2 Setting Preferences

The OpenScript Preferences let you specify default values and settings to use for OpenScript options. This chapter explains the available options in the OpenScript Preferences categories. The OpenScript preferences are under the OpenScript node. The available preferences may vary depending upon installed modules.

2.1 Setting OpenScript Preferences

To set OpenScript preferences:

  1. Start OpenScript.

  2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.

  3. Expand the OpenScript node and select the preference category.

  4. Specify the preferences as necessary for the selected category.

The following sections explain the available options for each category.

2.2 Correlation and Validation Category

The OpenScript Correlation and Validation interface allows users to create correlation libraries to automatically parameterize dynamic requests during playback. Correlation libraries contain rules for automatically handling dynamic request parameters such as urls, query strings and post data for the specific modules.

This category lets you specify libraries and rules for transforming dynamic data in recorded script URLs and related parameters (headers, post data, etc.) to variable names that will be recognized by the script playback engine (OpenScript or Oracle Load Testing). Correlation rules must be defined within OpenScript modules and are not available with the basic platform.

2.2.1 Module Correlation Preferences

Selected Module: Shows the names of the defined correlation libraries. Use the Add Library button to define libraries. After you define a library you can use the Add Rule button to specify the rules to include in the library.

  • Add Library: Opens a dialog box for adding a correlation library name.

  • Add Rule: Opens a dialog box for adding a correlation rule to the selected library.

  • Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected correlation library name.

  • Delete: Deletes the selected correlation library from the Preferences list. The defined rules for the library are also removed from the preferences. The correlation library .XML file is not deleted from disk.

  • Up: Moves the correlation rule up in the priority list.

  • Down: Moves the correlation rule down in the priority list.

  • Import: Opens a dialog box for selecting the correlation library file to import.

  • Export: Opens a dialog box for selecting the location where you want to export the selected correlation library .XML file.

  • Revert: Reverts the library to the default values.

Tab view: Shows the library or rule details for the selected correlation library or rule. The tab view information changes depending upon whether a library or rule node is selected and which type of correlation rule is selected. See the module chapters for details about specific correlation libraries.

2.2.2 Add Library

This dialog box lets you specify a new correlation library for transforming dynamic data in recorded script URLs and related parameters (headers, post data, etc.) to variable names that will be recognized by the script playback engine (OpenScript or Oracle Load Testing).

  • Name: Specifies the name of the correlation library. After you define a library you can use the Add Rule button to specify the rules to include in the library. The name is required. You can also select Copy rules to copy correlation rules from an existing library.

  • Copy rules from existing library: Lets you copy correlation rules from an existing library to a new library.Specifies the name of the correlation library. After you define a library you can use the Add Rule button to specify the rules to include in the library. The name is required. You can also select Copy rules to copy correlation rules from an existing library.

    • Copy Rules: When selected, a list of existing correlation rule libraries will be enabled for copying.

    • Library: Lists the correlation rule libraries available for copying.

2.2.3 Add/Edit Rule

This dialog box lets you specify or edit a correlation rule for transforming dynamic data in recorded script URLs and related parameters (headers, post data, etc.) to variable names that will be recognized by the script playback engine (OpenScript or Oracle Load Testing).

  • Type: Specifies the type of correlation rule. The available Source and Target options change depending upon the rule type.

  • Name: Specifies the name of the correlation rule. The name is required.

  • Source: Specifies which object(s) to substitute as dynamic data.

  • Target: Specifies which object(s) to use as the target location of the transform.

2.3 General Category

This category lets you specify general preferences.

2.3.1 General Preferences

These preferences set the default general preferences. The resulting dialog presents the following fields:

Maximum Number of Results to Save: Specifies the maximum number of script playback session results to save. The script playback session results appear in the Results view and are saved to the results subdirectory under the script directory. When the maximum number has been reached, subsequent playback sessions delete the oldest playback results.

  • Results: Specifies the number of results to save.

Record and Playback Port Range: Specifies the range of ports to use to avoid port conflicts when multiple users run OpenScript from a single installation using multiple concurrent interactive desktop sessions (for example, Terminal Server or Remote Desktop sessions).

  • Minimum: Specifies the port number to use as the minimum.

  • Maximum: Specifies the port number to use as the maximum.

Opening Script that is Already Opened by Another User: Specifies the response to a user attempting to open a script that is currently opened by another user in a multiple user installation.

  • Ask to open a copy of the script: When selected, the second or subsequent users attempting to open a script that is in use by another user will receive a prompt asking if they want to open a copy of the script.

  • Do not allow opening a copy of the script: When selected, the second or subsequent users attempting to open a script that is in use by another user will receive a prompt indicating the script is in use and cannot be opened.

Date Format: Specifies the date format to use for all modules and tests.

  • Use the default short date format for this locale: When selected, the Date Pattern follows standard Java SimpleDateFormat string conventions. The default value is MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a (month, day, year, hour, minutes, seconds, am/pm).

  • Use a specific date format: When selected, the Date Pattern follows the selected format.

Databanks: Specifies the databank preferences.

  • Databank Setup Timeout: Specifies how much time to spend preparing a databank for use before timing out. The value is in seconds. This setting includes the total time to do all of the following activities:

    If using a Database-backed databank:

    • Connect to the database

    • Query

    • Read records, write into the file

    • Create the index simultaneously

    • Disconnect

    If using a CSV-backed databank:

    • Time required to parse the CSV file and create the index

    If using Random Unique:

    • Time to shuffle the index

  • Use system editor for opening Databanks: When selected, the databank file opens in the system defined editor for the file type. If there is no system defined editor registered for the file type (for example, Excel for CSV files), OpenScript produces an OLE Exception error when you try to open the file with this option selected. When cleared, the databank file opens in a text editor view. You can open the databank from the Assets tab of the Script view. See Section 4.2.1, "Configuring Databanks" for more information about adding databanks to scripts.

Confirm exit when closing last window: When selected, a confirmation message appears when closing the OpenScript workbench.

Confirm exit deleting from script tree: When selected, a confirmation message appears when deleting items from the script tree.

Automatically upgrade scripts: When selected, scripts that were created in earlier versions of OpenScript will be automatically upgraded to the current version. When cleared, the user will be prompted when opening scripts that were created in earlier versions of OpenScript if they want to upgrade the script.

2.3.2 Browser Preferences

The Browser preferences specify the browser and any additional arguments. The resulting dialog presents the following fields:

Current Browser: Select which browser to use for recording and which to use for playback. OpenScript only supports Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome (version 33 or higher) browsers for recording. OpenScript supports Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome (Windows only and Web, ADF, and JDE functional modules only), Safari (in the iOS simulator with Web and ADF functional modules using a script recorded with Internet Explorer or Firefox) and Microsoft Edge (Windows only and Adobe Flex and Oracle Siebel HI/SI modules are not supported) browsers for playback.

  • Record: Specifies the browser to use for recording scripts.

  • Playback: Specifies the browser to use for playing back scripts.

    • If you select Chrome as the browser type for playback, the scripts must have been pre-recorded with Internet Explorer or Firefox and can only be played back on Windows. Only scripts recorded for Web, ADF, and JDE modules are supported for playback with Chrome browsers.

    • If you select Safari as the browser type for playback, the scripts must have been pre-recorded with Internet Explorer or Firefox and can only be played back in the iOS simulator. Only scripts recorded for Web and ADF modules are supported for playback with Safari iOS browsers.

    • If you select Microsoft Edge as the browser type for playback, the scripts must have been pre-recorded with Internet Explorer or Firefox and can only be played back on Windows 10.0.15063+.

Start Up: Specifies the browser start up settings.

  • Startup Timeout: Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to use for the browser startup timeout.

Internet Explorer: Specifies the Internet Explorer browser preferences.

  • Path Override: Specifies the path and file name to use to override the default Internet Explorer browser location.

  • Additional Arguments: Specifies any additional command arguments to include when starting the browser.

Firefox: Specifies the Firefox browser preferences.

  • Path Override: Specifies the path and file name to use to override the default Firefox browser location.

  • Additional Arguments: Specifies any additional command arguments to include when starting the browser.

Chrome: Specifies the Chrome browser preferences.


Click Cancel in the "Disable developer mode extensions" popup when recording or playing back with Chrome browser. Selecting Disable will cause the OpenScript extension to be disabled, which will result in record, playback and other testing actions with Chrome to fail.
  • Path Override: Specifies the path and file name to use to override the default Chrome browser location. You can only start one Chrome browser using one profile.

  • Additional Arguments: Specifies any additional command arguments to include when starting the browser. Use the --disable-web-security argument to disable web security in the Chrome browser and enable JavaScript cross domain when handling frames in a web document. When traversing frames, Chrome cross-domain content scripts require this argument to be able to interact with each other.

  • Device Mode: Specifies the type of mobile device to emulate when using Chrome browser to record scripts simulating a mobile device. Select the device mode from the list or click Edit to open the Device Manager. Use the Device Manager to add custom device modes to the list.

Safari in iOS Simulator: Specifies the Safari iOS simulator preferences.

  • Agent IP: Specifies the IP address of the Oracle Application Testing Suite agent to use for the iOS simulator for Safari iOS playback of functional test scripts. This setting is only used for Safari iOS simulator playback of functional test scripts prerecorded with an IE or Firefox browser.

  • Agent Port: Specifies the port number (typically 9527) to use to communicate with Oracle Application Testing Suite agent to use for the iOS simulator for Safari iOS simulator playback of functional test scripts. This setting is only used for Safari iOS simulator playback of functional test scripts prerecorded with an IE or Firefox browser.

See Section 3.2.11, "Playing Back Scripts in a Safari iOS Simulator" for additional information and prerequisites.

Microsoft Edge: Specifies the Microsoft Edge browser preferences.

  • Startup URL: Specifies the URI to use when launching the Microsoft Edge browser.

See Section 3.2.12, "Playing Back Scripts in a Microsoft Edge Browser" for additional information and prerequisites.

2.3.3 Encryption Preferences

These preferences set the default encryption preferences. The resulting dialog presents the following fields:

Do not encrypt script data: When selected, passwords are stored and displayed as plain text in the script.

Obfuscate script data: When selected, passwords are obfuscated before storing and displaying in the script. Obfuscated passwords are hidden but not securely encrypted.

