Oracle Financial Services Enterprise Case Management Release v8.


Oracle Financial Services (OFS) Enterprise Case Management (ECM) Pack is a separately licensed product.


Release ID 35550329 – OFS ECM v8. Minor Release #6 (

This OFS ECM release is cumulative of enhancements and bug fixes since the release. It is compatible with the release of FCCM Apps.


·         Before applying OFS ECM v8., it is required to install OFS ECM v8. For detailed instructions on installing this OFSECM Release, see OFS ECM Application Pack Installation Guide

·         Configure the Server Time Zone as:

For ECM standalone installation:

o    The SERVER_TIMEZONE parameter must be configured in the CONFIGURATION table in CONFIG schema with the correct time zone name.

§  The Date/Timestamps are displayed according to the user's browser time zone.

§  Once the user time zone is saved, the browser date is converted to the Server time zone date and saved in the database.

For Pack-on-Pack installation:

o    Update the SERVER_TIMEZONE parameter in the CONFIGURATION table in CONFIG schema with the following query:


·         The SYS DB user must provide the following grant to the ATOMIC DB user:

GRANT execute on ctx_ddl to <ATOMIC_USER>;

·         Apply Bug 33939235 - OFS ECM Application Pack v8. Minor Release #2 (

·         Apply Bug 35560200 - Oracle Financial Services Behavior Detection Platform ML to view the next periodic re-review on KYC Case Context screen.

·         Apply Bug 35013409 - OFSAA AAI ML Release #3 ( (OFSAAI).

·         Apply Bug 35307360 - Post AAI 8123 ML Pre-requisites.

·         Apply Bug 35382114 - Standard Upgrade of Libraries for  Common Usage in OFSAA V81X – July 2023.

·         Apply Bug 35667722 - Option to configure the RFI token based approach.

·         Apply Bug 35322369 - Consolidated Sanction Simulation API Requests.

·         Apply Bug 35598249 - Consolidated Fixes for Issues Dependent on FCCM Release.

·         Apply Bug 35814104 - Enhancements in IPE to Support Simulation Requirements (Model ID and Version).

            How to Apply This Patch?

For detailed instructions on installing the OFS ECM release, see OFS ECM ML Installation Guide.

            About This Release

            This section describes the new features and known issues in this release of OFS ECM.        


·         New Features/Enhancements

·         Fixed Issues

·         Known Issues

             New Features/Enhancements

The following is the list of new features and enhancements included in this release:

·         Automated Due Date Setting of CAR Cases: The trigger for the setting of the due date of the CAR case is now determined by the receipt of confirmation of the US-SAR being received from FinCEN and not the receipt of the Acknowledgement report of the SAR.

The Secure Direct Transfer Mode (SDTM) must be configured while setting up CAR Case Due Date. For more information, see Configuring Secure Direct Transfer Mode (SDTM) in the Oracle Financial Services Compliance Regulatory Reporting Admin Guide.

·         Standard Comment Filtering: When taking an action, adding evidence, assigning a case or adding a comment, the standard comments displayed will be specific to that action.  When taking a combination of any of those actions, a super set of the standard comments are displayed.

·         Configuration of Case Title for API-created Cases:  Case title can be configured for the API-created cases by configuring the required parameters. For more information, see Configuring Case Title for Case Creation (Create Event and Promote to Case) API in OFS ECM Administration and Configuration Guide

·         Event Archiving: Customers can now archive events older than a defined period to be segmented into a separate storage area to improve performance. This is beneficial for customers who have large amounts of historical data which is still within the retention period.  Users can still query the data and retrieve it as needed.

·         Send RFI: The Request for Information (RFI) email sends a token-based questionnaire link that requires recipients to enter a captcha to open, fill in, and submit the questionnaire. To avoid generation of captcha and directly access the questionnaire response page (AAI/ECM User ID is required) from the Questionnaire link, add the RFI_TOKEN_DISABLED parameter with the value T (True) to the configuration table. For more information , see the Configuring Token/Non-Token Based RFI section in OFS ECM Administration and Configuration Guide

·         Case & Event Purge Performance Enhancements:  Performance enhancements on Case and Event Purge utility using Hint Configurations. For more information , see the Hint Configuration in Event Purge and Case Purge Utility sections in OFS ECM Administration and Configuration Guide

·         Filter Child Attributes: Child case attributes can now be filtered automatically when the parent attribute is read-only (or not manually edited).

·         Functional Currency displayed in Loan Summary: Functional Currency is now displayed in Loan Summary for the Case and Event data.

             Fixed Issues

The following bugs have been fixed in OFS Enterprise Case Management Release

Table:1 List of Fixed Issues

Bug Number



As part of the CAR process, when CRR sends the narrative of the prior SAR for display in the CAR case, any carriage return formatting in the narrative is lost. If the narrative was paragraph text with no carriage returns, there are no issues.

            Known Issues

              The following table provides the list of known issues in this release.

Table:2 List of Known Issues

Bug Number



Even if a user selects a status other than Closed from the Status drop-down in Advanced Search of the Archived Cases page, only closed cases will be returned in the search results.

Workaround: Use only closed status for search.


In Case Advanced Search, users are able to enter strings in date fields. This should not be allowed.

Workaround: Only enter the date values or select the date from the Calendar option.


The Events of Child table is archived even if the column value of V_CHILD_TABLE_FLAG is set to N.

Workaround: Take backup of the FCC_ARC_CHILD_METADATA table, remove the entries, and run the utility.


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