Project Finance Spreadsheet Report

This report generates a project finance report using the specified filter and output options. This CSV report is used in conjunction with the macro in the downloaded template. The Data sheet is an aggregation of project financial data based on the hierarchy configured in the finance template. The default range of the report is the current fiscal year.

Note: You must first download the template before you can view the output in MS Excel.

This report is designed to export the contribution each element line item makes to the finance category, group and total levels after applying the relevant multiplication factors. To identify the month, the report uses Q to represent the quarter and M to represent the month, for example if the fiscal year starts in January, January would be displayed as Q1_M1 and February as Q1_M2. April would be Q2_M1 as it is the first month of the second quarter. There are four columns for each month representing the four different levels of the template as follows:

The columns M2, M3 and M4 map to the multiplication factors for group (M2), category (M3) and element (M4).The data on this report is tailored for manipulation into a pivot table.

Filter Parameters

You can filter on pull down status, initiative, project basics, classification fields, organization hierarchy, and finances.

Output Parameters

You can select the report format, the maximum rows per report, and if the output should be compressed. The report output is in CSV format.

Sample Report

See Also

Finance Reports

Project Detail Spreadsheet Report

Financial Savings by Business Unit

Finance Summary Report

Finance Aggregate Reports

Finance Validation Report

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Last Published Tuesday, October 30, 2018