Work Plan Overview

During the project planning process, superintendents, subcontractors, tradespeople, and other project stakeholders work together to create a work plan. It includes all of the activities and tasks required to complete the project and shows how they are related and when they should start and end.

After you open a project, you can access its Work Plan screen by tapping the Work Plan tile on the Project Home screen.

There are two Work Plan views: Calendar (tablet only) and Report.

The timescale in the views shows: Previous Week, Current Week, and Lookahead. The Lookahead period is based on the Task Planning Period setting in Preferences, which can be set to display 1 to 10 weeks. Swipe left and right to view tasks and activities for the next and previous dates. Shaded dates represent non-work days, as defined by the project calendar.

If a task plan has been created for your project in Oracle Primavera Cloud, you can apply it from the Work Plan screen when you configure view settings. Applying a task plan arranges task cards by any combination of assigned users, company, task code, or WBS swimlanes.

Tasks marked with the Milestone icon are milestones. Unlike regular tasks, milestones have no duration, but you can complete and flag them.

To search for tasks and activities on the Work Plan screen, tap Search. When searching for tasks or an activity that is outside the date range of data on the device, the task or activity will display with a status of Not in Work Plan.

If a task does not have a due date, it will not display on the the Work Plan until a due date is added; however, it will display on the Task List.

Which tasks you can see and what you can do with them depends on which of these permissions you've been assigned in Oracle Primavera Cloud:

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Last Published Tuesday, June 25, 2024