Setting PS_FILEDIR and PS_SERVDIR in Microsoft Windows Environments

Use the following procedure to set the PS_FILEDIR or PS_SERVDIR environment variable in Windows.

To set the PS_FILEDIR or PS_SERVDIR environment variable in Microsoft Windows environments:

  1. Close any open DOS windows.

  2. On your desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and click Properties.

    The System Properties dialog appears.

  3. Click the Advanced tab.

  4. In the Environment Variables section, click the Environment Variables button.

    The Environment Variables dialog box appears.

  5. In the User variables for <user name> section, click New.

    A New User Variable dialog box displays.

    1. In the Variable Name field enter PS_FILEDIR or PS_SERVDIR.

    2. In the Variable Value field, enter c:\temp.

    3. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.

  6. In the System variables section, click New. The New System Variable dialog box appears.

    1. In the Variable Name field enter PS_FILEDIR or PS_SERVDIR.

    2. In the Variable Value field, enter c:\temp, unless the documentation for the feature with which you are working states that you should enter a different value.

    3. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.

  7. Click the OK button again to exit the System Properties dialog box.