IPDFSignature Class Properties

The properties in this section are described in alphabetical order.


Use this property to retrieve an array of string representing key field names to be used to determine the signing authority for the report. These key field names are set by BI Publisher for PeopleSoft.

Note: This property is effectively read-only.


For &i = 1 To &KeyFieldNames.Len
   WriteToLog(%ApplicationLogFence_Level1, "&KeyFieldNames[ " | String(&i) | "]: " | &KeyFieldNames [&i]);
For &i = 1 To &KeyFieldValues.Len
   WriteToLog(%ApplicationLogFence_Level1, "&KeyFieldValues[ " | String(&i) | "]: " | &KeyFieldValues [&i]);


Use this property to retrieve an array of string representing key field values to be used to determine the signing authority for the report. These key field values are set by BI Publisher for PeopleSoft.

Note: This property is effectively read-only.


For &i = 1 To &KeyFieldNames.Len
   WriteToLog(%ApplicationLogFence_Level1, "&KeyFieldNames[ " | String(&i) | "]: " | &KeyFieldNames [&i]);
For &i = 1 To &KeyFieldValues.Len
   WriteToLog(%ApplicationLogFence_Level1, "&KeyFieldValues[ " | String(&i) | "]: " | &KeyFieldValues [&i]);


Use this property to retrieve a string representing the current user ID as set by BI Publisher for PeopleSoft.

Note: This property is effectively read-only.


Use this property to retrieve a number representing the process ID as set by BI Publisher for PeopleSoft.

Note: This property is effectively read-only.


Use this property to retrieve a string representing the report ID as set by BI Publisher for PeopleSoft.

Note: This property is effectively read-only.


Use this property to retrieve the DigitalCertStore object instantiated by BI Publisher for PeopleSoft.

Note: This property is effectively read-only.


Use this property to return a Boolean value indicating whether to use the same signature if this is a bursted report.

Important! This property has been identified as one of the values to be output by your implementation of the interface. However, the property is also defined as read-only, and therefore cannot be set or assigned directly. See the following code excerpt on how to set the value of a private instance variable to be returned as the value of this property.


UseSameSignatureForBursting is defined as read-only, and therefor cannot be set directly. However, as demonstrated in the following code excerpt, you can define a private instance variable. In the following example, &mb_ReuseSignature is set to True or False as needed within the application logic. Then, a get definition is used to return the value of &mb_ReuseSignature as the value for the UseSameSignatureForBursting property.

class My_SignedPDF implements IPT_PDFSIGNATURE_INT:IPDFSignature

   property boolean UseSameSignatureForBursting get; /* If true the same signature  will be reused for all bursted instances */


   instance Boolean &mb_ReuseSignature;

/**************** Application logic ****************/
Rem if signer is the same for all bursted instances;
If <some_condition> Then
   &mb_ReuseSignature = True;
   Rem if signer is different and depends on some bursted reports values;
   &mb_ReuseSignature = False;
/**************** Application logic ****************/

get UseSameSignatureForBursting
   /+ Returns Boolean +/
   /+ Extends/implements IPT_PDFSIGNATURE_INT:IPDFSignature.UseSameSignatureForBursting +/   
   Return &mb_ReuseSignature;