RCService Class Properties

In this section, the RCService class properties are presented in alphabetical order.


Use the ExpandFrame to set or return a Y/N string value indicating whether the classic related content frame at the bottom of the page is expanded by default. In addition, one of the service configurations for this component must be selected as the default service.

Note: The default value is N.

This property is read-write.


&pgRFFlRcService.ExpandFrame = "Y";


Use the IsNew property to return whether the instantiation of this service configuration is for a new definition. This property returns True only after the RCService constructor is invoked with the combination of portal_name and CREF_name parameters set to a new combination. All other times and after a Save is invoked, IsNew returns False.

This property is read-only.


Use the MenuName property to set or return the menu name for this component as a string value.

Note: The value of MenuName must relate to the content reference ID (or portal object name) used to instantiate the object.

This property is read-write.


import PTCS_SERVICE:RCService;

Component PTCS_SERVICE:RCService &pgRFFlRcService;

&pgRFFlRcService = create PTCS_SERVICE:RCService("EMPLOYEE", "USERMAINT_GBL");
&pgRFFlRcService.MenuName = "MAINTAIN_SECURITY";


Use the MinPagelets property to set or return an integer value representing the maximum number pagelets that can appear minimized when the classic related content frame appears at the right of the page. If a user minimizes more than this number, the pagelets move to the More drop-down list at the bottom of the frame.

This property is read-write.


&pgRFFlRcService.MinPagelets = 2;


Use the PnlGrpName to set or return the component name for this component as a string value.

Note: The value of PnlGrpName is derived from the content reference ID (or portal object name) used to instantiate the object.

This property is read-write.


In the following example, the value of PnlGrpName is USERMAINT:

import PTCS_SERVICE:RCService;

Component PTCS_SERVICE:RCService &pgRFFlRcService;

&pgRFFlRcService = create PTCS_SERVICE:RCService("EMPLOYEE", "USERMAINT_GBL");
Local string &comp_name = &pgRFFlRcService.PnlGrpName;


Use the RCFrameLoc property to set or return the location of the classic related content frame as one of the following string values:




Display related content in the bottom frame.


Display related content in the right frame.

This property is read-write.


&pgRFFlRcService.RcFrameLoc = "B";