Internet Script Classes

The following is a description of the PeopleCode classes, methods, and properties that you use to create an iScript.

The Request object encapsulates all information from the request issued from the browser. This includes the URI, Query String, QueryString parameters, Cookies, and Headers. The properties for the Request object are read-only.


Request parameters are name-value pairs sent by the client to the web server as part of an HTTP request. They include the pairs in the query string part of the URL, and data posted in a form, if the request was a post request. Multiple parameter values can exist for any given parameter name. The following methods are available to access parameters:

  • GetParameter

  • GetParameterNames

  • GetParameterValues

The GetParameterValues method returns an array of String objects containing all the parameter values associated with a parameter name. The value returned from the GetParameter method equals the first value in the array of String objects returned by GetParameterValues.

All form data from both the query string and the post body are aggregated into the request parameter set. The order of this aggregation is that query string data appears before post body parameter data.

The response object encapsulates all the information to be sent back to the browser. This includes the body of the response, content type, response headers, and cookies.

The response object also includes helper methods that retrieve HTML, Image, StyleSheet, and other objects from the database and move them to the web server, and returning strings that can be used to reference these objects in the response content.

The body of the response is created using the response object's Write and WriteLine methods. If the content type of the response is not explicitly set in the PeopleCode program, it defaults to "text/html".

Cookies are data sent from the client to the server on every request that the client makes. Cookies are stored by the browser, either on disk or in memory, and returned to the server that originally set the cookie.

The Internet Script API makes available the name and value of each cookie that's sent with the request, through the Request object's GetCookieNames and GetCookieValue methods. The API also enables you to set new cookies (or alter existing cookies) through the Response object's CreateCookie method and the Cookie object's properties.