Associating PeopleSoft Users, Modules, and Actions with DB2 UDB Threads

Users log into a PeopleSoft Application with their individual PeopleSoft Operator Ids; however, these ids do not physically exist in the zSeries server's security facility. PeopleTools Security validates the authenticity of the PeopleSoft Operator ID, and then connects to DB2 for z/OS through the Application Server using a single ID referred to as the PeopleSoft Access ID.

See PeopleTools Installation for DB2 for z/OS for more information

To enable PeopleSoft DBAs and systems administrators to distinguish one application user from another, PeopleTools provides a mechanism to associate PeopleSoft Operator Ids with distributed DB2 threads. PeopleTools uses the following CLI Connection Attributes to pass the PeopleSoft operator ID, client workstation name, application name, PIA Component Name and current HTML page (PIA Module Action), or Application Engine Program Name, Section, Step, Type (AE Module Action) to DB2 for z/OS.

CLI Connection Attribute



Populated with PeopleSoft User ID.


Populated with:

  • Client workstation name for two-tier connection.

  • Web server name for PIA transactions.

  • Application server name for three-tier connections.


Populated with:

  • Application server domain ID (not the domain name) for three-tier connections and PIA connections.

  • Module name (such as pside.exe or psqed.exe) for two-tier connections.


Module-Action data for distributed PIA transactions and Application Engine programs.

Note: Ensure that EnableDBMonitoring has been activated for the application server domain (see the Database Options section of the domain configuration file), and that DB2 Monitor Trace Class 1 is enabled for the DB2 subsystem.

Note: This does not apply to USS-based processing. This applies to distributed PeopleSoft connections only (as in, PIA transactions and two-tier connections connecting through DB2 Connect).

The following output from the –DISPLAY THREAD command shows a two-tier Application Designer connection. User QEADMIN is connected through Application Designer (pside.exe), from client workstation SCL34150:

 NAME      ST  A   REQ  ID                 AUTHID   PLAN             ASID   TOKEN
 SERVER   R2       0        pside.exe      CERT001   DISTSERV    007D   14772
       APPLICATION NAME=pside.exe
  V445-GACC38D8.C652.C816EA9282DD=14772 ACCESSING DATA FOR

The following output from the –DISPLAY THREAD command shows an n-tier PIA transaction. User ID QEADMIN is running a transaction through web server dhcp-pleasanton2-4 using application server domain PEOPLESOFT.

NAME       ST A   REQ    ID                        AUTHID     PLAN          ASID TOKEN
SERVER   RA *   16099  PSAPPSRV.exe  CERT001    DISTSERV  007D 14756
 V437-WORKSTATION=dhcp-pleasanton2-4, USERID=QEADMIN,
  V445-GACC38D8.C59C.C816E7F87993=14756 ACCESSING DATA FOR

The Module-Action data seeded by PeopleTools using the SQL_ATTR_INFO_ACCTSTR CLI connection attribute can be found in DDF accounting trace records in the QMDASUFX field of the QMDASQLI DSECT, which is mapped by the DSNDQMDA macro. The DSNDQMDA mapping macro is contained in prefix.SDSNMACS, which is shipped with DB2 for z/OS.

Some DB2 monitoring products, such as Omegamon for DB2 z/OS, will allow you to view an online snapshot of these trace records, or to format and print the output. It is also possible to write a custom application to collect and format accounting trace records using the Instrumentation Facility Interface (IFI) if you do not have such a monitoring product.

See the appropriate IBM documentation for details for using IFI

The following examples are online snapshots of the PeopleSoft Module-Action data using IBM’s Omegamon for DB2 z/OS. Omegamon displays the QMDASUFX, area, which contains the Module-Action data populated by PeopleTools, under the label DDCS Accounting Suffix.

The following is the N-tier PIA Transaction –DISPLAY THREAD output:


 NAME     ST   A   REQ     ID                          AUTHID     PLAN         ASID TOKEN
 SERVER  RA  *    16099   PSAPPSRV.exe    CERT001    DISTSERV 007D    14756
V445-GACC38D8.C59C.C816E7F87993=14756 ACCESSING DATA FOR   ::

The following is the Omegamon For DB2 z/OS Requestor Correlation Data – Active Thread Identification:

                      Requester Correlation Data
 Command ===> ___________________________________________________

 Product ID . . . . . . . . . . . . : CLIENT/SERVER
 Product Version  . . . . . . . . . : V9 R7 M3
 Client Platform  . . . . . . . . . : NT
 Client Application Name  . . . . . : PEOPLESOFT
 Client Authid  . . . . . . . . . . : QEADMIN

 DDCS Accounting Suffix

Where the PIA component Name (Module) is SCPERSONALDICT and the current PIA page (Action) is SCPERSONALDICTLANG

The following is a two-tier distributed Application Engine Program –DISPLAY THREAD output:

NAME     ST A   REQ   ID              AUTHID   PLAN            ASID  TOKEN
SERVER  RA *  17664  psae.exe     CERT001  DISTSERV   007D  14835
       APPLICATION NAME=psae.exe
  V445-GACC38D8.CB81.C817113C2D33=14835 ACCESSING DATA FOR

The following is Omegamon For DB2 z/OS Requestor Correlation Data – Active Thread Identification:

                         Requester Correlation Data
 Command ===> _____________________________________________________________

 Product ID . . . . . . . . . . . . : CLIENT/SERVER
 Product Version  . . . . . . . . . : V9 R7 M3
 Client Platform  . . . . . . . . . : NT
 Client Application Name  . . . . . : psae.exe
 Client Authid  . . . . . . . . . . : QEADMIN

 DDCS Accounting Suffix

The Application Engine program name is AEMINITEST (Module), and the current Section, Step, Type (Action) is MAIN, Step02, Type P (PeopleCode).

The format of the PeopleTools Module-Action trace data is as follows:

Prefix:  will always be ORCLPS
Record Type: 01 denotes PIA transaction data, OR, 
Record Type: 02 denotes Application Engine data
PIA Transaction Module-Action: PIA Component Name (Module) followed by 
Current HTML page (Action) AE Program Module-Action: 
PSAE.<AE program name.unique process instance number>  
<AE Program Name.Section.Step.Type (Action)>

The Suffix will always be ORCLPS with current PeopleTools release identifier, such as 52, which denotes release 8.52.