.

  • Invalid HTTP Response - specifies the error recovery action if the sever returns an invalid HTTP response.

  • Invalid URL - specifies the error recovery action if the server returns an Invalid URL response code.

  • Zero Downloads Fatal - specifies the error recovery action if a server response indicates zero bytes length.

  • Client Certificate Keystore Error - specifies the error recovery action if the Client Certificate Keystore indicates an error.

Error Recovery - Oracle Forms Load - the Oracle Forms Load Test Module Error Recovery settings are as follows:

  • Forms Connect Error - specifies the error recovery action if a server connection error occurs.

  • Forms I/O Communication Error - specifies the error recovery action if a read/write or communication error occurs with an Oracle Forms message.

  • Forms Playback Error - specifies the error recovery action if an error occurs during forms playback.

  • Forms Component not Found - specifies the error recovery action if a component of a form is not found.

  • Forms Content Match Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a content matching test fails.

Error Recovery - Functional Test - the Functional Test Module Error Recovery settings are as follows:

  • Text Matching Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a text matching test error occurs.

  • Object Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if an Object test error occurs.

  • Table Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a Table test error occurs.

  • XML Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if an XML test error occurs.

Error Recovery - Web Functional Test - the Web Functional Test Module Error Recovery settings are as follows:

  • Response Time Error - specifies the error recovery action if a Response time error occurs.

  • Solve Variable Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a Solve Variable error occurs.

  • Wait for Page Timeout - specifies the error recovery action if a Wait for Page Timeout occurs.

  • Object Not Found - specifies the error recovery action if an Object Not Found error occurs.

  • Playback Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a Playback Failed error occurs.

  • Title Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a Title Test Failed error occurs.

  • HTML Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a Title Test Failed error occurs.

Error Recovery - Oracle Forms Functional Test - the Oracle Forms Functional Test Module Error Recovery settings are as follows:

  • Oracle Forms Error - specifies the error recovery action if an Oracle Forms error occurs.

  • Status Bar Test Error - specifies the error recovery action if a Status Bar Test error occurs.

Download Manager - the OpenScript Download Manager settings are as follows:

  • Use OpenScript Download Manager - when true, the Download Manager is enabled during playback. When false, the Download Manager is not enabled during playback.

  • CSS Resource - when true, css resources in <Link> tags are downloaded during playback. When false, css resources are not downloaded during playback.

  • Image Resource - when true, image resources in <Img> tags, in the "background" attribute of a tag, or in <style> tags with "background:url" patterns are downloaded during playback. When false, image resources are not downloaded during playback.

  • Embeded Object Resource - when true, object resources in <Embed> tags or in <Object> tags are downloaded during playback. When false, object resources are not downloaded during playback.

  • Script Resource - when true, script resources in <Script> tags are downloaded during playback. When false, script resources are not downloaded during playback.

  • Applet Resource - when true, applet resources in <Applet> tags are downloaded during playback. When false, applet resources are not downloaded during playback.

Forms LT Playback - the Oracle EBS/Forms load testing playback settings are as follows:

  • Capture Message Details - Specifies if forms message details are captured during playback. When selected, OpenScript captures and stores Forms message requests, responses, and information about all loaded Forms components during playback. This information is useful to have when debugging the script.

    OpenScript displays captured details in the "Messages" and "Object Details" tabs of the Details view. Oracle Load Testing displays this information in the virtual user logs based on the "virtual user logs" settings.

    Capturing message details is a memory-intensive operation. During heavy load testing, it is recommended to clear this setting to reduce the amount of heap space required by the agent.

  • Heart Beat Interval (sec) - Specifies how often to notify the forms server that the forms client is still alive when there is no user activity in the forms client. This value is used to override the timeout configured for the EBS Application that indicates how long the client has no activities. The default "0" value means no heart beat is sent to the server.

Cache and Cookies - the Cache and Cookies settings are as follows:

  • Clear Cache Before Playback - specifies if the browser cache is cleared before script playback begins.

  • Clear Cache Between Iterations - specifies if the browser cache is cleared between each playback iteration.

  • Clear Session Cookies Before Playback - specifies if the session cookies are cleared before script playback begins.

  • Clear Session Cookies Between Iterations - specifies if the session cookies are cleared between each playback iteration.

  • Clear Persistent Cookies Before Playback - specifies if the persistent cookies are cleared before script playback begins.

  • Clear Persistent Cookies Between Iterations - specifies if the persistent cookies are cleared between each playback iteration.

Event Timeout - the Oracle Forms Event timeout settings are as follows:

  • Forms Startup Timeout - specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript should wait for a form to appear before considering the form not found. This is the default timeout when waiting for a form to appear before invoking an action against it. This is also the default timeout when waiting for a form to appear before continuing the script.

  • Forms Action Timeout - specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript should wait for forms action playback until success.

  • Forms Response Timeout - specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript should wait for forms response before timing out.

14.4.3 Setting Ramp Options

The ramp options let you specify the default ramp rate and stop conditions that will be used when creating scenarios. See Chapter 6, "Defining VU Rampup" for a description of these fields.

14.5 Setting ServerStats Options

The ServerStats options let you edit ServerStats configurations, metrics and metric profiles. See Chapter 8, "Defining ServerStats Monitors" for a description of these fields.

14.6 Setting Session Options

The Session options let you rename sessions, delete sessions, purge VU logs, and import/export session data.

14.6.1 Setting Session Start and Stop Options

Sessions specify the scope for Oracle Load Testing data collection and reporting. The data collected while the Autopilot is running virtual users is shown in the virtual user grid, runtime performance statistics and load graphs, and saved to a database for post-testing analysis in the Reports tab.

You can specify default settings for how sessions start and end data collection by selecting Options from the User menu then selecting Session Start/Stop in the Session group. See Section 9.3.4, "Managing Sessions" for a description of these options.

14.6.2 Setting Reporting Options

The Reporting optionss let you specify the parameters for data collections and refresh intervals, status and log grid row counts, and reporting default settings. See Section 11.5, "Setting the Reporting Options" for a description of these fields.