Last Modified Date Report

Use the Last Modified Date report to display a list of entities (project, finance, activity, team, and snapshot) that were updated on or after the selected date. For example, if you select Finance, all projects that had finances updated on or before the last updated date are displayed.

Filter Parameters

You can filter on the entity, the last updated date, and last updated time.

Output (Output Parameters)

You can select the report format and the maximum number of rows to display per report

The output choices are CSV, PDF and HTML.

Sample Report

See Also

Listing Reports

Idea Listing Report

Proposal Listing

Project Listing

Project Listing Report with Activity List

Resource Listing

Project Status

Resource Status

Activity Detail Report

Metrics Listing Report

Project & Metrics Template

Non-WBS Activity Report

Status Report Listing

Alignment Tree Report

Pipeline Report

Deleted Records Report

Program Listing

Field Change History Report

Linked Projects

Proposal Team Listing

Program Eval Report

Program Non-WBS Activity Report

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Last Published Tuesday, October 30, 2018