Using the Monitor Component Interface

The Service Operations Monitor includes a collection of inquiry methods that you can access with a component interface.

Use the MSGSTATUSSUMMARY component interface to extract information from the Service Operations Monitor. The output of the component interface reveals the amount of contracts that are in the queue. The contracts appear grouped by status and service operation or grouped by status and queue.

Use the following user-defined methods to extract information:

  • FillPubConByMsg()

  • FillPubConByChannel()

  • FillSubConByMsg()

  • FillSubConByChannel()

Beginning with PeopleTools 8.48, queues replaced channels from earlier PeopleTools 8.4x versions. As a result, once you have a rowset object pointing to ByChannel, reference QUEUENAME when working with the code.

The following example shows ASP code that accesses the MSGSTATUSSUMMARY component interface with COM.

'Create a peoplesoft session
Set oSession = server.CreateObject ("PeopleSoft.Session")
nStatus = oSession.Connect(1, oConnectString, oUserName, oPassword,0)

'Get the skeleton of the APPMSGMON CI
Set oCI = oSession.GetCompIntfc("MSGSTATUSSUMMARY")

'get an instance of the CI
nStatus = oCI.Get()
'execute the method to fill the collection

If oChoice = 1 then
   nStatus = oCI.FillPubConByChannel()
   'Set oRows to the properties collection
   Set oRows = oCI.PubConByChannel
End If

If oChoice = 2 then
   nStatus = oCI.FillPubConByMsg()
   'Set oRows to the properties collection
   Set oRows = oCI.PubConBymsg
End If

If oChoice = 3 then
   nStatus = oCI.FillSubConByChannel()
   'Set oRows to the properties collection
   Set oRows = oCI.SubConByChannel
End If

If oChoice = 4 then
   nStatus = oCI.FillSubConByMsg()
   'Set oRows to the properties collection
   Set oRows = oCI.SubConByMsg
End If