iScript Security

iScripts are secured on your system similar to Component Interfaces. After you create a WEBLIB record, and your functions, you must add them just as you would add a page to an application.

To add security to an iScript :

  1. Navigate to the Maintain Security page and open the Permission List to which you want to give access.

  2. Select Web Libraries.

    You may need to scroll through the tabs at the top of the page to access the Web Libraries tab.

  3. (Optional) Add new WebLibrary for Permission List.

    If this is a new Web Library, you must add it to the permission list. Click the plus button to add a new Web Library, then select the library you want to add from the drop-down list box.

  4. Select Edit for the Web Library you want to grant access for.

  5. Select the access you want to give each function in the WEBLIB record.

    From the page that displays, you can choose to allow or disallow access on a per function basis. The buttons on the side of the page either grant or disallow access for all functions.

SeePeopleTools: Security Administration.