Project Finances Element Aggregate

You can generate a finances element aggregate report by using the filter and output options. This report shows multiple rows per project - one for each element configured item in the Finance Template. It aggregates finances at the financial detail level (total, group, category, element) based on the filter settings. Before running this report, you should choose a Finance Template.

Filter Parameters

You can filter on pull down status, initiative, project basics, project organization hierarchy, project dates, project classification fields, project custom fields, programs, finances, and finance aggregate definition.

For more information on filtering, see topic Using Finance Filters.

Output Parameters

You can select the report format, choose to break down finance details by organization, and select the output columns to display. The report output format choices are CSV, HTML, and MS Excel.

Sample Report

See Also

Finance Aggregate Reports

Project Finance Group Aggregate

Project Finances Element Monthly Detail

Proposal Finance Element Monthly Detail Report

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Last Published Tuesday, October 30, 2018