Events Outside the Component Processor Flow

An Application Engine program can have a PeopleCode program as an action. Though the right-hand drop-down list box on the PeopleCode Editor window displays the text OnExecute, the PeopleCode program really is not an event. Any PeopleCode contained in an Application Engine action is executed only when the action is executed.

A component interface can have user-defined methods associated with it. These methods are not part of any processor flow; they are called as needed by the program executing the component interface.

Security has a signon event during signon. This is actually PeopleCode programs on a record field that you have specified in setting up security.

Though application packages have a right-hand drop-down list box on the PeopleCode Editor window that displays the text OnExecute, this is not an event. Any PeopleCode contained in the application class is only executed when called explicitly in a PeopleCode program.