Understanding Grid and GridColumn Classes

A grid looks and behaves like a spreadsheet embedded in a page: it has column headings, row headings, cells, and horizontal and vertical scroll bars. It can be used instead of a single-level scroll. It is analogous to a scroll region on a page. Each row in a grid corresponds to a set of controls in a scroll occurrence. Each cell in a grid corresponds to a field on a page.

The grid class enables you to instantiate only GridColumn objects, which in turn enables you to change grid column attributes without having to write PeopleCode that loops through every row of the grid.

Note: PeopleSoft builds a page grid one row at a time. Because the grid class applies to a complete grid, you can’t attach PeopleCode that uses the grid class to events that occur before the grid is built; the earliest event you can use is the page Activate Event.

Note: Use the grid classes to control the display of a grid control. If you want to manipulate an analytic grid, used with PeopleSoft Analytic Calculation Engine data, you must use the AnalyticGrid classes.