Encrypt script data: When selected, passwords are encrypted in the script. You will be asked to specify a password for the script if you create new scripts containing sensitive data or when opening encrypted scripts for playback.


HTTP scripts do not automatically obfuscate/encrypt sensitive script passwords.

Use the Encryption options on the Tools menu to set the encryption password for specific scripts.

2.3.4 Keys Preferences

These preferences set the default keyboard shortcut preferences (keybindings) for OpenScript. You can specify or change the keyboard shortcut key or key combination bindings used to execute commands in OpenScript. The resulting dialog presents the following options:

Scheme: Specifies which key scheme. A 'scheme' is a set of bindings in the Eclipse development environment. The OpenScript keyboard shortcuts are an extension to the keyboard shortcuts in the "default" scheme available in the Eclipse development environment. See the Keys preferences in the Reference section of the Workbench User Guide online help for additional information about schemes.

[Filter]: Filters the commands listed in the Keys preferences dialog box by category. The OpenScript keyboard shortcuts are filtered by the "OpenScript Keys" category. Backspace the text or click the Clear icon to remove the filter text and show other keyboard shortcuts.

Command: Shows the command that will be executed when the shortcut key or key combination is pressed.

Binding: Shows the key or key combination to use to execute the command.

When: Shows the context in which the key or key combination will execute the command. See the When field later in this section for additional information.

Category: Shows the category to which the key or key combination belongs. The Category text can be used when filtering keybindings.

User: Shows the user to which the key or key combination belongs.

Copy Command: Copies the currently selected command to a new entry in the command list. The new entry can be customized to use another key or key combination.

Unbind Command: Removes the current key or key combination binding from the selected command. Use this option to change a command's current key or key combination to a different key or key combination.

Restore Command: Restores the default key or key combination binding to the selected command.

Name: Shows the name of the currently selected command for editing a key or key combination binding.

Description: Shows the description of the currently selected command for editing key or key combination binding.

Binding: Specifies the key or key combination to bind to the currently selected command. Press the key or key combination to use as the keyboard shortcut for the selected command.

When: Specifies the context in which the key or key combination will execute the selected command. This list will appear after a key or key combination is entered into the Binding field. For OpenScript, the primary contexts for the When setting are "Treeview Debugging" and "In Windows".

See the Keys preferences in the Reference section of the Workbench User Guide online help for additional information about contexts.

Conflicts: Shows any conflicts a key or key combination for the currently selected command has with other commands. You can use this to change any keybindings that conflict with each other.

  • Command: Shows the name of the command(s) that conflict with the currently selected command.

  • When: Shows the name of the context in which the conflict occurs with the currently selected command.

Filters: Opens a dialog box for specifying the When context filters to apply to the Keyboard shortcuts command list.

Export: Opens a file save dialog box for exporting the keyboard shortcuts to a comma separated value (csv) file. The exported file will contain all keybindings specified in the Eclipse development environment. Default OpenScript Keybindings

The following table lists the default keybindings for OpenScript commands:

Table 2-1 Default OpenScript Keybindings

Command Binding When Context



Treeview Debugging



In Windows



In Windows



In Windows

Playback to Here


Treeview Debugging



In Windows



Treeview Debugging

Step Into


Treeview Debugging



In Windows

2.3.5 Large Data Preferences

These preferences let you specify the thresholds at which large amounts of data will be stored as part of a load test script or stored in a resource file outside of the script. The large data settings are used only for load test scripts.

These settings are used in cases where an application-under-test either requires or returns large amounts of data in the request-response transaction. Large data that is stored as part of the script code can exceed compiler limitations and cause a script to become too large to compile. Also, in some cases, large data in scripts can consume too much heap, which can cause out of memory issues. Examples of cases where applications can require or return large data include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • HTTP post data containing a long list of Name-Value Pairs

  • Web Table Tests on tables containing thousands of table cells

  • Database SQL Query Result Validation containing hundreds of cells

  • Flex HTTP scripts that use very long action messages.

The Large Data preferences include the following settings:

Large Data Settings: Specify the thresholds at which large amounts of data will be stored as part of a script or stored in a resource file and the maximum number items to show in a tree view.

  • Threshold of large data [] KB: Specifies the number of kilobytes to use as the threshold that determines if large data is stored as part of the script or in a resource file outside of the script. Resource files are saved under the "postData" folder of current script project with a "rsc" file extension.

  • Max count of data items shown: Specifies the number of data items that will be shown in the treeview for large data items such as HTTP post data, multipart post data, or XML post data. The treeview shows a node such as (x items are omitted) if the number of data items exceeds the Max count of data items shown threshold. Clicking the (x items are omitted) node shows the additional items.

2.3.6 Repository Preferences

These preferences let you specify the name and location of the repository to use to store script files. The resulting dialog presents the following fields:

Name: Shows the names of the defined repositories. Use the Add button to define repositories and locations.

Location: Shows the location of defined repositories.

Add: Opens a dialog box for specifying a repository and location.

Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected repository and location. The Default repository location can be changed but it cannot be renamed.

Delete: Deletes the selected repository and location from the Preferences list. The script files and directory are not deleted. The Default repository cannot be deleted.

2.4 Playback Category

This category lets you specify script playback preferences.

2.4.1 General Playback Preferences

This category lets you specify general playback preferences. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: General

This section lets you specify general playback preferences and displays the following fields:

VU Pacing (Think Time): Specifies the script playback delay between pages for each virtual user. This is the amount of time the user looks at a page before making the next request and is commonly referred to as "think time." There are four options:

  • Recorded: Uses the delay times that were recorded in the Script. You can set minimum and maximum delay times (in seconds) that override the script delay times in the Minimum and Maximum edit boxes.

  • Recorded/Random: Uses random delay times based upon the recorded user delay. The low end of the random range as the actual recorded user delay minus the Lower percentage setting. The high end of the random range as the actual recorded user delay plus the Upper percentage setting. For example, if the actual recorded delay time was 100 seconds and the Lower and Upper settings are 10% and 25% respectively, Oracle Load Testing uses random delay times between 90 and 125 seconds.

  • Random: Uses random times for Virtual User pacing. You can set minimum and maximum delay times for random delay in the Minimum and Maximum edit boxes.

  • No Delay: Plays back the Visual Scripts at the fastest possible speed with no time between page requests.

Preserve variables between iterations: Used to preserve or automatically clear variables defined in the Run section between successive iterations of the Run section.

Variables defined in the Initialize section will be preserved forever, unless explicitly removed in script code.

Variables set in the Run section will always be preserved between the final iteration of the Run section and the Finish section.

Variables include all items that are added into the script variables collection (see: getVariables() script method). This includes variables for elements such as HTTP form fields defined using http.solve(...) and http.solveXPath(...).

Execute User Defined Tests: When selected, user defined tests (such as text matching, server response, title, and XPath tests) are executed during playback. When cleared, user defined tests are not executed.

Multiple Playback Warning: When selected, OpenScript generates a warning if a script is currently playing back when attempting to play back another script. Clicking No in the warning message stops playback of the script currently playing back. Clicking Yes allows the script currently playing back to continue.

Additional Arguments: Used to specify custom OpenScript script.java code arguments. You can create your own settings in OpenScript scripts. For example, you can create custom settings in OpenScript script.java code, as follows:

if (getSettings().get("MyCustomSetting").equals("abc")) {
  info("We're running in ABC mode.");

You can then set the additional arguments in the Additional Arguments field as follows:

-MyCustomSetting abc

Replace URLs: Specifies the URL replacement string in the form:

originalURL1=replacementURL1, originalURL2=replacementURL2,[...]

During playback, anytime the agent makes a request to a URL starting with a segment, originalURL, the agent replaces the original URL segment with replacementURL. This feature is only supported for Load Test scripts.

  • originalURL - Specify the starting segment of the URL:port that appears in the script that should be replaced. This value is case-sensitive.

  • replacementURL - Specify the new starting segment URL:port that the agent requests instead of originalURL.

For both parameters, if the protocol is omitted, HTTP protocol is assumed. If no port is specified after the host, port 80 is assumed for HTTP protocol, and port 443 is assumed for HTTPS protocol. URLs are replaced after all correlations are applied. One or more URL replacement pairs may be specified, separating each replacement pair with a comma. The following examples show the format of Replace URLs strings:


test:7789=prod:7789,https://stage.oracle.com/main=https://prod.oracle.com/home Error Handling

This section specifies the default playback error handling settings.

On iteration failure, do not run more iterations: When selected, virtual user playback is stopped if an error occurs between playback iterations.

Use recorded value if variable is not found: When selected, the recorded data value will be used if a variable is not found. Databank variables will always use the recorded value if the databank attached to the script cannot be found. If the databank cannot be found and Use recorded value if variable is not found is not selected, the recorded data value will still be used. Debug

This section specifies the default playback debug settings.

Pause on exceptions: When selected, script playback is paused if an AbstractScriptException occurs during playback. You can use the Execute debug option to run actions after an error occurs. You may also be able to modify the script and save it to reposition execution pointer at start of the function where the exception occurred.

Activate the workbench when a breakpoint is hit: When selected, the OpenScript workbench becomes the active window when a breakpoint is reached during script execution. When cleared, The OpenScript workbench does not become the active window. When playing back a script with a breakpoint in it, if the browser is the top-level window, it might not be clear that OpenScript is stopped on a breakpoint. By selecting this option, it ensures that focus is brought to the OpenScript window when a breakpoint is reached.

Open and activate the Debug View when a breakpoint is hit: When selected, the Debug view becomes the active view when a breakpoint is reached during script execution. When cleared, the Debug view remains in its current state. This is an advanced option. The Debug View is helpful when debugging long nested functions, such as in order to view the full stack trace of program execution. System

This section specifies the default playback system settings.

Maximum JVM Heap Size: Specifies the maximum size of the JVM heap. The default is 256MB. This value cannot be more than 90% of the total memory size.

JVM Arguments: Used to specify additional Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or program arguments to pass to a script upon playback. It can accept all standard JVM arguments. For example, if you specify a custom argument -Dmyvariable=myvalue in the Additional Arguments, the argument will be passed to the script upon playback. Within the script code you can use System.getProperty("myvariable") to get "myvalue".

If the specified argument conflicts with existing OpenScript playback setting, (for example the "Maximum Heap Size" playback setting) the playback setting replaces the setting being specified in the JVM Arguments.

