The Projects List

When you first sign on to the app, the Projects list appears. It includes all of the projects that you have access to.

To search for a project on the Projects list, scroll to the top of the list and then continue to drag down, revealing the Search bar.

The Projects list is divided into two sections: On Device and In the Cloud. The On Device section lists projects that have been downloaded to your device, and the In the Cloud section lists projects that have not been downloaded to your device.

The Download Status Indicator

The Download Status Indicator, located next to each project name, shows which projects have been downloaded to your device and whether each is up-to-date. It can show one of five statuses:

If you select a project with a status of Download, the app automatically tries to download its activities, tasks, and files that are 5MB or less. Files that are larger than 5MB will need to be manually downloaded. After the project is downloaded, close the sync dialog box to proceed to the home screen for a specific project.

To return to the Projects List from the Project Home screen, tap the project name.

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Last Published Wednesday, May 22, 2024