Resubmitting Failed Transactions

The PSADMIN parameter Load Balance Interval enables you to resubmit failed transactions for processing.

This functionality allow transactions that failed due to a connection problem to be retried periodically. The benefit of this is to unblock a queue and have it be able to process in a more load balancing way.

Note: The Load Balance Interval parameter is the same parameter used to implement load balancing on service operation queues.

The Load Balance Interval parameter is located in the Settings for Pub/Sub Servers section of PSADMIN. The value you set for the Load Balance Interval parameter determines the time interval (in minutes) between load balance processing when the dispatcher is processing requests.

When this parameter is enabled, processing consists of attempting to perform the equivalent using the Scan Interval parameter, without the delay. Moreover, when this load balance interval is reached the equivalent of the scan interval processing is performed on all default dispatchers, allowing other queues to process transactions.

When true scan interval processing is performed the load balance interval time is reset.

Note: Only the default publication contract dispatcher (_dflt) is used to ping these nodes. When the load balance interval is exceeded the default publication contract dispatcher performs the scan interval processing of pinging the nodes. If the actual scan interval processing is run before the load balancing interval is exceeded, then the system resets the load balance time value.