Debug logging: When selected, debug logging is enabled and DEBUG messages appear in the Console view during script playback. When cleared, debug logging is disabled and DEBUG messages do not appear in the console view during script playback.

2.4.2 Applet Preferences

This category lets you specify applet playback preferences for use with the EBS/Forms Functional Test module. Click Event

This section lets you specify the default click event settings, as follows:

Click Delay: specifies the delay in milliseconds between emulation of mouse pressed and mouse released. API Methods Settings

This section lets you specify the default API methods settings, as follows:

Playback components' actions with api methods - when selected, component actions are played back using the Application Programming Interface methods.

2.4.3 Error Recovery Preferences

This category lets you specify error recovery actions for exceptions that occur during playback. You can set the error recovery action for individual playback exceptions. Expand specific sections and set the error recovery action. You can set the action as Fail, Warn, Ignore, Report, or Pause, as follows:

  • Fail: Report the error as failure and stop script execution.

  • Warn: Report the error as a warning and continue script execution.

  • Ignore: Ignore the error and continue script execution.

  • ReportErrorAndContinue: Report the error to the results log and continue script execution.

  • Pause: Pause playback and wait for user's decision to continue or abort script execution.

You can use the options on the Set All menu to set all the error recovery options to the same setting with a single selection.

Error Recovery playback preferences specified in the OpenScript Preferences are stored on the local machine and only apply when the script is played back from inside OpenScript on that machine. If you upload your script to Oracle Load Testing on another server and your script depends on an error recovery setting being a certain way in order for it to work, then you can set the error recovery setting in the OpenScript script Java code.

In OpenScript scripts, error settings can be turned on and off at any time, overriding the default Oracle Load testing and OpenScript Preferences using script Java code. For example:

getSettings().setErrorRecovery("http.zeroLengthDownloads", "IGNORE");
// user code executed in script, such as http.get(), http.post(), ...
getSettings().setErrorRecovery("http.zeroLengthDownloads", "FAIL"); General

This section lets you specify the default General error recovery actions, as follows:

Variable Not Found - specifies the error recovery action if a variable cannot be found when parsing transformed strings.

Create Variable Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a script fails to create a variable.

File Not Found - specifies the error recovery action if a file is not found.

Segment Parser Failed - specifies the error recovery action if the XPath Segment Parser cannot verify the correctness of an XPath.

Binary Decode Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a binary post data parameter error occurs.

Encryption Service Not Initialized - specifies the error recovery action when the password encryption service was not initialized.

Encrypting/Decrypting Failed - specifies the error recovery action if an error occurs encrypting or decrypting a script.

Unexpected Script Error - specifies the error recovery action if any unexpected script error occurs.

Child Script Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a child (a script called from another script) script fails during playback.

Function Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a called function fails during playback. Adobe Flex Load Test (AMF)

This section lets you specify the default Adobe Flex Load Test error recovery actions, as follows:

Playback Error - specifies the error recovery action if a playback error occurs.

Operation Invocation Error - specifies the error recovery action if an error occurs while invoking an operation on an object. Functional Test

This section lets you specify the default Functional Test error recovery actions, as follows:

Text Matching Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a text matching test fails.

Object Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if an object test fails.

Table Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a table test fails.

XML Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if an XML test fails. Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test

This section lets you specify the default Oracle Forms Functional test error recovery actions, as follows:

Oracle Forms Error - specifies the error recovery action if any Oracle Forms Functional test error occurs.

Status Bar Test Error - specifies the error recovery action if an Oracle Forms Status Bar test error occurs. Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test

This section lets you specify the default Oracle Forms Load test error recovery actions, as follows:

Form Connect Error - specifies the error recovery action if a server connection error occurs.

Forms Input/Output Communication Error - specifies the error recovery action if a read or write error occurs with an Oracle Forms message.

Forms Content Match Failed - specifies the error recovery action if the content of a form does not match on playback.

Forms Playback Error - specifies the error recovery action if there is an error playing back a form.

Forms Component Not Found - specifies the error recovery action if a component of a form is not found. Oracle Hyperion Load Test

This section lets you specify the default Oracle Hyperion load test error recovery actions, as follows:

Server Error Message - specifies the error recovery action if any Hyperion Server Error Message error occurs. Oracle Siebel OpenUI Functional Test

This section lets you specify the default Oracle Siebel OpenUI Functional Test error recovery actions, as follows:

Sync Page Timeout - specifies the error recovery action if any Oracle Siebel OpenUI sync page action timeout error occurs. Utilities

This section lets you specify the default Utilities error recovery actions, as follows:

SQL Execute Error - specifies the error recovery action if an SQL execute error occurs.

XML Parsing Error - specifies the error recovery action if any XML parsing error occurs.

CSV Loading Error - specifies the error recovery action if an error occurs while loading a CSV file.

SQL Validation Row Count Error - specifies the error recovery action if an error occurs while validating the row count using a SQL statement. Web Functional Test

This section lets you specify the default Web Functional Test error recovery actions, as follows:

Response Time Error - specifies the error recovery action if a Server Response Time test fails.

Solve Variable Failed - specifies the error recovery action if the value of any variable cannot be solved.

Wait for Page Timeout - specifies the error recovery action if a page timeout error occurs.

Object Not Found - specifies the error recovery action if a web page object is not found.

Playback Failed - specifies the error recovery action if script playback fails.

Title Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a page Title test fails.

HTML Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if an HTML test fails. Web/HTTP Load Test

This section lets you specify the default HTTP error recovery actions, as follows:

Zero Length Downloads - specifies the error recovery action if a server response indicates zero bytes length.

Text Matching Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a text matching test fails.

Response Time Error - specifies the error recovery action if a Server Response Time test fails.

Solve Variable Failed - specifies the error recovery action if the value of any variable cannot be solved.

HTML Parsing Error - specifies the error recovery action if an HTML parsing error occurs.

Invalid URL - specifies the error recovery action if the server returns an Invalid URL response code.

Invalid HTTP Response Code - specifies the error recovery action if the sever returns an invalid HTTP response code.

Client Certificate Keystore Error - specifies the error recovery action if the Client Certificate Keystore indicates an error.

Element node not found with xpath - specifies the error recovery action if a node for an object element is not found with the specified XPath notation.

Failure to create DOM object - specifies the error recovery action if there is a failure to create a Document Object Model object.

2.4.4 HTTP Preferences

This category lets you specify HTTP playback preferences. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Proxy

This section lets you specify HTTP playback preferences and displays the following fields:

Use a Proxy: When selected, the specified proxy server will be used for playback.

Proxy Host: Specifies the host name of the proxy server.

Proxy Port: Specifies the port to use on the proxy server.

Proxy Username: Specify the user name to use for authentication.

Proxy Password: Specify the password to use for authentication.

Non-Proxy Hosts: Specifies the host name of the non-proxy servers. Compression

This section lets you specify specifies the default HTTP compression playback settings.

Enable GZIP: When selected, support for gzip compression is enabled. The browser Request includes the Accept-Encoding: gzip header indicating a gzip compressed page response will be accepted. If the server uses gzip compression, the response includes the Content-Encoding: gzip header indicating the returned page is in gzip compressed format. The browser unzips the compressed file before rendering the HTML page. Gzip compression is typically used to provide faster transfer of large HTML pages between the browser and the server.

Enable Deflate: When selected, when selected, support for deflate compression is enabled. The browser Request includes the Accept-Encoding: deflate header indicating a deflate compressed page response will be accepted. If the server uses deflate compression, the response includes the Content-Encoding: deflate header indicating the returned page is in deflate compressed format. The browser inflates the compressed file before rendering the HTML page. Deflate compression is typically used to provide faster transfer of large HTML pages between the browser and the server. Headers

This section specifies the default HTTP header playback settings.

Browser Emulation: Specifies which browser to emulate for script playback. The Default is the recorded browser.

Language: Specifies which language to use for script playback. The default is the locale assigned by the JVM.

HTTP Version: Specifies the HTTP protocol version to specify in the GET or POST request/response between client and server. The HTTP/1.0 protocol is an early implementation of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP/1.1 is a standards-based enhancement to the HTTP/1.0 protocol. See the Key Differences between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 at http://www8.org/w8-papers/5c-protocols/key/key.html.

Accept String: Specifies the Accept: HTTP header value looks like. The default in the JavaAgent.properties file is: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, */*. If you modify a navigation in a script by adding a custom Accept: header, the custom header value from the script is used instead.

Global Headers: Specifies any custom "Global Headers: string to use in the Request header for script playback. The format is in the form: name1:value1;name2:value2;name3:value3. For example: x-oracle-slm-message-id: bcn=<beacon_name>; svc=<service_name>;test=<test_name>;step={{@getTopLevelStepName())}}. Connections

This section specifies the default HTTP playback connections settings.

Enable Keep Alive: When selected, the Connection: Keep-Alive header is set to indicate requests should use a persistent connection. The "Keep-Alive" keyword indicates that the request should keep the connection open for multiple requests. For HTTP/1.0, the socket connection is kept open until either the client or the server drops the connection. For HTTP/1.1 all connections are kept alive unless a Connection: close header is specified.

Max Number of Keep Alive Requests: Specifies the maximum number of requests to make on a keep alive connection before closing it or select Unlimited for an unlimited number.

Max HTTP Connections Per User: Specifies the maximum number of server connections per process per server. Each VU makes multiple connections to request additional resources for images and additional frames for example. Setting this option specifies a limit on the total number of connections that the VUs can make to the server. The default setting is 'Default', which means use the default connection limits as configured on the agent machine. (See Microsoft KBase article Q183110 for more information.)

Max Connection Idle Duration: Specifies the socket 'idle timeout' and uses a new connection when reusing an idle-timeout socket. This is used to specify the timeout for a socket that gets closed by the server side after a long idle period. Security

This section specifies the default HTTP playback Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) settings.

Secure Protocol: Specifies the Secure Socket Layer version to use for the proxy server. When recording a secure site in the browser, the user only sees the Proxy Recorder's certificate not the secure web site's certificate. The Browser, Proxy Recorder, and Secure Server each have their own private and public keys which are used to encrypt/decrypt data.

  • SSL: Use Secure Socket Layer protocol with the proxy server. OpenScript supports SSLv1.0, SSLv2.0, SSLv3.0 and TLSv1.0.

