
Activities are the broad work assignments that contain tasks.

Like the Task Progress graph, the Activities graph includes three bars. The position of each bar on the x-axis corresponds to the Due Date value of the activities it represents. For example, if the open project has some activities with a Due Date of last week, some activities with a Due Date of this week, and some activities with a Due Date of next week, then the graph will show three bars, one bar for each Due Date.

Each bar is further divided into three colors. Each color represents one of these three activity statuses:

Keep in mind that the open project may have open activities that aren't represented by this graph. For example, if an activity has a Start Date that occurs two weeks from now, it will not be represented on the Activities graph. When, however, the Start Date occurs next week, it will be represented with the Starting color (yellow) in the Next Week column.

If there are any activities that contain tasks with due dates that occur either before the scheduled activity start date, or after the scheduled activity finish date, the activity bar will extend farther than other activities and display a dashed border.

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Last Published Tuesday, June 25, 2024