Using Finance Filters

The following table lists the available finance filters. The (Set 1) and (Set 2) are two sets of filters for two sets of output columns in the Finance Group Aggregate and the Finances Element Aggregate reports. The two sets allow you to compare finance aggregate values.


Pull-down Values


Finance Template

The finance templates configured by your administrator.

Select the finance template you are using.

Finance Type

  • Locked
  • Unlocked
  • All (Locked and Unlocked)

Locked: All finance values before the lock date.

Unlocked: All finance values after the lock date.

All (Locked and Unlocked): All forecast values.

This option is not displayed for the Proposal Finance Element Monthly Detail Report.

Finance View

  • Plan
  • Actual
  • Forecast
  • Plan or Basic
  • Actual or Basic

The options displayed here are based on the finance template you selected. If the template you selected supports double view, the following options are displayed: Actual, Plan, and Forecast. If your selected template supports single view, you will only have the option to select Basic. If no finance template is selected, you will see the following options:

  • Plan or Basic: This option is displayed if there are some projects that use the double-view functionality and some that use the single-view functionality. The Plan value come from projects that use the double view functionality, and the Basic value come from projects that use the single view functionality.
  • Actual or Basic: This option is displayed if there are some projects that use the double-view functionality and some that use the single-view functionality. The Actual value come from projects that use the double view functionality, and the Basic value come from projects that use the single view functionality.

This option is not displayed for the Proposal Finance Element Monthly Detail Report. Only Plan values are displayed.

Date Range

  • This Fiscal Year
  • Previous Fiscal Year
  • Next Fiscal Year
  • Any start to end month
  • All Fiscal Years
  • Trailing 12 months
  • Next 12 months
  • This Fiscal Qtr
  • Previous Fiscal Qtr
  • Next Fiscal Qtr
  • This Fiscal Year Q1
  • This Fiscal Year Q2
  • This Fiscal Year Q3
  • This Fiscal Year Q4
  • Current Month
  • Previous Month
  • Next Month

The range of months that are used to generate the aggregate value of the Total, Group1, Group 2 etc., columns in the aggregate reports. For Monthly reports, this determines the months that will be populated in the output, all other months will have 0 values.

For Annual totals, use one of the different Fiscal Year choices. For Quarterly totals, use one of the different Quarter choices. If you want totals for a particular month, use one of the Month choices. For a range of months, use Any start to end month

You can choose aggregation of past or future months.

Snapshot (for Plan)

Snapshot (for Actual)

Displays a complete list of snapshots.

The system shows the complete list of all snapshots taken in the drop-down list (up to a limit of 100). To ensure consistent aggregation of values, it is recommended that all users that make snapshots use a consistent naming scheme. The Default Plan Snapshot is always at the top of the list.

This option is not displayed for the Proposal Finance Element Monthly Detail Report.

Finance Detail Level

  • Total
  • Group
  • Category
  • Element

The filter sets the level of detail of the Finance element hierarchy that is shown in the report. This also sets the number of rows in the output per project.

Total: shows only the top level (Total).

Group: shows the Group level, one level below Total (up to 5, depends on number of Groups configured)

Category: shows the Category level, 2 levels below Total

Element: shows the Element level, 3 levels below Total

Show Upper Levels

  • Yes
  • No

This filter decides if the output should show higher levels of the Finance items hierarchy when a lower level item is chosen in the Finance Detail Level filter above.

This is relevant if you are doing your own aggregation of the element level values using Excel and you do not want the Category, Group, Total level values to interfere with this aggregation.

Start Month

End Month


This filter field displays only if the selected date range is Any start to end month. Use the calendar picker to select the start and end dates.

Validation Approval Date (From)

Validation Approval Date (To)



This filter field displays on the Finance Validation Report. If validation approval dates are entered, only approved validations are returned.

Finance Aggregate Report Filters

The table below describes the additional output parameters for the finance aggregate reports.

Output Parameters


Starting Month

Enter the starting month. This output setting decides which set of months will be shown in the report output.

Number of Months

Enter the number of months. For instance, you may set the number of months to 36 starting with January 2010 for several runs of this report. Then depending on the Date Range filter setting (above) varying sets of months of these 36 will be populated for different runs of the report.

Break down Finance Details by Organization

Select this check box to expand the finance details by organization. Each finance line item in the report is expanded and broken down to show the finance allocation by organization.

Note: This report is usable only if the finance allocation percent totals 100%. The system displays a warning message if it does not equal 100%.

See Also

Selecting Filter Parameters

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Last Published Tuesday, October 30, 2018