  • TLSv1.2: Use Secure Socket Layer with Transport Layer Security v1.2. Download Manager

This section lets you specify the default settings for which resources (embedded objects, images, css, js, jars, etc.) to download for a page during playback of a script.

The Download Manager does the following:

  • Parses resource URLs embedded in an HTML page during playback.

  • Simplifies scripts by filtering out resource URLs from scripts.

  • Provides user control over which resource URLs are downloaded or executed during playback.


    Certain resource URLs that do not appear directly in the HTML page contents are not parsed by the Download Manager. For example, an HTML page that imports a '.css' file. When the browser loads the HTML page, it automatically loads the '.css' file and downloads any '.gif' resources.

    Certain resource URLs that are not inside an HTML tag are not parsed by the Download Manager. For example, a resource URL that is dynamically composed by Javascript cannot be parsed by Download Manager.

The resource downloads will be included in the playback results in the Results view and the HTML Results report. Each downloaded resource counts as a hit in the Hits per Second and Total Hits reports. The size in kilobytes for each resource is included in the Kilobytes per Second and Total Kilobytes reports.

The Download Manager section has the following options:

Use Download Manager: When selected, the Download Manager is enabled during playback. When cleared, the Download Manager is not enabled during playback.

CSS Resource: When selected, css resources in <Link> tags are downloaded during playback. When cleared, css resources are not downloaded during playback.

Image Resource: When selected, image resources in <Img> tags, in the "background" attribute of a tag, or in <style> tags with "background:url" patterns are downloaded during playback. When cleared, image resources are not downloaded during playback.

Embedded Object Resource: When selected, object resources in <Embed> tags or in <Object> tags are downloaded during playback. When cleared, object resources are not downloaded during playback.

Script Resource: When selected, script resources in <Script> tags are downloaded during playback. When cleared, script resources are not downloaded during playback.

Applet Resources: When selected, applet resources in <Applet> tags are downloaded during playback. When cleared, applet resources are not downloaded during playback. Caching

This section specifies the default HTTP caching playback settings.

Cache download pages: When selected, downloaded pages are stored in a local cache and caching options are enabled. Caching places less of a load on the server as only newer pages are requested and brought down from the Web server. When cleared, caching is not used. No caching places more of a load on the Web server because pages and images are brought down from the Web server for every request.

  • Clear cache each iteration: When selected, the browser's cache is cleared after the script completes each iteration of its run() section.

  • Check for newer versions of cached pages: Specifies when to check for newer versions of cached pages.

    • Automatically (when page is out of date): When selected, the web server is checked for newer versions if the page is out of date. The Web server is not checked for newer versions of unexpired cached pages. This setting behaves like the "Automatically" cache setting in Internet Explorer.

    • Every visit to the page: When selected, the Web server is always checked for newer versions of all cached pages. This setting behaves like the "Every time I visit the web page" cache setting in Internet Explorer.

Maximum In-Memory Cache Size - Specifies the maximum amount of in-memory storage to allocate for cached document contents. This setting applies to all virtual users in the process, even though each virtual user keeps its own cached documents. After the in-memory cache is exhausted, document contents will be cached to a temporary folder on disk in <installDir>\agent\cache. There is no upper bound on how much disk storage may be used to store cached documents. The disk cache is cleared every time the agent process starts. The default value is 16MB. Miscellaneous

This section specifies the default miscellaneous HTTP playback settings.

Do Not Request URLs Ending In: Specifies the URLs that will not be requested when the URL ends with one of the specified patterns or file types. Specify the ending pattern or file type separated by commas.

Ignore URLs that Match Regex: Specifies the Regular Expression(s) string to use to ignore specific resources. For example, the expression Login_Banner(.+?) would not download resources such as Login_Banner1.gif and Login_Banner2.gif. Multiple Regular Expressions can be separated using a comma (,).

Enable Cookies: When selected, the virtual user profiles will use cookies. Use this setting if your Web application uses cookies to manage session and other context information.

Download Local Files: When selected, the Java Agent retrieves the requested local file contents.

Preserve Cookies between iterations: Used to preserve or automatically clear cookies added to the browser in the Run section between successive iterations of the Run section.

  • Cookies added to the browser in the Initialize section will be preserved forever, unless explicitly removed in script code.

  • Cookies added to the browser in the Run section will always be preserved between the final iteration of the Run section and the Finish section.

Preserve Connections Between Iterations: Used to preserve connections between OpenScript and the browser between successive iterations of the script. When selected, the browser should attempt to reuse any open browser connections if possible between iterations. Each virtual user maintains its own set of connections that it never shares with other virtual users.

Max Content Size (KB): Specifies the maximum number of KB to download from a server for a given request. The default value of this option is "Unlimited". However, the maximum Virtual User Display Size is set to 1024KB, which may cause content in the Details view to be truncated if the content size exceeds the Virtual User Display Size. You can configure the Maximum Virtual User Display Size by adding the following setting in the Additional Arguments field of the General Playback Preferences:


Where xxxxxxxx is the size in KB to set as the Maximum Virtual User Display Size. For example:


See Section 2.4.1, "General Playback Preferences" for additional information about specifying Additional Arguments.

Socket Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for a socket connection before timing out.

2.4.5 Image Based Recording Playback Preferences

This category lets you specify playback preferences for the Image Based Recording Functional Test module. The resulting dialog box displays the following section: Default Timeout

This section lets you specify the image based recording default timeout.

Default Timeout (ms) - Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a captured image to be compared and recognized on screen during playback before timing out. The default value is 10000 milliseconds. Miscellaneous

This section lets you specify the image based recording image drag speed and delay before action.

Image Drag Speed (pixels/sec) - Specifies the mouse move speed when dragging the source image to the destination image. The default value is 200 pixels/second.

Delay Before Image Action (ms) - Specifies the delay time between the mouse move and the image action to stabilize the mouse move at the target coordinate before performing the mouse action. The default value is 300 milliseconds.

2.4.6 Oracle ADF Functional Test Preferences

This category lets you specify playback preferences for Oracle ADF Functional Tests. The resulting dialog box displays the following section: Component Enumeration

This section lets you specify the Oracle ADF playback preferences for ADF-based applications.

Only use "absoluteLocator" when finding ADF components: When selected, script playback will only use the @absoluteLocator= attribute value of the object identification string to recognize ADF objects.

Enable ADF Page logger: When selected, when selected, ADF specific logging will be added to the browser log generated under results\SessionX\BrowserLogs. Note that OpenScript Preferences - Playback - Web Functional - Browser Log Level must also be set to DEBUG.

2.4.7 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Preferences

This category lets you specify playback preferences for Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Tests. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Event Timeout

This section lets you specify the default forms event timeout setting.

Forms Startup Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript should wait for a form to appear before considering the form not found. This is the default timeout when waiting for a form to appear before invoking an action against it. This is also the default timeout when waiting for a form to appear before continuing the script.

Forms Action Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript should wait for forms action playback until success.

Forms Response Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript should wait for forms response before timing out. Miscellaneous

This section lets you specify screenshot capture and JRE preferences.

Capture screenshots: When selected, screenshots of the pages are captured during playback. Screenshots can be viewed by selecting a WaitForPage result in the Results view and then selecting the Screenshot tab in the Details view. Captured screenshots will increase the size of scripts when exported to zip files.

Forms Log Level: Sets the logging level for forms functional test script recording. The available settings are: off|fatal|error|warn|info|debug|all. The default value is off.

Configure object identification settings in Section 2.4.11, "Web Functional Test Preferences".

2.4.8 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Preferences

This category lets you specify playback preferences for Oracle EBS/Forms Load Tests. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Connection

This section lets you specify playback connection preferences.

Heart Beat Interval in seconds: Specifies how often to notify the forms server that the forms client is still alive when there is no user activity in the forms client. This value is used to override the timeout configured for the EBS Application that indicates how long the client has no activities. The default "0" value means no heart beat is sent to the server. Miscellaneous

This section lets you specify playback log preferences.

Capture Message Details: Specifies if forms message details are captured during playback. When selected, OpenScript captures and stores Forms message requests, responses, and information about all loaded Forms components during playback. This information is useful to have when debugging the script.

OpenScript displays captured details in the "Messages" and "Object Details" tabs of the Details view. Oracle Load Testing displays this information in the Virtual User Display based on the "Virtual User Display" settings.

Capturing message details is a memory-intensive operation. During heavy load testing, it is recommended to clear this setting to reduce the amount of heap space required by the agent.

Show Message Log In the Console: Specifies if forms message log details are shown it the Console tab. When selected, the message log details are shown in the console. When cleared, the message log details are not shown in the console.

2.4.9 Oracle JET Functional Test Preferences

This category lets you specify playback preferences for Oracle JET Functional Tests. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: JET Page Settings

This section lets you specify playback page settings preferences for JET functional tests.

Enable JET Page logger: When selected, page logging is enabled during playback of JET functional test scripts.

2.4.10 Shared Data Service Preferences

This category lets you specify playback preferences for the agent Shared Data Service. The resulting dialog box displays the following fields:

OATS Credentials: Specifies the authentication credentials to use to establish the communication between the shared queue and the Virtual User.

  • Enable global shared data access credentials: When selected, the shared data access credentials are enabled. Specify the Address, User Name, and Password.

  • Address: Specifies the address of the Oracle Load Testing for Web Application server to use for the shared data service.

  • User name: Specifies the user name to use for authentication. The default name is oats unless changed in the Oracle Application Testing Suite configuration.

  • Password: Specifies the password to use for authentication. This should be the same password specified in the Encryption setting of the script.

Actions on Shared Data: Specifies actions on shared data.

  • Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for actions on shared data to occur before timing out.

2.4.11 Web Functional Test Preferences

This category lets you specify the default preferences for Web Functional Test script playback. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Object Timeout

This section lets you specify the default object playback timeout setting.

Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript should wait for an object to appear before considering the object not found. This is the default timeout when waiting for an object to appear before invoking an action against it. This is also the default timeout when waiting for an object to appear before continuing the script.

You can override individual object wait timeouts in waitForPage() or object.waitFor() by editing their "timeout" properties. Action timeouts cannot be overridden. Capture

This section lets you specify the default screen capture settings.

Capture HTML: When selected, the page HTML will be captured.

Capture screenshots: When selected, screenshots are captured during playback.

  • Only capture browser content: When selected, only the contents of the browser window is captured as a screenshot.

