MapPage Class Properties

In this section, the MapPage class properties are presented in alphabetical order.

Note: Many of these MapPage properties correspond to fields found on the Page Details page.


Use this property to set or return a String representing the jQuery Mobile swatch assigned to the back button for this page.

Specify the value as one of the following constants:

Constant Value

Swatch Description

Color (in the Default Theme)


Highest level of visual priority.



Secondary level of visual priority.



Baseline level (default swatch).



Alternate secondary level.



Accent swatch.


For more information on the default JQuery Mobile theme and its color swatches, see “Themes” in Understanding Layout Template Container Terms and Concepts.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to set or return a Boolean value indicating whether caching has been enabled for this page. MAP pages are cached in the Document Object Model (DOM) using the jQuery framework instead of using the browser’s cache.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to set or return a String specifying the class name to apply to the content container for this page.

If a layout template has been applied to the page, the default value of this property is the class defined for the template’s content container, if one is defined.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to set or return a String specifying the styles to apply to the content container of the page. Specify styles in CSS3 format.

If a layout template has been applied to the page, the default value of this property are the styles defined for the template’s content container, if one is defined.

This property is read-write.


The following example specifies the styles to apply to the page content using CSS3 format:

&Page.ContentStyle = "margin-left:0px; padding-left:0px;";


Use this property to set or return a String representing the jQuery Mobile swatch assigned to the content container for this page.

Specify the value as one of the following constants:

Constant Value

Swatch Description

Color (in the Default Theme)


Highest level of visual priority.



Secondary level of visual priority.



Baseline level (default swatch).



Alternate secondary level.



Accent swatch.


For more information on the default JQuery Mobile theme and its color swatches, see “Themes” in Understanding Layout Template Container Terms and Concepts.

This property is read-write.


The following example sets the swatch for the page’s content container:

&Page.ContentTheme = %MAP_Theme_a;


Use this property to set or return an Integer specifying the form transition for this page. A form transition occurs if a form control (such as a Save button) is defined for the page and the control is activated.

Specify the value as one of the following constants:

Constant Value



Fade the page or dialog in over the previous content.


An animated page flip, rotating the current view out with the other view on the reverse side.


The page springs into view from the center of the screen.


Slide in from the left or right, pushing the previous content out of the way.


Slide down from the top, over the top of the current container.


Slide up to the top, revealing the next content below.


The page turns as in turning a page in a book.


Throws the current page away and comes in with the next page.


Slide in from the left or right then fade the page.

This property is read-write.


Use this property return a String representing the page ID for this MAP page.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to return a Boolean value indicating whether the page has been defined as an external page.

Note: You can define any page in a MAP layout an external page except for the first page of the layout.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to set or return a String specifying the class name to apply to the main container for this page.

If a layout template has been applied to the page, the default value of this property is the class defined for the template’s main container.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to set or return a String specifying the styles to apply to the main container of the page. Specify styles in CSS3 format.

If a layout template has been applied to the page, the default value of this property are the styles defined for the template’s main container.

This property is read-write.


The following example specifies the styles to apply to the page content using CSS3 format:

&Page.MainStyle = "margin-left:0px; padding-left:0px;";


Use this property to set or return a String representing the jQuery Mobile swatch assigned to the main container for this page.

Specify the value as one of the following constants:

Constant Value

Swatch Description

Color (in the Default Theme)


Highest level of visual priority.



Secondary level of visual priority.



Baseline level (default swatch).



Alternate secondary level.



Accent swatch.


For more information on the default JQuery Mobile theme and its color swatches, see “Themes” in Understanding Layout Template Container Terms and Concepts.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to set or return a String specifying the name to display for a page.

This property is read-write.


The following example sets the page name:

&Page.Name = "Dogs Flight Info";


Use this property to set or return a Boolean value specifying whether to cache external pages referenced from this page, even before they are linked to or displayed to the user.

Important! The pre-load option presents a trade-off between initial performance and subsequent responsiveness. Each pre-loaded page creates additional HTTP requests, which uses more bandwidth. Therefore, it is important to use the pre-load option only when you think users are likely to view the external pages.

This property is read-write.


Use the SubPage property to set or return the index for the subpage as an integer value.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to return a String representing the name of the template assigned to this page.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to set or return an Integer specifying the transition for this page to other pages in the same MAP layout.

Specify the value as one of the following constants:

Constant Value



Fade the page or dialog in over the previous content.


An animated page flip, rotating the current view out with the other view on the reverse side.


The page springs into view from the center of the screen.


Slide in from the left or right, pushing the previous content out of the way.


Slide down from the top, over the top of the current container.


Slide up to the top, revealing the next content below.


The page turns as in turning a page in a book.


Throws the current page away and comes in with the next page.


Slide in from the left or right then fade the page.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to set or return a Boolean specifying whether to display a back button in the header of the page, to the left of the page title.

This property is read-write.