Files Overview

Managers and other team members can add files to projects as well as activities and tasks in the Primavera Cloud web app. You can use Oracle Primavera Cloud to view and download these files. Using Oracle Primavera Cloud, you can also add attachments to activities and tasks.

Attachments for activities and tasks that are 5MB or less are downloaded to your device automatically when the project syncs, and you can manually attach files that are larger than 5MB.

Each file attachment displays an icon on its thumbnail to indicate its download or version status, and the server checks for variances whenever you connect. Files that have changed since you downloaded them to your device will display an Update File icon, which you can tap to initiate the update. Tapping anywhere else on the thumbnail will open the version of the file currently stored on your device.

After you open a project, you can access the Files screen by tapping the Files tile on Project Home screen.

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Last Published Wednesday, May 22, 2024