  • Capture entire screen: When selected, the entire screen is captured as a screenshot.

Screenshots can be viewed by selecting a WaitForPage result in the Results view and then selecting the Screenshot tab in the Details view. Captured screenshots will increase the size of scripts when exported to zip files.

Capture URLs: When selected, the page URL will be captured.

Capture frames: When selected, the HTML frames on the page will be captured.

Delay time for capture screenshot: Specifies the amount of time to wait before capturing a screenshot of the page. Browser

This section lets you specify the browser settings for functional tests.

Always launch a new browser when playing back a different script: When selected, script playback always launches a new browser when playing back a different script. When cleared, a script never reuses a browser launched by a previously run script.

Hide browser during playback: Specifies if the browser appears or is hidden during script playback. However, the browser will be changed to be visible automatically when focus is set to an element inside of that browser by a mouse click or key press event.

Close browser after playback: Specifies if the browser automatically closes after playback.

Browser Log Level: Specifies the level of browser logging to use. This setting is used to set browser logging for debugging purposes only. If the browser log level setting is set to other than NONE, script execution generates browser log files in the BrowserLogs directory under the result session directory. Browser log files will be generated under the BrowserLogs directory. Cache and Cookies

This section lets you specify the default playback settings for Web functional test-type scripts.

Clear cache before playing back: When selected, pages are cleared from cache before playback.

Clear cache between iterations: When selected, pages are cleared from cache between playback iterations.

Clear session cookies before playing back: When selected, session cookies are cleared from cache before playback.

Clear session cookies between iterations: When selected, session cookies are cleared from cache between playback iterations.

Clear persistent cookies before playing back: When selected, persistent cookies are cleared from cache before playback.

Clear persistent cookies between iterations: When selected, persistent cookies are cleared from cache between playback iterations. Object Identification

This section lets you specify the default Match Format and Object Identification setting.

Object Identification: specifies which Object Identification method to use. Select one of the following options:

  • Use XPath: When selected, the OpenScript object identification uses an XPath-type query to find an object within a page by searching for it in the HTML based on its tag + attributes.

  • Use XPath with Smart Match: When selected, the OpenScript uses an XPath with OpenScript Smart Match, which provides additional functionality to rank the choices in cases where XPath alone returns multiple matches. The following example explains how the Smart Match ranking feature enhances object identification in an XPath. With the following XPath,

    /web:a[@text='Search' OR @href='search.jsp' OR @index='0'] 

    it is possible for multiple links on a page to match the XPath criteria. For example:

    link A: text='Logout', href='logout.jsp', index=0 
    link B: text='Search', href='search.jsp', index=3 
    link C: text='Search', href='doNotSearch.jsp', index=15 
    link D: text='Find', href='search.jsp', index=22 

    When Smart Match is not enabled, OpenScript returns the first result found on the page (Link A in the above example).

    When Smart Match is enabled, OpenScript ranks all the results based on how well they match the specified attributes in the XPath. OpenScript evaluates the XPath from left-to-right and produce a list of attribute name=value pairs. For example:

    Attribute 1: text=Search 
    Attribute 2: href=search.jsp 
    Attribute 3: index=0 

    OpenScript then builds a table and assigns a score to each attribute for each result. OpenScript assigns a 0 or a 1 based on whether or not each result matches a particular attribute name=value pair. The result with the highest numerical ranking will be used during playback. For example:

    Link Attr 1 text=Search Attr 2 href=search.jsp Attr 3 index=0 Smart Mode Score
    A 0 0 1 001
    B 1 1 0 110 (Best Match)
    C 1 0 0 100
    D 0 1 0 010

    Logical operators (AND, OR) in the XPath are ignored when Smart Match is enabled during playback. In Smart Match mode, all attributes are matched as one group in left-highest priority.

    You can specify required attributes by using the Logical AND operator. All attributes joined together using the Logical OR operator are optional. The AND operator has a higher priority than the OR operator when both operators are used in a single XPath. Parenthetical groups of attributes are also permitted. For example:

    /web:a[@text='Search' AND (@alt='Find' OR @title='Find')]

    In this XPath, the text attribute is required, and the alt and title attributes are ranked using the Smart Match ranking system.

    You can turn on/off Smart Mode for an individual action(s) by using the getSettings().set() API.

    Match Format: Specifies which format to use to match attributes in an object path. The match format can be a wildcard-formatted or a regular-expression-formatted expression. format is one of the following settings:

    • Wildcard: (default) Attributes in the given path may contain wildcards for unknown characters. For example, title="Welcome, user *". An asterisk "*" matches any number of characters. A question mark "?" matches any single character.

    • Wildcard then Regular Expression: Attributes in the given path may contain a wildcard-formatted expression, or a regular-expression-formatted expression. During playback, an attempt is first made to find the object assuming a wildcard format, then an attempt is made to find the object assuming a regular-expression format.

    • Regular Expression: Attributes in the given path may contain a regular expression. Miscellaneous

This section lets you specify the default playback settings for Web functional test-type scripts.

Log JavaScript event for actions: When selected, script playback creates a log of the Javascript events (such as onmouseover, onmousedown, click, etc.) fired on HTML elements. This is useful for troubleshooting scripts that do not playback properly pages that include Dynamic HTML(DHTML) using javascript.

With Internet Explorer browsers, the log file is save to <installdir>\OpenScript\Oracle IE ToolBar\WebDOMToolBar*.log. With Fire Fox browsers, the logs can be accessed from the Tools menu. Select Error Console then Message.

The Web Functional Test module API provides these API methods that can be added to the script Java Code, if necessary, to handle events that do not playback properly: web.element("path").fireEvent("eventName") and web.element.setSelectedJSElement().

When cleared, no logs are created.

Automatically dismiss javascript alert dialogs: When selected, JavaScript alert dialog boxes are automatically dismissed if they appear during playback.

Log JavaScript error on web console: When selected, JavaScript errors are logged to the Web console.

Force to use fireEvent when playing back with IE 9 or higher document mode: When selected, the fireEvent method will always be used when playing back script using an Internet Explorer browser version 9 or higher.

Capture entire screen on fail: When selected, a screen capture of the entire screen is saved to the results if a failure occurs during playback.

Record movie during playback: When selected, OpenScript records a movie file of the playback and stores it in the results folder under the repository script folder (for example "C:\OracleATS\OFT\web_ft1\results\Session1\movie"). The movie file is an OpenScript-specific .cap format. You can play back the movie file by right-clicking a results entry in the Results view and selecting Play Result Movie. You can also open the screen_player.jar file in the <inststallDir>\openScript folder and opening the playback_movie.cap file in the session results movie folder. The movie file cannot be played with media players such as Windows Media Player, Real Player, etc.

2.5 Record Category

This category lets you specify recording preferences.

2.5.1 General Preferences

Selecting the Record preferences node let you specify the following general recording preference:

  • Show external toolbar while recording: When selected, the floating recording toolbar will be shown while recording. When cleared the floating toolbar is not shown.

  • Do not record any think time: When selected, think time is not added to the script during recording. When cleared think time is added to the script during recording.

2.5.2 Applet Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for applets used with the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Object Identification

This tab lets you specify the Oracle Forms applet object identification attributes. Applet object identification attributes define how OpenScript recognizes and records specific applet controls used in EBS/Forms-based applications.

Active Profile: Specifies which object identification profile to use as the active profile when recording scripts. Profiles define a specific set of applet object identifiers to use when recording EBS/Forms functional tests. Use the Add Profile option to create a new custom profile. Once you have created a profile, select the profile name in the Name column and use Add Object to define custom applet objects and attributes in the custom profile.

Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined Oracle EBS/Forms applet object identifiers.

Attributes: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined Oracle EBS/Forms applet object identifiers.

Add Profile: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Oracle EBS/Forms applet object identifier profile.

Add Object: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Oracle EBS/Forms applet object identifier.

Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected Oracle EBS/Forms applet object identifier or profile.

Delete: Deletes the selected Oracle Forms applet object identifier.

Export: Opens a dialog box for exporting the currently selected Forms applet object identifier profile to an XML file. Select the profile name in the Name column to activate the export option.

Import: Opens a dialog box for importing a saved applet object identifier profile XML file.

Revert: Reverts the default EBS/Forms object identification profile to the default profile. Any changes to the default profile are removed. Select the default profile name in the Name column to activate the revert option.

2.5.3 HTTP Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the HTTP module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: General

This tab lets you specify the general browser recorder settings.

Setup: Specifies the network settings for proxy recording.

  • Network Interface: Enter or select the network IP address of the proxy server.

  • Additional Arguments: Specify any additional command line arguments to use when starting the proxy server. Two of the more commonly used arguments are as follows:

    -timeout [milliseconds] - Specifies how long the proxy should wait on a connection before timing out waiting for a response. The default is 120000ms.

    Example usage:

    -timeout 200000

    -replace "serverUrl=localFilePath" - When serverUrl is downloaded, replace its contents with the contents from the local File located at the localFilePath. This is used to inject a different response content into the browser than what the server would normally return.

    Example usage:

    -replace "test.server.com\mocApp.htm = C:\Temp\Replacement\mocApp.htm,http://production.com = C:\Temp\Replacement\testFile.txt"

    See Appendix B, "Proxy Command Line Reference" for additional proxy command line arguments.

  • Maximum Download Size (MB): Specify the maximum file size for file downloads.

  • Only record requests originating from the local machine: When selected, only requests originating from the local machine are recorded by the HTTP proxy recorder. When cleared, OpenScript can record requests originating from another machine or device (phone, tablet pc, etc.) which has the proxy in Internet Explorer configured to use the IP address of the OpenScript machine.

    For example, with two machines as machine A and machine B:

    On machine A,

    • launch OpenScript,

    • create an HTTP script,

    • clear Only record requests originating from the local machine,

    • Start recording.

    On machine B,

    • launch Internet Explorer browser,

    • set the proxy in Internet Explorer to the IP address of machine A,

    • open a web site in the browser and navigate pages.

    OpenScript records HTTP requests that originate from machine B.

    See Appendix B, "Proxy Command Line Reference" for additional information.

Miscellaneous: Specifies various settings for proxy recording.

  • Record Mode: Specifies the record mode to use for HTTP scripts.

