PanelController Class

Use the PanelController class to inquire on and update the modes and visibility of the Side Page 1 (left panel) and Side Page 2 (right panel). Because this class spawns Panel objects for each side panel, you do not need to instantiate Panel objects directly.

The system determines the initial characteristics of each panel based on the configuration of the component, activity guide instance, or master/detail instance. The system also maintains the panels’ runtime characteristics. The panel state is not maintained within the PanelController object (or any Panel objects it spawns). Therefore, you must ensure that any changes are updated back to the server to effect an actual change either by directly invoking the UpdatePanel method or indirectly by invoking the Initialize method with auto-update set to true.

It is recommended that you use the PT_PAGE_UTILS:PanelController class in component PostBuild events unless analysis indicates that page Activate or later events are more appropriate for certain applications.

Panels have three primary modes:

  • Fixed has no tab (when in primary mode) and is opened by default. A fixed mode panel shares the window real estate with the content when the panel is open. A fixed mode panel can go into a secondary overlay mode—for example, when the browser window is smaller than a specified breakpoint, or when a device that supports orientation is rotated from landscape to portrait.

  • Collapsible always has a tab and is closed by default (when in primary mode). A collapsible mode panel shares the window real estate with the content when the panel is open. A collapsible mode panel can go into a secondary overlay mode—for example, when the browser window is smaller than a specified breakpoint, or when a device that supports orientation is rotated from landscape to portrait. Unless explicitly set, the default state for all panels is collapsible and closed.

  • Overlay is a primary mode only. An overlay mode panel always has a tab and always overlays the content when open.