Naming Standards

This section describes the naming standards these components of application classes: packages, classes, methods, and properties.

The naming standard for application packages is in the following format.


Where CC is the company name (for example, PS is PeopleSoft), XXX is the product line, and YYY is the product code.

Examples are PS_CRM and PS_CRM_RB.

Use a constructor to be the same name as the short name for the class. PeopleSoft recommends that you do not name classes to be GetXxx.

Make method names simple verb or verb object words, spelled out, first letter of each word capitalized. Examples: GetField, Save, SetDefault, WriteRecord

Make property names nouns, likewise spelled out, first letter of each word capitalized. Examples: Dimension, HTTPMethod, PathInfo, SubscriptionProcessId.

For Boolean read-only properties, sometimes IsXxx is appropriate. Examples: IsOpen, IsNewFieldID, IsChanged, IsDeleted

State Boolean properties positively, that is, IsChanged, as opposed to negatively, IsUnChanged. This avoids double negatives when testing (If Not &MyField.IsUnChanged Then. . . .)