    • Web: When selected, the script recorder generates the Web mode HTTP script Java code with for the requests. This Java code is less verbose than the HTTP mode to simplify Java coding of the scripts. The advantage of the Web mode compared to the HTTP mode is that it simplifies script creation and makes the script easier to read when testing Web browser applications. The Web mode can be used for any Web browser application that communicates via HTTP.

    • HTTP: When selected, the script recorder generates the verbose HTTP script Java code with detailed GET and POST requests. This can be used for any HTTP application including Web browser applications and other applications that communicate via HTTP.

  • Secure Protocol: Specifies the Secure Socket Layer version to use for the proxy server. When recording a secure site in the browser, the user only sees the Proxy Recorder's certificate not the secure web site's certificate. The Browser, Proxy Recorder, and Secure Server each have their own private and public keys which are used to encrypt/decrypt data.

    • SSL: Use Secure Socket Layer protocol with the proxy server. OpenScript supports SSLv1.0, SSLv2.0, SSLv3.0 and TLSv1.0.

    • TLSv1.2: Use Secure Socket Layer with Transport Layer Security v1.2.

  • IE Cache - specifies the clear cache option for the Internet Explorer browser.

    • Prompt to clear the cache: When selected, a prompt dialog box appears when you start recording a script asking if you want to clear the browser cache.

    • Always clear the cache: When selected the browser cache is always cleared when recording is started.

    • Never clear the cache: When selected the browser cache is never cleared when recording is started.

  • Clear persistent cookies before browser starts: When selected, all persistent cookies are cleared before the browser starts when recording scripts.

  • Always Launch a new browser when starting recorder: When selected, the browser launches automatically when recording is started.

  • Close browser when stopping recorder: When selected, the browser closes automatically when recording is stopped.

  • Record navigations that return error code 404: When selected, the HTTP recorder records navigations that return a Server Status Code 404: Not Found

  • Capture screenshots: When selected, screenshots of the pages are captured during recording. Screenshots can be viewed by selecting a Wait For Page node in the Tree view and then selecting the Screenshot tab in the Details view. Captured screenshots will increase the size of scripts when exported to zip files. Proxy Settings

This tab lets you specify the default Proxy recorder settings.

Chain Proxy: Specifies if the OpenScript proxy is chained to another proxy.

  • Chain Proxy: When selected, the OpenScript proxy is chained to another proxy.

  • Use browser's proxy: When selected, the HTTP recorder uses the proxy configuration specified by the browser.

  • Use specified proxy: When selected, OpenScript uses the specified proxy.

    • Use proxy configuration script: When selected, the specified configuration scripts will be used.

      Address: Specify the URL to the JavaScript file containing the FindProxyForURL JavaScript function supplied by the system administrator for the intranet environment.

    • Use proxy server: When selected, the specified proxy server will be used.

      Address: specify the network IP address of the proxy server to which to chain the OpenScript proxy.

      Port: Specify the port to use on the chained proxy server.

Proxy Authentication: Specifies the log in credentials for authentication.

  • Username: Specify the user name to use for authentication.

  • Password: Specify the password to use for authentication. URL Filters

This tab lets you specify the URL type(s) to filter during recording.

Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined filters. Select the checkbox to enable the filter. Clear the checkbox to disable the filter.

Pattern: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined filters.

Match by: Shows the match setting(s) (Content Type or URL) specified for the defined filters.

Add: Opens a dialog box for specifying a URL filter.

Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected URL filter.

Delete: Deletes the selected URL filter.

Automatically filter download manager resources: When selected, the proxy recorder automatically filters the URL resources based upon the settings specified in the Download Manager section of the HTTP Playback preferences. When cleared, the Download Manager settings are not used during recording. Certificates

This tab lets you specify the Client-Side Digital Certificate Store to use when recording.

Store Client-Side Digital Certificate File (.PFX format): Specifies the .PFX-formatted digital certificate information.

  • Last stored certificate: Specifies the name of the certificate PFX file. Enter the name or click Store Certificate to select the file from a drive and directory location. Click Store Certificate and enter the file name and private-key password defined for the client certificate PFX file when the certificate was exported from Internet Explorer. Click Delete Certificate to remove the certificate set for Last stored certificate.

Set Customized Certificate File: Specifies a custom digital certificate file and password.

  • Customized Certificate: Specifies the custom certificate file. Click Browse to select the file. The Proxy Recorder will attempt to load the customized certificate first. If there is no customized certificate specified, the proxy recorder will load the default proxy certificate. If an incorrect certificate file is specified, the proxy recorder will fail to initialize and throw an exception.

  • Password: Specifies the password to use for the custom certificate file. Object Identification

This tab lets you specify the HTTP/Web object identification attributes. Object identification attributes define how OpenScript recognizes and records specific controls used in HTTP/Web-based applications.

Active Profile: Specifies which object identification profile to use as the active profile when recording scripts. Profiles define a specific set of object identifiers to use when recording HTTP/Web tests. Use the Add Profile option to create a new custom profile. Once you have created a profile, select the profile name in the Name column and use Add Object to define custom objects and attributes in the custom profile.

Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined HTTP/Web object identifiers and profiles.

Attributes: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined HTTP/Web object identifiers.

Add Profile: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new HTTP/Web object identifier profile.

Add Object: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new HTTP/Web object identifier.

Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected HTTP/Web object identifier.

Delete: Deletes the selected HTTP/Web object identifier or custom profile. The default profile cannot be deleted.

Export: Opens a dialog box for exporting the currently selected HTTP/Web object identifier profile to an XML file.

Import: Opens a dialog box for importing a saved object identifier profile XML file.

Revert: Reverts the default HTTP/Web object identification profile to the default profile. Any changes to the default profile are removed. Select the default profile name in the Name column to activate the revert option.

For each object element, you specify a name (typically an HTTP/Web object attribute), an operator, a value and a value type. As you add object elements, OpenScript builds the object identifier using logical OR between each object identifier element. Click Edit to change between logical OR and AND.

2.5.4 Image Based Recording Record Preferences

This category lets you specify recording preferences for the Image Based Recording Functional Test module. General

This section lets you specify the Image Based Recording record Functional Test preferences.

Default Threshold - specifies the "threshold of similarity" to use for comparing captured images to the screen during playback. The default value is 0.9.

2.5.5 Oracle ADF Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) Functional Test module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Object Identification

This tab lets you specify the Oracle ADF object identification attributes. Object identification attributes define how OpenScript recognizes and records specific controls used in ADF-based applications.

Active Profile: Specifies which object identification profile to use as the active profile when recording scripts. Profiles define a specific set of object identifiers to use when recording ADF functional tests. Use the Add Profile option to create a new custom profile. Once you have created a profile, select the profile name in the Name column and use Add Object to define custom objects and attributes in the custom profile.

Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined Oracle ADF object identifiers and profiles.

Attributes: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined Oracle ADF object identifiers.

Add Profile: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Oracle ADF object identifier profile.

Add Object: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Oracle ADF object identifier.

Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected Oracle ADF object identifier.

Delete: Deletes the selected Oracle ADF object identifier or custom profile. The default profile cannot be deleted.

Export: Opens a dialog box for exporting the currently selected ADF object identifier profile to an XML file.

Import: Opens a dialog box for importing a saved object identifier profile XML file.

Revert: Reverts the default ADF object identification profile to the default profile. Any changes to the default profile are removed. Select the default profile name in the Name column to activate the revert option.

For each object element, you specify a name (typically an Oracle ADF object attribute), an operator, a value and a value type. As you add object elements, OpenScript builds the object identifier using logical OR between each object identifier element. Click Edit to change between logical OR and AND.

2.5.6 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: General

This tab lets you specify the general Oracle Forms recorder settings.

Miscellaneous: Specifies if screenshots are captured.

  • Capture screenshots: When selected, screenshots are captured during recording.

  • Activate Event-Driven Recording: When selected, browser events recording is activated. The XPath Generation Rules for EBS/Forms applications as specified in the file:

    C\:\\Users\\user\\osworkspace\\.metadata\\.plugins\\XPathGenerationRules_FORMS.xml .

    are used to define the event-driven recording.

    Forms Log Level: Specifies the logging level for forms functional test script recording. The available settings are: off|fatal|error|warn|info|debug|all. The default value is off. Object Identification

This tab lets you specify the Oracle Forms object identification attributes. Object identification attributes define how OpenScript recognizes and records specific controls used in EBS/Forms-based applications.

Active Profile: Specifies which object identification profile to use as the active profile when recording scripts. Profiles define a specific set of object identifiers to use when recording EBS/Forms functional tests. Use the Add Profile option to create a new custom profile. Once you have created a profile, select the profile name in the Name column and use Add Object to define custom objects and attributes in the custom profile.

Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined Oracle EBS/Forms object identifiers.

Attributes: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined Oracle EBS/Forms object identifiers.

Add Profile: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Oracle EBS/Forms object identifier profile.

Add Object: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Oracle EBS/Forms object identifier.

Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected Oracle EBS/Forms object identifier or profile.

Delete: Deletes the selected Oracle Forms object identifier.

Export: Opens a dialog box for exporting the currently selected Forms object identifier profile to an XML file. Select the profile name in the Name column to activate the export option.

Import: Opens a dialog box for importing a saved object identifier profile XML file.

Revert: Reverts the default EBS/Forms object identification profile to the default profile. Any changes to the default profile are removed. Select the default profile name in the Name column to activate the revert option. Applet Object Identification

This tab lets you specify the Oracle Forms applet object identification attributes. Applet object identification attributes define how OpenScript recognizes and records specific applet controls used in EBS/Forms-based applications.

Active Profile: Specifies which object identification profile to use as the active profile when recording scripts. Profiles define a specific set of applet object identifiers to use when recording EBS/Forms functional tests. Use the Add Profile option to create a new custom profile. Once you have created a profile, select the profile name in the Name column and use Add Object to define custom applet objects and attributes in the custom profile.

Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined Oracle EBS/Forms applet object identifiers.

Attributes: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined Oracle EBS/Forms applet object identifiers.

Add Profile: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Oracle EBS/Forms applet object identifier profile.

Add Object: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Oracle EBS/Forms applet object identifier.

Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected Oracle EBS/Forms applet object identifier or profile.

Delete: Deletes the selected Oracle Forms applet object identifier.

Export: Opens a dialog box for exporting the currently selected Forms applet object identifier profile to an XML file. Select the profile name in the Name column to activate the export option.

