Oracle Financial Services Enterprise Case Management Application Pack v8. Minor Release#1


This Readme has the following sections:


Verified Upgrade Paths

How to Apply This Release?

New Features / Changes

List of Issues Fixed in This Release

Known Issues/Limitations in This Release


This patch is a cummulative rollup of all patches since the release. All items in those patches are included as well as the additional enhancements and fixed listed in New Features / Changes.

Oracle Financial Services Enterprise Case Management (OFS ECM) Application Pack v8. Minor Release #1 (ID 32589501)

This release of OFS ECM Application Pack Includes additional enhancements, bug fixes outlined in List of Issues Fixed in This Release

Verified Upgrade Paths:

o    ECM

o    ECM

o    ECM

o    ECM

How to Apply This Release?

For detailed instructions on installing this OFS ECM Release, see OFS ECM Application Pack Installation Guide

New Features / Changes

The following is the list of new features incorporated in this release.

1.       Account Restriction field has been updated to allow users to select from a configurable list of restrictions

2.       Quantifind Batch Process for Sending Customers and Receiving Risk Score Card

2.1    Filter events to be considered for Quantifind batch

2.2    Extract Customers from Filtered Events to send to Quantifind

2.3    Deduplicate Customers for sending to Quantifind

2.4    Populate ECM Quantifind landing area with customers

3.       PEP information now flows in from FCDM into ECM cases and can be managed as part of the customer's case record

4.       Case Due Dates can be set in days, hours and minutes

5.       Count of related events was different from the number of records shown because of queries did not include all relevant filters

6.       Manually created events where showing as being created by the system as opposed to the user who created them

7.       Duplicate accounts were being shown under the Customer Accounts grid because of missing filter

8.       User is was allowed to add an external entity to a case even if the entity was already present

9.       Duplicate links were displaying in Network Analysis tab

10.    Issue fixed in Expired Events Purge Script that was causing it not to complete

List of Issues Fixed in This Release

The list of issues fixed in OFSA ECM release are as follows.

Bug ID



Count of related events was different from the number of records shown because of queries did not include all relevant filters.


Duplicate accounts were shown under the Customer Accounts grid due to missing filter.


User is was allowed to add an external entity to a case even if the entity was already present


No Data returned in Network Analysis due to incorrect Filter ACCT_TYPE_CD = 'IA'


Issue fixed in Expired Events Purge Script that was causing it not to complete

Known Issues/Limitations in This Release

The known issue / limitation in OFS ECM Release is as follows.

Bug ID
