Configure Work Plan View Settings

You can configure settings for the Work Plan screen to make tasks easier to find and manage.

The Work Plan screen on a tablet has two views: Calendar and Report. The Report view on a tablet is the Work Plan screen on a phone.

To configure Work Plan view settings:

  1. Navigate to the Project Home screen.
  2. Tap the "" Work Plan tile.
  3. On the Work Plan screen, tap Preferences
  4. On the Refine screen, you can edit the following settings:
    • Task Plan: Apply a task plan to view task cards in the Work Plan screen by swimlane categories. Available task plans that have been added for your project display in a list for selection.
    • Hide Empty Lanes: Use the Hide Empty Lanes toggle to organize swimlanes based on if the swimlane contains a task or task milestone. By default, this option is toggled on, and empty swimlanes are hidden. This option is only available if a task plan with swimlanes has been applied to the Work Plan screen.
    • Organize By: Choose Best Fit if you want the Work Plan to show the maximum number of tasks per screen. Choose Company if you want the Work Plan screen to organize tasks by company, which may require more scrolling. This setting is for the Calendar view on a tablet.
    • Report Columns: Specify any additional columns you want to appear in the timescale area. If you are using a tablet, this setting is for the Report view.

    Group and Filter options:

    • Group Tasks by Activity: Specifies whether tasks are grouped under headings that correspond to their associated activities. This setting is for the Calendar view on a tablet.
    • Hide Empty Activities: If the Group Tasks by Activity setting is on, this option specifies whether activities that have no tasks appear on the Work Plan screen. When this setting is off, activities that have no tasks are hidden. This setting is for the Calendar view on a tablet.
    • Filters: Select an object type or status value to specify which tasks you want to appear on the Work Plan screen.

      For example, if you tap WBS and choose three WBSs, then only the tasks associated with those work breakdown structures will appear on the Work Plan screen.

      Toggle the Flagged Tasks Only setting to specify whether the Work Plan screen shows all tasks or only flagged tasks.

    • Additional Fields: Specify any additional fields that you want to use as filters for tasks on the Work Plan screen. Someone in your organization, probably an administrator or project manager, added them and made them available for use with this project. What they cover and how you use them depends on why they were created.
  5. Tap Done.

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