StatusMeterGauge Class Properties

These properties are used by the StatusMeterGauge class. The properties are described in alphabetic order.


Use this property to specify a style class name suffix as a String value.

Then, in Application Designer, create custom style class definitions by append this style class name suffix to style class names. These custom style class definitions will override delivered style class definitions found in any of the PSCHARTSTYLE* sub style sheets.

For example, if the value of this property is set to MY_OVRD, then create the PSCHARTTITLE_MY_OVRD custom style class to override the PSCHARTTITLE style class.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify an Integer value (0 or greater) indicating how long (in milliseconds) the gauge animation should last.

If this property is not specified, it defaults to the value of the GAnimationDuration property of the PT_CHART_GAUGE style class, which is 500 milliseconds.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the animation type for the gauge or chart. You can specify either an integer or constant value for this property.

If this property is not specified, it defaults to the value of the GAnimationDefType property of the PT_CHART_GAUGE style class, which is TransitionToLeft.

The values are:

Numeric Value

Constant Value





Note: The automatic animation is determined by the charting engine and varies by chart type.

























This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify a Float value indicating the height of the chart as a proportion of its width.

If the aspect ratio is not defined, a default value of 1 is used on fluid pages.

Note: AspectRatio is ignored on classic pages; instead, the height is determined by the height of the chart page control defined in Application Designer or by the Height and Width properties.

This property is read-write.


&smGauge.AspectRatio = 0.8;


Use this property to specify the text of the bottom label as a String value.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the position of the bottom label. You can specify either an Integer or constant value for this property.

The values are:

Numeric Value

Constant Value




Display the bottom label below the gauge.

Note: %BelowGauge is the default value.



Display the bottom label inside the gauge.



Do not display a bottom label for the gauge.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify an Integer indicating the number of decimal places to display for the metric label. The default value: 0.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the highest value for the gauge as a Float value. If this property is not set, it will be automatically determined.

This property is read-write.


In the following example, the maximum for the gauge is set to 100.

&cGauge.GaugeMaximum = 100;


Use this property to specify the lowest value for the gauge as a Float value. If this property is not set, it will be automatically determined.

This property is read-write.


In the following example, the minimum for the gauge is set to 0.

&cGauge.GaugeMinimum = 0;


Use this property to specify a valid URL as a String value. If IsDrillable is true, then the user is redirected to this URL after clicking on (or touching) the gauge.

This property is read-write.


On a classic page, use this property to specify a Number value indicating the height of the gauge in pixels.

Note: On a fluid page, the combination of the AspectRatio, Height, and Width properties are used to determine the size of the gauge.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify a Boolean value indicating whether the gauge is interactive—that is, whether the user can click on (or touch) the gauge to trigger an action. The default value is False.

The source of interactivity on a gauge can come from one of two places:

  • A URL set in the gauge's GaugeURL property.

  • FieldChange PeopleCode on the record field that holds the gauge area (that is, the Application Designer chart control).

If both a URL is set in the GaugeURL property and FieldChange PeopleCode exists on the record field of the gauge control, the URL will take precedence over the PeopleCode.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify where the legend should appear, in relationship to the gauge. You can specify either an Integer or constant value for this property.

The legend will only appear if you have used the SetThreshold method and you have set this property to something other than %ChartLegend_None.

The values are:

Numeric Value

Constant Value




Display the legend to the left of the gauge.



Display the legend to the right of the gauge.



Display the legend above the gauge.



Display the legend beneath the gauge.



Don’t display a legend.

Note: %ChartLegend_None is the default value.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify a Float value that indicates at what interval major tick marks appear. The default value is 0, which means that no major or minor tick marks will appear.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the label position for the gauge’s metric value. You can specify either an Integer or constant value for this property.

The values are:

Numeric Value

Constant Value




Display the label for the metric below the gauge.



Display the label for the metric inside the gauge.



Don’t display a label for the metric.

Note: %Label_None is the default value.



Display the metric label together with the bottom label.

