PageletCategory Class Properties

In this section, we discuss the PageletCategory class properties. The properties are discussed in alphabetical order.


This property returns an Attribute Collection containing the AttributeValues for this PageletCategory object.

This property is read-only.

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Attribute Collection


This property returns the author (PeopleSoft user ID) for this PageletCategory as a string.

This property is read-only.


This property specifies whether the author of the PageletCategory has access to the PageletCategory. This property takes a Boolean value. The default value for this property for a newly created object is True. This property is not cascaded.

This property is read-write.


This property specifies whether the user is authorized to view this PageletCategory.

The initial value of this property depends on the other permission properties (PublicAccess and AuthorAccess) and the permission list values in the PermissionValue object associated with this PageletCategory.

This property is read-only.


This property returns a PermissionValue Collection. This collection contains the value of the permissions for all the child and parent objects (up to the root PageletCategory). To determine only the permissions of the object use the Permission property instead.

Note: The PORTAL_PAGELETS folder is the parent folder for all PageletCategories. Its security is set to public. PeopleSoft does not recommend cascading any permissions from this folder object. Cascade permissions only from the pagelet category (folder). You cannot add any PermissionValue objects to a collection returned by the CascadedPermissions property. You can add values only to the collection returned by the Permissions property.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the creation date for this PageletCategory as a string.

This property is read-only.


This property returns or sets the description for this PageletCategory as a string.

The length of this property is 256 characters.

This property is translatable.

This property is read-write.


This property returns or sets the label for this PageletCategory as a string.

The length of this property is 30 characters.

This property is translatable.

This property is read-write.


This property returns the name for this PageletCategory as a sting. The name is a unique identifier for each PageletCategory.

Every PageletCategory name must be unique in across the portal, not just in the parent PageletCategory.

This property is not translatable. However, the values for the Label and Desrciption properties are translatable.

This property is read-only.

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This property returns or sets the owner ID of the PageletCategory object as a string.

This property is read-write.


This property returns a reference to a Pagelet Collection for this PageletCategory.

This property is read-only.

Related Links

Pagelet Collection


This property returns a PermissionValue Collection. This collection contains the value of the permissions for this PageletCategory.

Note: The PORTAL_PAGELETS folder is the parent folder for all PageletCategories. Its security is set to public. PeopleSoft does not recommend cascading any permissions from this folder object. Cascade permissions only from the pagelet category (folder).

This property is read-only.


This property returns or sets the PeopleSoft product for this PageletCategory as a string.

The length of this property is 4 characters.

This property is read-write.


This property indicates whether a PageletCategory is generally accessible, that is, if this property is set to True, any user can access the PageletCategory. This property is not cascaded.

This property takes a Boolean value.

The default value for this property for a newly created object is False.

This property is read-write.


The sequence number is used when returning a collection. The default order of the returned PageletCategory objects is based on the sequence number. Use this property to reorder PageletCategory objects.

If there are duplicates in the sequence number, the PageletCategory objects are returned in alphabetical order.

The length of this property is 4 characters.

This property is read-write.