Import: Opens a dialog box for importing a saved applet object identifier profile XML file.

Revert: Reverts the default EBS/Forms object identification profile to the default profile. Any changes to the default profile are removed. Select the default profile name in the Name column to activate the revert option.

2.5.7 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Oracle Forms Load Test module. The resulting dialog box displays the following section and fields:

Mode: Specifies the Forms message recording mode.

  • Record all forms messages: When selected, all forms messages between the client and the server are recorded. This option creates a verbose script which generates the same load as an actual user environment.

  • Record critical forms messages only: When selected, only forms messages that are considered critical between the client and the server are recorded. "Critical" messages are the minimum amount of messages needed by the EBS/Forms Load Test module to be able simulate a business flow as an actual user scenario. The EBS/Forms Load Test recorder marks all critical messages according to known Forms protocol.

    This option creates a less verbose script with fewer recorded statements than the Record all forms messages option and generates less (approximately 60-80 percent) of the load as an actual user environment. In some cases, the critical only mode may experience record/playback issues if unknown Forms protocol messages are not recorded as critical messages.

    In some circumstances, this option may also be useful if a script requires a large amount of custom logic and programming as the script is less verbose and does not require knowing how or where to add terminal messages.

Applet Parameters: Specifies the Forms Applet Class property to use to record Forms applications.

  • EBS Forms: When selected, the OpenScript Applet Class property oracle.forms.engine.main is used to record EBS/Forms applications.

  • Custom Forms: When selected, the specified Applet Class property is used to record custom non-Web deployed Forms applications.

Miscellaneous: Specifies the miscellaneous record preferences.

  • Force HTTP Recording: When selected, recording communicates over HTTP disregarding the connection parameter values of the Applet page. This setting may be necessary if the site has an Applet loading page that is set to communicate over a socket instead of using HTTP. If the contents of the Applet loading page are set to Socket, OpenScript cannot record the socket traffic.

2.5.8 Oracle JDE EnterpriseOne Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Oracle JDEdwards EnterpriseOne Functional Test module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Object Identification

This tab lets you specify the JDE EnterpriseOne object identification attributes. Object identification attributes define how OpenScript recognizes and records specific controls used in JDE EnterpriseOne-based applications.

Active Profile: Specifies which object identification profile to use as the active profile when recording scripts. Profiles define a specific set of object identifiers to use when recording JDE EnterpriseOne functional tests. Use the Add Profile option to create a new custom profile. Once you have created a profile, select the profile name in the Name column and use Add Object to define custom objects and attributes in the custom profile.

Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined JDE EnterpriseOne object identifiers and profiles.

Attributes: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined JDE EnterpriseOne object identifiers.

Add Profile: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new JDE EnterpriseOne object identifier profile.

Add Object: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new JDE EnterpriseOne object identifier.

Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected JDE EnterpriseOne object identifier.

Delete: Deletes the selected JDE EnterpriseOne object identifier or custom profile. The default profile cannot be deleted.

Export: Opens a dialog box for exporting the currently selected JDE EnterpriseOne object identifier profile to an XML file.

Import: Opens a dialog box for importing a saved object identifier profile XML file.

Revert: Reverts the default JDE EnterpriseOne object identification profile to the default profile. Any changes to the default profile are removed. Select the default profile name in the Name column to activate the revert option.

For each object element, you specify a name (typically an JDE EnterpriseOne object attribute), an operator, a value and a value type. As you add object elements, OpenScript builds the object identifier using logical OR between each object identifier element. Click Edit to change between logical OR and AND.

2.5.9 Oracle JET Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Oracle JET Functional Test module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Object Identification

This tab lets you specify the JET object identification attributes. Object identification attributes define how OpenScript recognizes and records specific controls used in Oracle JET-based applications.

Active Profile: Specifies which object identification profile to use as the active profile when recording scripts. Profiles define a specific set of object identifiers to use when recording JET functional tests. Use the Add Profile option to create a new custom profile. Once you have created a profile, select the profile name in the Name column and use Add Object to define custom objects and attributes in the custom profile.

Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined JET object identifiers and profiles.

Attributes: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined JET object identifiers.

Add Profile: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new JET object identifier profile.

Add Object: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new JET object identifier.

Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected JET object identifier.

Delete: Deletes the selected JET object identifier or custom profile. The default profile cannot be deleted.

Export: Opens a dialog box for exporting the currently selected JET object identifier profile to an XML file.

Import: Opens a dialog box for importing a saved object identifier profile XML file.

Revert: Reverts the default JET object identification profile to the default profile. Any changes to the default profile are removed. Select the default profile name in the Name column to activate the revert option.

For each object element, you specify a name (typically an JET object attribute), an operator, a value and a value type. As you add object elements, OpenScript builds the object identifier using logical OR between each object identifier element. Click Edit to change between logical OR and AND.

2.5.10 Oracle Siebel OpenUI Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Oracle Siebel OpenUI Functional Test module. General

This tab lets you specify the Oracle Siebel OpenUI record preferences.

Open UI Elements Paths: Specifies if a special object identifier path for OpenUI elements is used.

  • Use special paths for Open UI elements: When selected, the special object identifier path is used when recording Siebel OpenUI applications.

  • Path: Specifies the special object identifier path to use when recording Siebel OpenUI applications. The object identifier path specifies the element attributes to use to identify Siebel OpenUI applications. The Siebel attributes are RN (repository name), OT (object type) and UN (unique name). The default special object identifier path is @rn={{rn}} and @ot={{ot}} and @un={{un}}.

  • Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the Siebel OpenUI object identifier special path.

Miscellaneous: Specifies miscellaneous Siebel OpenUI record settings.

  • Record "openui.syncpage" actions: When selected, openui.syncpage actions will be recorded to the script Java code. openui.syncpage waits until classname siebui-busy disappears or a timeout occurs.

  • Record "capturePage" actions: When selected, capturePage actions will be recorded to the script Java code.

2.5.11 Siebel Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Siebel Functional Test module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections: General

This tab lets you specify the Siebel general preferences.

SI Elements Paths: Specifies if the Siebel script recorder uses Siebel specific object identifier paths for the webdom elements that are marked in the Siebel application as Standard Interactivity (SI) controls instead of normally recorded attributes such as text, href, and index.

  • Use special paths for SI elements: When selected, the Siebel script recorder records only the Siebel tag attributes when normal html elements (A, TD, INPUT, DIV, etc.) are used as SI controls in a Siebel application.

  • Path: Specifies the object identifier path to use for Siebel SI controls. The Siebel attributes are RN (repository name), OT (object type) and UN (unique name).

  • Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the object identifier path.

Sitemap Links: Specifies if the Siebel script recorder uses Siebel site map page specific object identifier paths when recording actions on links within the Siebel site map page instead of normally recorded object identifier paths that use the standard path. The standard path includes a particular document index or frame name, which may change dynamically on playback of the script.

  • Use global paths for Sitemap link: When selected, the Siebel script recorder records only a site map page specific path for the object identifier path.

  • Path: Specifies the object identifier path to use for Siebel site map page links. The Siebel attributes are RN (repository name), OT (object type) and UN (unique name).

  • Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the object identifier path.

Miscellaneous: Specifies the miscellaneous Siebel record preferences.

  • Record "waitForPage" actions: When selected, the script recorder generates "wait for page" actions for test steps that generate a page transition in the browser. When cleared, the script recorder generates a "capture page" action for test steps in Siebel applications. Some Siebel actions may not generate the page transition needed to reliably play back "wait for page" actions. Clearing this setting for Siebel Functional test scripts allows scripts to record the "capture page" action instead of the "wait for page" action for more accurate script playback.

2.5.12 Web Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Web Functional Test module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: General

This tab lets you specify the general Web Functional test recorder settings.

Browser: Specify the browser options that will be used during Web Functional test recording.

  • Always launch a new browser when recording a different script: When selected, a new instance of the Internet Explorer browser is launched for each new script recording. When cleared, a new browser is launched only for the first script recording of the OpenScript session. The general case is to launch a new browser instance for each specific script. However, when chaining scripts using a shell script where each script needs to use the same instance of the browser, clearing this setting will cause subsequent scripts recordings to use the same browser instance as the first recording.

Miscellaneous: Specifies the miscellaneous record settings.

  • Capture screenshots: When selected, screen images are captured during recording. Screenshots can be viewed in the Results view.

    • Only capture browser content: When selected, only the content of the browser window is captured during recording.

    • Capture entire screen: When selected, the entire screen is captured during recording.

  • Capture HTML: When selected, page source HTML is captured during recording.

  • Capture URLs: When selected, the page URL will be captured.

  • Capture frames: When selected, the HTML frames on the page will be captured.

  • Ignore auto page: When selected, server-side auto pages are ignored during recording.

  • Action cache interval(s): Specifies how often to cache page actions during recording. The following cases are determined by this setting:

    If while recording, the text on the same Web page element is changed within the Action Cache Interval time setting, the previously recorded value will be replaced by the changed value. In the Java code, the setText action will be replaced with the changed value.

    If while recording, a browser window closes within the Action Cache Interval after a user performs an action on a web page (for example, a button click) the window close event will not be recorded, as the window close event is considered to be caused by the previously performed action.

  • Record "waitForPage" actions: When selected, the script recorder generates "wait for page" actions for test steps that generate a page transition in the browser. When cleared, the script recorder generates a "capture page" action for test steps that generate a page transition in the browser. For Web functional test scripts, the "wait for page" action is the normal record option. See Section 2.5.11, "Siebel Functional Test Preferences" for additional information.

  • Record "mouseClick" actions: When selected, the script recorder generates mouse click actions to support record and playback of actions against embedded browser objects such as Flash or ActiveX.

  • Create Title Test for every Page: When selected, the Web Functional Test recorder automatically inserts a page title test for every page recorded. The page title test compares the recorded page title to the page title received during playback. The default test does not stop playback if the page title comparison fails. When cleared, page title tests are not inserted during recording.

  • Create HTML Test for every Page: When selected, the Web Functional Test recorder automatically inserts an HTML test for every page recorded. The HTML test compares the recorded HTML to the HTML received during playback. The default test stops playback if the HTML comparison fails. Select the result in the Results view and view the differences in the Comparison tab of the Details view. When cleared, page HTML tests are not inserted during recording.

