Shortcut Considerations

The default method for the row class is GetRecord. This means you can specify just a record name to access a record on the row. For example, the following two lines of code are equivalent:

&Count = &MyRow.EMPL_CHECKLIST.FieldCount;

&Count = &MyRow.GetRecord(RECORD.EMPL_CHECKLIST).FieldCount;

In addition, the row class has a method scrollname. This enables you to access a specific child rowset and row within that rowset. This isn't a default method: you're not accessing a child object, but rather, something within that object. For example, the following two lines of code are equivalent:

&ChildRow = &MyRow.EMPL_CHKLST_ITM(&I);

&ChildRow = &MyRow.GetRowset(SCROLL.EMPL_CHKLST_ITM).GetRow(&I);