Defining Relations

Use the Relations page to define the relationship of this data set to other data sets.

Image: Data Set Designer – Relations page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Set Designer – Relations page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Set Designer - Relations page


Field or Control


To Data Set

Enter the name of the data set to include in the relationship.

Relation Name

Enter a name for the relation.


Enter a description for the relation.

Long Description

Enter a long description for the relation.

From Cardinality

Enter the cardinality for the referencing data set.

The values of cardinality are as follows:

  • 0..1

    0 or 1 (optional)

  • 1

    exactly 1

  • 0..*

    0 or more

  • 1..*

    1 or more

To Cardinality

Enter the cardinality for the referenced data set.

The values of cardinality are as follows:

  • 0..1

    0 or 1 (optional)

  • 1

    exactly 1

  • 0..*

    0 or more

  • 1..*

    1 or more

Relation Mapping

The relation mapping section is used to define a set of foreign key fields in a referencing data set to key fields in a referenced data set. Enter one row for each key that needs to be mapped.

Both the From (referencing) and the To (referenced) keys can be in either the parent record or child record of the data set definition.

Field or Control


From Data Set Record

Enter the name of the record in the current data set that will be used to map to a record on the To Data Set.

From Data Set Field

Enter the name of the field in the current data set that will be used to map to a record on the To Data Set.

From Set Control

Select this check box if the data set uses set control processing and the set control value is on the From record/field.

To Data Set Record

Enter the name of the record in the to data set that will be used to map to a record on the From Data Set.

To Data Set Field

Enter the name of the field in the to data set that will be used to map to a field on the From Data Set.

To Set Control

Select this check box if the data set uses set control processing and the set control value is on the To record/field.

Relation Criteria

The Relation Criteria section is used to specify conditions imposed on the relation mapping between records within the data set definitions. Both the To and From records can be either the root or child record. This criteria modifies whether or not the relationship applies. The criteria applies to all uses of the relationship.

The value is a WHERE clause-like expression containing only table names, record names, SQL operators, and literals. There may be verbs introduced to avoid entering anything other than table name, record name, SQL operator, and literals.

Use this section to build the WHERE clause.

Field or Control



If you are entering multiple criteria, select the appropriate open parentheses necessary to group the criteria.

Record Field Name

Enter the record field name. Use the prompt button to see all the record fields available on both the From and To data sets.


Select the operator. All standard SQL operators are available from the drop down list.


Enter the value or values for your expression.

Details Lookup Icon

Use the lookup icon to select values for the record field name selected.


If you are entering multiple criteria, select the appropriate close parentheses necessary to group the criteria.


When you specify two or more selection criteria, You need to indicate the logical operator – AND or OR.

Relation Properties

There is an underlying set of relationship APIs used by all the behavioral APIs to get related objects. In cases where some but not all of the related objects are desired, relation properties are used as filters. Relationship properties are name, value pairs that are associated with a relationship.

Image: Definition and Instance Relationship

This diagram illustrates a relationship named X.Y between two instance having data set definitions named X and Y, respectively. Each instance has one key, whose values are A and B, respectively. The relationship metadata is part of data set definition X.

Definition and Instance Relationship

PeopleSoft delivers the following relationship properties:

  • Family

    The Family property is used when there is custom Peoplecode to synchronize merging of two or more instances in parallel. This can occur when the mergeable attributes in one instance affect values in another instance. For example, families are used for Pivot Grids, Activity Guides, and Related Content instances.

  • Insert Inverse Relation and Insert into Project

    Use there properties is used to designate if and how related objects should be inserted into a project.

    The Insert Inverse Relation applies to the backward reference: whether to insert instances referenced by an instance that is being inserted. For the relation X.Y illustrated in the Definition and Instance Relationship diagram above, the Insert Inverse Relation property applies to determine whether A should be inserted when B is being inserted.

    The Insert into Project applies to the forward reference: whether to insert instances referenced by an instance that is being inserted. For the relation X.Y illustrated in the Definition and Instance Relationship diagram above, the Insert into Project property applies to determine whether B should be inserted when A is being inserted.

    There are 2 value options:

    • PROMPT, the user will be prompted whether or not to insert the object type.

    • FORCE, the related objects will be inserted even if not selected by the user if the other partner in the relationship is selected.

  • Insert Recursion Limit

    The Insert Recursion Limit property is used to define how many levels of relations beyond the nearest neighbor should be inserted into the project. If not specified, the default is that the insertion applies only to nearest neighbor.

  • Validate Integrity

    The Validate Integrity property is used to verify all required To Data Set instances exist for all From Data Set instances in the project. Set the severity level for missing references.

  • Validate Inverse Relation

    The Validate Inverse Relation property is used to verify all required From Data Set instances exist for all To Data Set instances in the project. Set the severity level for missing references.