* The positions described are when the Type property is set to %GaugeType_Dial_Standard. For other dial gauge types, the positions can vary from the ones described.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the label type for the gauge’s metric value. You can specify either an Integer or constant value for this property.

The values are:

Numeric Value

Constant Value




Display the metric as a number.



Display the metric as a percentage, which is calculated as follows:

((Metric – Gauge Minimum) / (Gauge Maximum – Gauge Minimum)) * 100

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify a Float value that indicates at what interval minor tick marks appear. Minor tick marks will not appear unless major tick marks also appear.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the text of the top label as a String value.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the position of the top label. You can specify either an Integer or constant value for this property.

The values are:

Numeric Value

Constant Value




Display the top label above the gauge.

Note: %AboveGauge is the default value.



Display the top label inside the gauge.



Do not display a top label for the gauge.

This property is read-write.


Use this property to specify the visual representation of the gauge. You can specify either an Integer or constant value for this property.

The values are:

Numeric Value

Constant Value




Display a horizontal status meter gauge:

Status meter gauge set as %GaugeType_StatusMeter_Horiz



Display a vertical status meter gauge:

Status meter gauge set as %GaugeType_StatusMeter_Vert

Note: %GaugeType_StatusMeter_Vert is the default value.



Display a circular status meter gauge:

Circular status meter gauge

This property is read-write.

Example 1

Image: Circular status meter gauge without a threshold

The following example demonstrates creating a circular status meter gauge without a threshold:

Circular status meter gauge without a threshold

In the following example, the status meter gauge is displayed horizontally.

Local StatusMeterGauge &oSM;

/* Instantiate a StatusMeterGauge object */
&oSM = GetStatusMeterGauge(QE_GAUGEMETRIC.QE_SM1);
&oSM.Type = %GaugeType_StatusMeter_Circ;

&oSM.GaugeMinimum = 1;
&oSM.GaugeMaximum = 100;
&oSM.IsDrillable = True;
&oSM.GaugeURL = "";
&oSM.Width = 400;
&oSM.Height = 400;
&oSM.MetricLabelType = %Percent;

rem this property works for DVT gauge but not for JET gauge;
rem &oSM.MetricLabelPosition = %Label_None;

Example 2

Image: Circular status meter gauge with thresholds

The following example demonstrates creating a circular status meter gauge with thresholds:

Circular status meter gauge with thresholds
Declare Function get_gauge_thresholds PeopleCode FUNCLIB.THRESHOLDS FieldFormula;

Local StatusMeterGauge &oSM;

/* Instantiate a StatusMeterGauge object */
&oSM = GetStatusMeterGauge(QE_GAUGEMETRIC.QE_SM1);
&oSM.Type = %GaugeType_StatusMeter_Circ;

/* Set the gauge thresholds */

/* Set properties for the status meter gauge */
&oSM.GaugeMinimum = 1;
&oSM.GaugeMaximum = 100;
&oSM.IsDrillable = True;
&oSM.GaugeURL = "";
&oSM.Width = 400;
&oSM.Height = 400;
&oSM.MetricLabelType = %Percent;
&oSM.MetricLabelPosition = %Label_On;

/* Function definition from FUNCLIB.THRESHOLDS */
Function get_gauge_thresholds() Returns Threshold;
   Local Threshold &oThr1;
   Local array of number &Values, &Colors;
   Local array of string &Descr;
   &oThr1 = GetThreshold();
   &oThr1.Id = 1;
   &Values = CreateArray(30, 75, 100);
   &Colors = CreateArray(17, 1, 14, 5, 6);
   &Descr = CreateArray("Low", "Med", "High");
   &oThr1.Values = &Values;
   &oThr1.Colors = &Colors;
   &oThr1.Descriptions = &Descr;
   Return &oThr1;


On a classic page, use this property to specify a Number value indicating the width of the gauge in pixels.

Note: On a fluid page, the combination of the AspectRatio, Height, and Width properties are used to determine the size of the gauge.

This property is read-write.