Activities Overview

Your manager can assign you project activities as an activity owner, resource assignment, or both. As an activity owner, you can view and update information about the entire activity. As a resource assignment, you can view and update information about your individual assignment within an activity.

There are two kinds of project activities: activities, which allow you to provide incremental status updates, and milestones, which can only be marked complete.

On the Activities screen, you can choose one of these tabs to refine the activity list:

The Activities screen always shows activities from a range between 30 days in the past to 60 days in the future. If there are any activities that contain tasks with due dates that occur either before the scheduled activity start date, or after the scheduled activity finish date, the activity bar will extend farther than other activities and display a dashed border.

After you open a project, you can access the Activity List by tapping the My Activities tile from the Project Home screen.


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Last Published Wednesday, May 22, 2024