Oracle Financial Services Enterprise Case Management Release v8.


Oracle Financial Services (OFS) Enterprise Case Management (ECM) Pack is a separately licensed product.


Release ID 35936594 – OFS ECM v8. Minor Release #7 (

This OFS ECM release is cumulative of enhancements and bug fixes since the release. It is compatible with the release of FCCM Apps.


·         Before applying OFS ECM v8., it is required to install OFS ECM v8. For detailed instructions on installing this OFSECM Release, see OFS ECM Application Pack Installation Guide

·         Configure the Server Time Zone as:

For ECM standalone installation:

o    The SERVER_TIMEZONE parameter must be configured in the CONFIGURATION table in CONFIG schema with the correct time zone name.

§  The Date/Timestamps are displayed according to the user's browser time zone.

§  Once the user time zone is saved, the browser date is converted to the Server time zone date and saved in the database.

For Pack-on-Pack installation:

o    Update the SERVER_TIMEZONE parameter in the CONFIGURATION table in CONFIG schema with the following query:


·         The SYS DB user must provide the following grant to the ATOMIC DB user:

GRANT execute on ctx_ddl to <ATOMIC_USER>;

·         Apply Bug 35958115 - Oracle Financial Services Behavior Detection Platform ML to view the next periodic re-review on KYC Case Context screen.

·         Apply Bug 35681234 - OFSAA AAI ML Release #4 ( (OFSAAI).

·         Apply Bug 36209018 - User unable to enable the CSRF flag as SYSADMN.

            How to Apply This Patch?

For detailed instructions on installing the OFS ECM release, see OFS ECM ML Installation Guide.

            About This Release

            This section describes the new features and known issues in this release of OFS ECM.        


·         New Features/Enhancements

·         Fixed Issues

·         Known Issues

             New Features/Enhancements

The following is the list of new features and enhancements included in OFS Enterprise Case Management Release

·         Searching Non-Case-related Transactions: View transactions for any account within Oracle, for any customer (personal or non-personal), without first having to add that customer to the entities tab of an ECM case.

·         Global Search Enhancement: Search cases with Entity ID and Name (Internal Account ID & Account Name and External Entity Name & ID) used in case transactions such as Wire and MI transaction as related party without being focal entity.

·         Status Age: The Status Age column is added to the Case Search & List page to indicate the accurate age of the current status thus prioritizing the Case.

·         Ingested Customer Identification Documents: The Issuing State drop-down is now added to the Customer Identification Document grid which can be edited. It was CRR dependent before. The Issuing State-related changes are also tracked via Audit History.

·         Research Relationship Tab Enhancement: The Relationship tab under the Research tab now considers Tax ID, Cust-Cust, and Cust-Account relationships as well in the Customer and Account Entity.

·         Source of Initial Funds: For Case Type AML_SURV, the Source of Initial Funds column is added in Customer Account grid under Event Details.

·         Take Action and Assign Pages Enhanced: The Set Assignee and Set Owner drop-downs on the Take Action and Assign pop-up pages do not have pre-selected values, allowing users to choose the appropriate selections.

             Fixed Issues

The following bugs have been fixed in OFS Enterprise Case Management Release

Table:1 List of Fixed Issues

Bug Number



The watch list risk values are populating wrong in the relationship tab.


When the length for N_CORRELATION_RULE_SKEY is more than two characters Correlation fails.


Users can view cases that they have not been allowed to see in the Related Events block of the Relationship tab.


The joining condition STG_FCC_EVENT_ACCOUNT.ACCT_INTRL_ID is being used instead of STG_FCC_EVENT_ACCOUNT.V_ACCOUNT_NUMBER from the FCC_DM_DEFINITION table.


FCC data movement for the ECM batch fails with FCC_PARTY_PARTY_RLSHP_LOOKUP.


Task 31 (DM_ID 295) fails during executing the AML_ECM batch.


Path 1067 in CORRELATION FOC-EN ID TO AD-DERADDR. The Join used in query in TMP_PATH_CONFIG is incorrect.


The Assignee and Owner field values are not displayed on the Case Details page due to access restrictions on the selected Business Domain on the Create Case page.

            Known Issues

              The following table provides the list of known issues in this release.

Table:2 List of Known Issues

Bug Number



Even if a user selects a status other than Closed from the Status drop-down in Advanced Search of the Archived Cases page, only closed cases will be returned in the search results.

Workaround: Use only closed status for search.


In Case Advanced Search, users are able to enter strings in date fields. This should not be allowed.

Workaround: Only enter the date values or select the date from the Calendar option.


The Events of Child table is archived even if the column value of V_CHILD_TABLE_FLAG is set to N.

Workaround: Take backup of the FCC_ARC_CHILD_METADATA table, remove the entries, and run the utility.


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