RatingBoxChart Class Properties

These properties are used by the RatingBoxChart class. The properties are described in alphabetic order.


Specify how many nodes are to be shown in the displayable area of the quadrant. When the number of nodes to be shown exceeds BoxMaxDisplayItems, a link labeled “View all (N)” appears at the bottom right of the quadrant, where N is the total number of nodes in the quadrant. The user can click the link to launch a pop-up that contains all the nodes. A scrollbar enables the user to scroll through all the nodes in the list.

Only one pop-up window will appear in the rating box chart, so when the user clicks another “View all (N)” link in another quadrant, the previous pop-up window closes and the new pop-up window opens at the center of the quadrant.

If an invalid (negative) value is specified, an error will be thrown at runtime.

The default value is 1.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style class that controls the appearance of a node as it is being dragged.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_RATBOX_DRAGGED_NODE.

This property is read-write.


Specify a Boolean value indicating whether a user can click on a node in the rating box chart to invoke related actions on the node. The default value is False.

To enable related actions on a rating box chart, you must do the following:

  • Set the IsDragable property to False.

  • Set the EnableRelatedActions property to True.

  • Use the Manage Related Content Service component to configure related actions on the PTCHART_NODE page field of the page displaying the rating box chart.


Use this property to specify the style of the grid lines.

The default value is %ChartLine_Solid. The possible values are:




Draw grid lines with solid lines.


Draw grid lines with lines composed of dashes.


Draw grid lines with lines composed of dots.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify if a legend appears with the chart. This property takes a Boolean value: True if the legend appears with the chart, and False otherwise.

The default value is False.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the height of the chart. This property takes a numeric value. The unit of measurement is pixels.

The default value is the height of the chart control on the page definition.

If you set a chart height value that cannot fit the x-axis and label areas of the chart, a runtime error is thrown and the chart is not rendered.

If you set a negative value, a runtime error is thrown and the chart is not rendered.

If you try to read this property before setting it, the value returned is 0.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style class that controls the appearance of border properties of the selected quadrant of an icon-only rating box chart when the system displays the view all pop-up.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.


This property is read-write.


Specify whether nodes in the rating box chart can be dragged and dropped. If the property is specified as True, then user will be able to drag a node in the rating box chart and drop it to another quadrant. If the property is False, then the drag and drop action is disabled.

The default value is True.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify where the legend should appear in relationship to the chart. You can specify either a numeric or constant value for this property.

The values are:

Numeric Value

Constant Value




Display legend at the top of the chart.



Display legend below the chart.

If you set a value other than 2 or 3, a runtime error is thrown and the chart is not rendered.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the text for the main title of the chart.

This property takes a string value.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style of the main title. The values for this property are the style classes contained in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_RATBOX_TITLE.

This property is read-write.


Specify the maximum number of characters that will display for the description.

When the ShowNodeDescription chart property is set to True, then both the icon and the description of the node will appear in the quadrant.

If the description is larger than NDMaxDisplayDescLength then the node displays the number of characters specified in NDMaxDisplayDescLength, followed by an ellipsis.

If the full node description or the number of characters specified in NDMaxDisplayDescLength cannot fit in a quadrant at runtime the description is automatically truncated. An ellipsis (...) follows the truncated text.

You only need to set this property if you want the truncated text to be less than the automatically truncated text.

When the user mouses over the truncated node description, the whole text displays in a data hint.

If an invalid (negative) value is specified, an error will be thrown at runtime.

The default value is 50.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style class that controls the appearance of the pop-up header.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_RATBOX_POPUP_HEADER.

This property is read-write.


Specify the height of the pop-up chart in pixels.

This parameter takes a number value.

The recommended value is half of the rating box chart height.

If you set a pop-up chart height value that cannot fit the x-axis area of the popup chart, a runtime error is thrown.

The default value is 0. If a negative value is specified, an error will be thrown at runtime.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style class that controls the appearance of the pop-up.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_RATBOX_POPUP.

This property is read-write.


Specify the width of the pop-up chart in pixels.

This parameter takes a number value.

The recommended value is half of the rating box chart width.

If you set a pop-up chart width value that cannot fit the y-axis area of the popup chart, a runtime error is thrown.

The default value is 0. If a negative value is specified, an error will be thrown at runtime.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style class that controls the appearance of the quadrant when it is selected.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_RATBOX_SELECTED_BOX.

This property is read-write.


Specify a Boolean value indicating whether the rating box chart should show the x- and y-axis labels. The default value is True.

This property is read-write.


Specify whether the chart should show the node description. This property takes a Boolean value.




Both the icon and description for the node appear.


Only the icon for the node appears.

The default value is True.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style class that defines the overall appearance attributes of the chart . The value must be a valid style class within the style sheet specified for the chart.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style class that controls the appearance of the View All link.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_RATBOX_VIEWALL_DESCR.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the width of the chart. This property takes a numeric value. The unit of measurement is pixels.

The default value is the width of the chart control on the page definition.

If you set a chart width value that cannot fit the y-axis and label areas of the chart, a runtime error is thrown.

If a negative value is specified, an error will be thrown at runtime and the chart will not be rendered.

If you try to read this property before setting it, the value returned is 0.

This property is read-write.


Specify the number of quadrants in the x-axis.

This property is required. The value must be equal to or greater than 1.

If a value less than 1 is specified, an error will be thrown at runtime.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style of the x-axis label. The values for this property are the style classes contained in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_RATBOX_XAXIS.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the text for the x-axis title.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style of the x-axis title. The values for this property are the style classes contained in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_RATBOX_XTTL.

This property is read-write.


Specify the number of quadrants in the y-axis.

This property is required. The value must be equal to or greater than 1.

If a value less than 1 is specified, an error will be thrown at runtime.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style of the y-axis label. The values for this property are the style classes contained in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_RATBOX_YAXS.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify text of the title for the y-axis.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the style of the y-axis title. The values for this property are the style classes contained in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_RATBOX_YTITL.

This property is read-write.