Financial Services Credit Risk Analytics (OFS CRA) Application Pack version Maintenance Level Release version


ID 36664833: OFS CRA Application Pack v8. Maintenance Level Release (

This Maintenance Level (ML) Release of OFS CRA includes enhancements and bug fixes since the release.


What is New

·       Introduced two new materialized view:

o   Application materialized view

o   Account materialized view

·       Introduced new metrics.

·       Each measure has one or more Business Processors

·       Added more granularity in tables to provide application level data.

·       Added processing tables for account and application level.

·       New rules are created and they can be customized as per your requirements.

·       Many existing rules are enhanced.

·       RPDs of Enterprise Credit Risk (ECR) and Retail Credit Risk (RCR) are enhanced with new metadata.

·       New subject areas are added to RPD for each materialized view.


Known Issues/Limitations

·         NA

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