Populating an Array

There are several ways to populate an array. The example code following each of these methods creates the exact same array, with the same elements:

  • Use CreateArray when you initially create the array:

    Local Array of Number &MyArray;
    &MyArray = CreateArray(100, 200, 300);
  • Assign values to the elements of the array:

    Local Array of Any &MYARRAY;
    &MYARRAY = CreateArray();
    &MYARRAY[1] = 100;
    &MYARRAY[2] = 200;
    &MYARRAY[3] = 300;

    Note: Using CreateArray without any parameters creates an array of Any.

  • Use the Push method to add items to the end of the array:

    Local Array of Number &MYARRAY;
    Local Number &MYNUM;
    &MYARRAY = CreateArrayRept(&MYNUM, 0);
    /* this creates an empty array of number */
  • Use the Unshift method to add items to the beginning of the array:

    Local Array of Number &MYARRAY;
    Local Number &MYNUM;
    &MYARRAY = CreateArrayRept(&MYNUM, 0);
    /* this creates an empty array of number */

You can also use CreateArrayRept (repeat) when you initially create the array. The following example creates an array with three elements: all three elements have the same data, that is, 100:

Local Array of Number &MYARRAY;

&MYARRAY = CreateArrayRept(100, 3);