  • Record actions on "AccElements": When selected, actions on Accessibility elements are recorded. When cleared, actions on Accessibility elements are not recorded. Object Identification

This tab lets you specify recording preferences for the Web Functional Test module.

Active Profile: Specifies which object identification profile to use as the active profile when recording scripts. Profiles define a specific set of object identifiers to use when recording Web functional tests. Use the Add Profile option to create a new custom profile. Once you have created a profile, select the profile name in the Name column and use Add Object to define custom objects and attributes in the custom profile.

Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined Web object identifiers.

Attributes: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined Web object identifiers.

Add Profile: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Web object identifier profile.

Add Object: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Web object identifier.

Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected Web object identifier or profile.

Delete: Deletes the selected Web object identifier or profile. The default profile cannot be deleted.

Export: Opens a dialog box for exporting the currently selected Web object identifier profile to an XML file. Select the profile name in the Name column to activate the export option.

Import: Opens a dialog box for importing the currently selected Web object identifier profile to an XML file. Select a profile name in the Name column to activate the import option.

Revert: reverts the default Web object identification profile to the default profile. Any changes to the default profile are removed. Select the default profile name in the Name column to activate the revert option.

2.5.13 Web Services Preferences

This tab lets you specify recording preferences for the Web Services module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: General

This tab lets you specify the general browser recorder settings.

Request Timeout: Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for a response to a request before timing out.

Generate default values for requests: When selected, the OpenScript XML parser generates the specified values for the primitive data types by default. The values may be empty. (For other Axis or Oracle parsers the parameters of the methods must be specified.)

  • xsd:string: Specifies the default value for String data type parameters.

  • xsd:int: Specifies the default value for Integer data type parameters.

  • xsd:long: Specifies the default value for Long data type parameters.

  • xsd:float: Specifies the default value for Float data type parameters.

  • xsd:double: Specifies the default value for Double data type parameters.

  • xsd:boolean: Specifies the default value for Boolean data type parameters. Parser Tools

This tab lets you specify additional Apache AXIS parsers to use with the Web Services module.

Apache AXIS 1.X: Specifies the root folder of the Apache AXIS 1.X implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") parser. Download "AXIS 1.4 Final" binary ZIP file (axis-bin-1_4.zip) from http://ws.apache.org/axis/, unpack the zip file, and then specify the AXIS 1.X root folder using the Browse button.

Apache AXIS 2: Specifies the root folder of the Apache AXIS 2 implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") parser. Download the AXIS 2 Standard Binary Distribution ZIP file (axis2-1.3-bin.zip) from http://ws.apache.org/axis2/, unpack the zip file, and specify the AXIS 2 root folder using the Browse button. Proxy Configuration

The Web Services module uses the integrated HTTP Proxy recorder to record SOAP/HTTP protocol requests. Specify the proxy settings for the parsers to be able to parse the internet WSDL file from an internal network using the HTTP Record Preferences Proxy Settings tab. Certificates

The Web Services module uses the integrated HTTP module to specify certificates. Specify the certificate settings using the HTTP Record Preferences Certificates tab.

2.6 Step Group Category

This category lets you specify script step group creation, naming, and numbering preferences. Step groups allow you to optionally organize your OpenScript script commands into logical groupings based on the type of script you are creating. If step groups are enabled during recording, your script commands will be listed within a step group node (or sections) in the tree view (or code view) of the script. Step groups can also be added or modified manually or completely disabled if you prefer not to use them.

2.6.1 ADF Load Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created for ADF Load Tests. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on for additional information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:

Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script recording.

  • ADF Load: When selected, step groups will be created based on the ADF component. Groups are created whenever an ADF component is changed.

  • Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.

  • By page navigation: When selected, step groups are created based upon page navigation in the browser.

  • Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically during script recording.

Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script recording.

  • By page title: When selected, step groups are named based upon the title of the Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag for the main page and the page URL will also be shown in parentheses in the step group name. If a title is not specified then the step group will be named "No Title" but URL will still be displayed.

  • ADF Component: When selected, step groups are named based upon the component title specified by the ADF JavaScript. If no title is found in the ADF Javascript, step groups are named based upon the title of the Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag. If no is title found, step groups are named based upon the subsequent child elements.

  • Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically during script recording.

Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script recording.

  • Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting with step 1.

  • Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered automatically during script recording.

2.6.2 Basic Module Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:

Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script recording.

  • Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the specified recording time interval threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds. Script commands that occur within the specified time interval relative to each other, will be organized into the same step group. For example, if a user performs multiple actions on a page within the specified time interval would result in those action commands being grouped into the same step group. This may be useful for grouping commands into step groups for AJAX applications where full Web page transitions may not occur which would allow you to group commands by page.

  • Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically during script recording.

Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script recording. Step names will be displayed in the step nodes of the tree view and also shown in the code view. Step names can also be edited manually in either view.

  • Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically during script recording.

Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script recording.

  • Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting with step 1.

  • Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered automatically during script recording.

2.6.3 Flex (AMF) Load Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created for Flex (AMF) Load Tests. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on for additional information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:

Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script recording.

  • Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.

  • By page navigation: When selected, step groups are created based upon page navigation in the browser.

  • Flex LT (AMF): When selected, step groups will be created based on the windows in which the actions occur. Groups are created whenever a Window Activate action is recorded.

  • Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically during script recording.

Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script recording.

  • By page title: When selected, step groups are named based upon the title of the Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag for the main page and the page URL will also be shown in parentheses in the step group name. If a title is not specified then the step group will be named "No Title" but URL will still be displayed.

  • Flex LT (AMF): When selected, step groups will be named the same as the window titles. Groups will be named the same as the window that is active.

  • Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically during script recording.

Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script recording.

  • Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting with step 1.

  • Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered automatically during script recording.

2.6.4 HTTP Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created, named, and numbered for HTTP scripts. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on for additional information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:

Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script recording.

  • Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.

  • By page navigation: When selected, step groups are created based upon page navigation in the browser.

  • Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically during script recording.

Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script recording.

  • By page title: When selected, step groups include the title of the web page.

  • Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically during script recording.

Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script recording.

  • Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting with step 1.

  • Do not number step: When selected, step groups will not be numbered automatically during script recording.

2.6.5 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created for EBS Forms Functional Tests. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on for additional information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:

Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script recording.

  • Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.

  • Forms Functional Test: When selected, step groups will be created based on the windows in which the actions occur. Groups are created whenever a Window Activate action is recorded.

  • Web Functional: When selected, step groups are created based upon the loading of a new Web page being loaded in the browser. When a new page is finished loading, the page and subsequent user actions performed on that page prior to the next page load will be grouped into the same step group.

  • Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically during script recording.

Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script recording.

  • Forms Functional Test: When selected, step groups will be named the same as the window titles. Groups will be named the same as the window that is active.

  • Web Functional: When selected, step groups are named based upon the title of the Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag for the main page and the page URL will also be shown in parentheses in the step group name, If a title is not specified then the step group will be named "No Title" but the URL will still be displayed.

  • Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically during script recording.

Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script recording.

  • Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting with step 1.

  • Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered automatically during script recording.

2.6.6 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created for EBS Forms Load Tests. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on for additional information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:

Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script recording.

  • Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.

  • By page navigation: When selected, step groups are created based upon page navigation in the browser.

  • Oracle EBS/Forms Load: When selected, step groups will be created based on the windows in which the actions occur. Groups are created whenever a Window Activate action is recorded.

  • Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically during script recording.

Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script recording.

  • By page title: When selected, step groups are named based upon the title of the Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag for the main page and the page URL will also be shown in parentheses in the step group name. If a title is not specified then the step group will be named "No Title" but URL will still be displayed.

  • Oracle EBS/Forms Load: When selected, step groups will be named the same as the window titles. Groups will be named the same as the window that is active.

  • Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically during script recording.

Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script recording.

  • Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting with step 1.

  • Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered automatically during script recording.

2.6.7 Siebel Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created for Siebel Functional Tests. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on for additional information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:

Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script recording.

  • Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.

  • Web Functional: When selected, step groups are created based upon the loading of a new Web page being loaded in the browser. When a new page is finished loading, the page and subsequent user actions performed on that page prior to the next page load will be grouped into the same step group.

  • Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically during script recording.

Step Naming: Specifies  if step groups are named or not by default during script recording.

  • Siebel Functional: When selected, step groups will be named based upon the Siebel URL pattern. OpenScript uses a heuristic to evaluate the recorded URL of pages to determine a meaningful title.

  • Web Functional: When selected, step groups are named based upon the title of the Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag for the main page and the page URL will also be shown in parentheses in the step group name, If a title is not specified then the step group will be named "No Title" but the URL will still be displayed.

  • Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically during script recording.

Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script recording.

  • Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting with step 1.

  • Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered automatically during script recording.

2.6.8 Siebel Load Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created, named, and numbered for Siebel scripts. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on for additional information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:

Step Creation: if step groups are created or not by default during script recording.

  • Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.

  • By page navigation: When selected, step groups are created based upon page navigation in the browser.

  • Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically during script recording.

Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script recording.

  • By Siebel URL Pattern: When selected, step groups will be named based upon the Siebel URL pattern. OpenScript uses a heuristic to evaluate the recorded URL of pages to determine a meaningful title.

  • By page title: When selected, step groups include the title of the web page.

  • Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically during script recording.

Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script recording.

  • Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting with step 1.

  • Do not number step: When selected, step groups will not be numbered automatically during script recording.

2.6.9 Web Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created for Web Functional Tests. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on for additional information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:

Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script recording.

  • Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.

  • Web Functional: When selected, step groups are created based upon the loading of a new Web page being loaded in the browser. When a new page is finished loading, the page and subsequent user actions performed on that page prior to the next page load will be grouped into the same step group.

  • Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically during script recording.

Step Naming: Specifies  if step groups are named or not by default during script recording.

  • Web Functional: When selected, step groups are named based upon the title of the Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag for the main page and the page URL will also be shown in parentheses in the step group name, If a title is not specified then the step group will be named "No Title" but the URL will still be displayed.

  • Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically during script recording.

Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script recording.

  • Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting with step 1.

  • Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered automatically during script recording.

2.7 Setting Project Preferences

To set Project preferences:

  1. Start OpenScript.

  2. Switch to the Developer Perspective.

  3. Select Preferences from the Window menu.

  4. Expand the desired node and select the Preferences category.

  5. Specify the preferences as necessary for the selected category.