CONQRS_CONST Class Properties

In this section, the CONQRS_CONST class properties are presented in alphabetical order.


This property returns a Boolean value indicating that the specified connected query already exists. The value is False.

Use InitExisting as an argument to the Open method.

This property is read-only.


This property returns a Boolean value indicating that the specified connected query is new. The value is True.

Use InitNew as an argument to the Open method.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number 241 as the message set number for connected query.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the string PSCONQRS_AUTORUN.

Use this property with the SetRunControlData method for the RunMode_Window mode. It indicates that the run control ID for the connected query process should be generated automatically.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number 4, which represents the preview run mode with output to a separate browser window.

The connected query is executed immediately on the application server with output to a separate browser window. The output XML is not formatted internally; the only formatting that occurs is performed by the browser. Because results only exist for the browser session and are not preserved, this mode should be used during connected query creation, debugging, and tuning only.

Note: When using the preview mode, set a limit on the number of rows returned from each query.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number 6, which represents the default number of rows returned for connected queries running in the RunMode_Prev or RunMode_XMLFormattedString modes.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number 5, which represents a run mode that produces a sample XML string that can be used by a BI Publisher data source as a sample XML string.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number 3, which represents the scheduled run mode with output to a file name and location specified by the user.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number 2, which represents the scheduled run mode with output to the web (that is, Report Manager).

The output can be accessed by the user via a Report Manager link.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number 1, which represents the background run mode with output to a separate browser window.

The connected query runs via Process Scheduler and uses a REN server for delivering the output XML to the user. The XML result file is delivered to both the REN server window and the Report Manager.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number 6, which represents the run mode that produces an formatted XML string. This formatted XML string is larger than the unformatted XML of the RunMode_Prev mode.

The connected query is executed immediately on the application server with output to a formatted XML string. This string is formatted according to the XML DOM object and is suitable for displaying in a long edit box. This mode is used by the Connected Query Quick Start wizard in which XML results are shown on the application page in a long edit box.

Note: When using the preview mode, set a limit on the number of rows returned from each query.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the string CQR representing that connected query execution was invoked by the Connected Query Manager. The value of this property is used as a part of the SCHED_INFO data structure.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the string XMLP, representing that connected query execution was invoked by BI Publisher. The value of this property is used as a part of the SCHED_INFO data structure.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the string A indicating that the connected query definition is active.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the string I indicating that the connected query definition is inactive. A connected query can be set to inactive if it did not pass a validation.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the string P indicating that the connected query definition is in progress. A connected query that is “in process” be run in preview mode only. It cannot be scheduled, and it is not be visible to BI Publisher.

This property is read-only.