Viewing Open PMUs

Access the Open PMUs page (PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, System Monitor, Open PMUs).

An open PMU is a PMU that started but has not finished prior to an agent reporting performance metrics to the monitor. Information regarding open PMUs are stored in the PSPMTRANSCURR table. When the PMU finishes, the PSPPMSRV flags the PMU for deletion and inserts a matching row into the PSPMTRANSHIST table, which stores completed PMU data.

See Scheduling the Reaper Program.

If an end user is reporting that a PeopleSoft page is slow (displays the "Processing...." message), use the Open PMU page to see where the request has stalled. Search for that user's name to see the current state of that user's open PMUs.

Before you view current PMU details, you need to enter search criteria. If you don't specify criteria, the page displays all of the open PMUs for the selected system.

Field or Control


User ID

If you want information per user, enter the user ID of the user for which you want to track current PMUs.

The user ID prompts against the PSPMOPRDEFN table, which is populated by the Lookup Application Engine program.

Performance Trace Name

You enter the performance trace name to search on currently open PMUs running within a particular trace.

If a user has launched a performance trace in the Performance Console, the system labels every PMU that is generated in a business process with a performance trace name.

The performance trace name prompts against the PSPMPERFTRACE table, which is populated by the Lookup Application Engine program.


If you want information per component, enter the name of the component for which you want to track completed PMUs.

The component prompts against the PSPMPNLGRPDEFN table, which is populated by the Lookup Application Engine program.

Note: Searching on component is equivalent to searching on context 1 for application server PMUs.


Select the market that is associated with the component.


Indicates the set to which the PMU definition belongs.

A PMU definition set is similar to a message set.

To view the complete set of PMU set definitions, select Performance Monitor > Utilities > PMU Definitions.

See PMU Definitions.


Identifies the PMU definition within a PMU definition set.

To view the complete set of PMU definitions, select Performance Monitor > Utilities > PMU Definitions.

Context 1, 2, 3

PMU metrics contain data that is specific to that PMU. Context values, on the other hand, are common to the entire user request or a specific tier. For example, the component name is stored in a context for all PMU's that are generated by an application server while it is processing that component. The system uses contexts to "flatten" a PMU tree. For example, you do not have to navigate up from a SQL PMU to an ICPanel PMU to see what component generated that SQL statement.

In some cases, a parent PMU determines the usage of a child PMU's context fields. In such cases, the context label for the child PMU type is Generic.

Use the Context Help button to view the context definitions for a PMU set ID and ID that you've entered.

See Context Definitions.

Top Instance

Each PMU that is reported by an agent has a unique instance ID. The instance identifier of the first PMU generated by a particular user request is the top instance. The value of the top instance is then stored with every child PMU within a request. The top instance is the associating value for all PMUs that are generated by the same user request.

Use this search field when you already know the top instance of the PMU in which you are interested.

Instance Identifier

Each PMU reported by an agent has a unique instance ID.

Duration >=/<

Specify criteria that is related to the duration of a PMU. The duration is the difference between the current monitor database time and the date and time that the monitor received the open PMU. The system searches for PMUs with a duration greater than or equal to the value that you enter, or less than the value that you enter. The value is in seconds.

Domain Name

Select the application server, web server, or Process Scheduler domain of the agent process that is reporting the PMUs.

Domain Host/Port

Select the host name and port number of the application server, web server, or Process Scheduler domain from which the PMUs were reported.

Agent ID

Select the agent that reported the PMUs.

Agent Type

Select agent type, such as PSAPPSRV, PSQRYSRV, or PSQCKSRV, that reported the PMUs.

Note: Some of the metrics for various PMUs don’t have values until the PMU finishes, so in some cases, metrics may appear with no values.

Open PMUs

The following information appears on the Summary tab.

Field or Control



Displays the label for that PMU type.


Displays the duration of the PMU.

PMU Details

The string that is generated by concatenating all of the contexts and metrics that are selected for display in the PMU definition.

User ID

Identifies the user whose request generated the PMU.


The action could be Start orUpdate. Every PMU has a start, which refers to a request initiating the PMU. The update action applies to long running PMUs, which the Performance Monitor updates periodically with the latest metric values.

Monitor Received Date/Time

Indicates when the monitor system received notification that a PMU had been started or updated.

Agent Start Date/Time

Indicates that time according to the agent clock that the last update was generated.

The Identifiers tab presents the following additional information.

Field or Control



Indicates the set to which the PMU definition belongs. A PMU definition set is similar to a message set. To view the complete set of PMU set definitions, select PeopleTools > Performance Monitor > Administration > Meta-data > PMU Definitions.


Identifies the PMU definition within a PMU definition set.

See PMU Definitions.

Agent ID

Identifies the agent that reported the PMU information.

Domain Name

The domain from which the PMU was reported.

Monitor Last Update Date/Time

The monitor date and time of the most recent event of a specific event type that was received from a specific agent.

Agent Last Update Date/Time

Indicates that time according to the agent clock that the last update was received.


The operating system process ID of the process that generated the PMU.


PMU instance ID. Each PMU has a unique instance ID.

Parent Instance

The instance ID of the parent PMU.

Top Instance

Each PMU that is reported by an agent has a unique instance ID. The instance identifier of the first PMU that is generated by a particular user request is the top instance. The value of the top instance is then stored with every child PMU within a request. The top instance is the associating value for all PMUs that are generated by the same user request.

The Contexts tab displays the context information that is associated with a particular PMU.

The Metrics tab displays the metric information that is associated with a particular PMU.