Oracle Financial Services Enterprise Case Management Release v8.


Oracle Financial Services (OFS) Enterprise Case Management (ECM) Pack is a separately licensed product.


Release ID 34907686 – OFS ECM v8. Minor Release #4 (

The Oracle Financial Services Enterprise Case Management (OFS ECM) version ML is cumulative of all bug fixes & enhancements done since the release, and it can be directly applied to ECM version.


·         Before applying OFS ECM v8., it is required to install OFS ECM v8. For detailed instructions on installing this OFSECM Release, see OFS ECM Application Pack Installation Guide

·         Configure the Server Time Zone as:

For ECM standalone installation:

o    The SERVER_TIMEZONE parameter must be configured in the CONFIGURATION table in CONFIG schema with the correct time zone name.

§  The Date/Timestamps are displayed according to the user's browser time zone.

§  Once the user time zone is saved, the browser date is converted to the Server time zone date and saved in the database.

For Pack-on-Pack installation:

o    Update the SERVER_TIMEZONE parameter in the CONFIGURATION table in CONFIG schema with the following query:


·         Apply Bug 34572960 - OFSAA version AAI ML Release #2 (

·         Apply Bug 34943394 - Consolidated fixes for issues in OJET and QTNR on OFSAAI version

·         Apply Bug 34913083 - Behavior Detection Version 8.1.2. ML Release #4 (

            How to Apply This Patch?

For detailed instructions on installing the OFS ECM release, see OFS ECM ML Installation Guide.

            About This Release

            This section describes the new features and known issues in this release of OFS ECM.        


·         New Features/Enhancements

·         Fixed Issues

·         Known Issues

             New Features/Enhancements

The following is the list of new features and enhancements included in this release:

·         US-SAR Continuous Activity Review: The Continuing Activity case allows investigators to review activities that occurred after filing the SAR on the previous case.

·         The newly introduced Transaction tab for Case Investigation displays all transactions which are associated with the events on the case as well as any others which have been identified as needing to be part of the case investigation. View the details of an individual transaction, search on other, non-event transactions for entities on the case, add those transactions to the case, and provide the context, via labels, in which the transaction is related to this investigation.

·         In Case Search, Research, and Event Search users can now search by Tax ID of the customer.

·         When recalculating the score of the event during correlation, the Event Adjustment Score will no longer be allowed to go below zero.

·         When viewing a Customer entity in a case there is a new tab displaying the ingested Customer Identification documents.

·         Quantifind score case information is now parsed and persisted in the ECM data model. This information can be used to enhance customer risk scoring.

·         Two levels of simple objects are now supported in the display of JSON information received in the generic evented data field of API posted events. This allows for better control over how this data is displayed to a user.

             Fixed Issues

·         During case merge, emails and RFIs that were part of the child case are now moved into the parent case.

            Known Issues

              The following table provides the list of known issues in this release.

Table:1 List of Known Issues

Bug Number



When the acknowledgment of the SAR is received, the amount and suspicious activity date are not being populated on the Previous Report Information tab in the resulting CAR case. Therefore, this information is not provided to the SAR report if it is determined a SAR should be filed on the CAR case. These values will need to be manually entered in the SAR report before submitting to FinCEN.


AML_CA case type is showing when the user is trying to create a manual case.  CA cases are created automatically and should not be available for manual case creation.


In Case Advanced Search, users are able to enter strings in date fields. This should not be allowed.


Refresh issue in Case Designer where the previously selected case type is showing when viewing a separate case type.


Duplicate case attributes are getting displayed in Case Designer. For a workaround, see Changing Labels for Duplicate Attributes for CS Case Types.


Only Suspect Customer Involved Parties are appearing on the Previous Report Summary tab for CAR cases.


As part of the CAR process, when CRR sends the narrative of the prior SAR for display in the CAR case, any carriage return formatting in the narrative is lost. If the narrative was paragraph text with no carriage returns, there are no issues.


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