Test Framework

PeopleSoft Test Framework (PTF) is a tool that automates various tasks within the PeopleSoft application – primarily functional testing. Automating functional testing allows you to execute more tests with greater accuracy during a shorter time window.

PTF works by replicating the actions of a single user executing functional tests against a PeopleSoft browser-based application. Users can capture or “record” manual test procedures and save them within the framework. Later, perhaps after an application upgrade or patch, those tests can be executed against the application to verify whether the application still behaves as expected. This method for capturing and executing tests is often called the “record and playback” approach to automation.

Test assets (tests, test cases, logs, and execution options) are stored in a database as Application Designer objects, which means they can be compared and copied between databases.

PTF includes a number of features that many other commercially-available record-and-playback automation tools lack, including:

  • The ability to validate recorded objects against PeopleSoft’s object metadata definitions. This enables the tester to assertively verify the existence of test objects before running a test rather than running the test to identify invalid object definitions by trial and error.

  • Functionality to run existing tests with real-time data using query based testing.

  • Features to help manipulate data within PeopleSoft’s rowset-oriented data structure.

  • Feature to record JET Charts and drag and drop actions used in the Fluid applications.

  • Functionality to automate numerous PeopleSoft-specific functions, such as running processes through Process Scheduler.

  • Built-in commands to interface with other PeopleSoft tools, such as Data Mover and PeopleSoft Query.