Find a Crash Report

If the app crashes, iOS logs a crash report that can help you diagnose what went wrong. You can obtain this crash report and provide it along with a service request at My Oracle Support.

To find a crash report (in iOS 13 or later):

  1. On the iOS home screen, open iOS Settings.
  2. In the Settings menu, tap Privacy & Security.
  3. In the Privacy menu, tap Analytics & Improvements.
  4. In the Analytics & Improvements menu, tap Analytics Data.
  5. In the Data list, look for rows that start with PrimaveraProjects, followed by the date when the report was created.
  6. In the Data list, tap the Primavera crash report.
  7. To see some options for what you can do with the report, tap the iOS share icon.

    There are a few ways to get the report in a format that you can send with a service request. One quick way is to email it to yourself from here.

After you've received the report, you can include it with a service request that you submit at My Oracle Support.

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